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Chapter 608: Striving to be the Most Boastful Civilization in the Universe!

At the very moment the electromagnetic signal was sent, a spectacular azure figure appeared atop the spacecraft, holding a long, geometric alien. This was undoubtedly the force projection that Lynn Maxwell had left behind. Seeing that the spacecraft's energy shield could no longer sustain itself, Lynn made a direct entrance.

The sudden transmission tightened the expressions of the geometric aliens aboard to the extreme, as they each pulled out their weapons—a set of anti-electron guns.

But just as they were about to act, everything around them—time, space, matter—seemed to freeze in place. Then, hundreds of weapons began to float and drift backward.

Lynn snapped his fingers, and under the spell of "Material Deconstruction," the hundreds of anti-electron guns were instantaneously disassembled back into their fundamental particles.

"What kind of technology is this?" The governor was dumbstruck. While decomposing matter into basic particles wasn't anything special—the material decomposition device on the spacecraft could do that too—the opponent clearly didn't carry any technological instruments beyond their own understanding, and had even cracked their communication signals and language system.

Lynn's ability to so easily master the language of the geometric aliens was undoubtedly thanks to the powerful psychic spells.

In fact, the oddly shaped alien brains and consciousness were also protected by a kind of encoding, but unfortunately, it was not on the same track as magic and naturally had its vulnerabilities.

So after dealing with the guards outside the spaceship, Lynn successfully extracted basic information about the geometric civilization from these aliens' minds, now brandishing it to enhance his own mystique and portray the superiority of a high-level civilization.

After all, the unknown is the most terrifying!

With the previous interstellar war as a backdrop, and this deliberate display of mystery, the effect was evidently significant, instantly subduing these aliens who had never encountered magic before.

"We request to be taken as prisoners according to the conventions of the star system!" With their weapons seized and the ship's energy depleted, the governor had no choice but to cease resistance, as it was clear they were up against a higher-dimensional life form, against whom they stood no chance.

The so-called conventions of the star system were something Lynn had also learned from the guards' brains. However, he had no intention of adhering to them; they were merely traditional rules established by a dozen or so larger civilizations within this galaxy after past wars, ineffective beyond this star system.

Moreover, Lynn had no intention of annihilating these people but allowed the battleship to continue towards the Eternal Star.

Though parts of the main god’s body and subsequent black hole's tearing force had erased most of the disc-shaped battleships, a few main ships with ample energy had escaped.

Each of these main ships likely carried coordinates, meaning if necessary, the geometric civilization's fleet could appear in this star sector near the Eternal Star, only about 0.1 light-years away.

Therefore, capturing a spaceship and engaging in negotiations directly to ensure they maintained an advantageous position was extremely important.

Seeing that Lynn disregarded the so-called star system conventions, the governor's heart sank, but he had no other choice but to grit his teeth and state that the ship had run out of energy and could not undertake long-distance voyages.

"Your energy source must be antimatter, right? Well, that’s easy to handle…" Lynn extended his hand, and a large amount of anti-hydrogen began to gather in his palm, eventually condensing into a fist-sized liquid sphere, floating in mid-air.

Handling antimatter with bare hands...

Lynn once again demonstrated his skills, completely baffling the geometric aliens.

The governor's body also lit up with a spectrum of colors, but he managed to maintain his composure. He instructed someone to retrieve the antimatter collection device, preparing to restart the matter-antimatter reactor.

After Lynn left markers on these geometric aliens, he let them head towards the Eternal Star on their own, then traveled alone to the outer star domain.

The battlefield of this star system war was now completely enveloped by the black hole's "event horizon." From afar, it looked like a dark abyss surrounded by a brilliantly bright ring, the remnant energy from the battlefield spiraling into the insatiable darkness.

This was the first time Lynn had admired such a magnificent cosmic phenomenon up close.

No, it should be called a man-made alien miracle.

Fortunately, the gravitational capture range of the black hole was just right, blocking the entryway from the main world. It seemed there was no need to worry about threats from the other side for the time being.

Of course, this wasn’t 100% safe. The part of the main god that had emerged from the space-time rift had shown the ability to contend with a nascent black hole...

Lynn couldn't guarantee that the opponent didn't possess the capability to crack a black hole.

But the accompanying bad news wasn’t few; while the black hole provided them protection, it

 also conveniently cleared the entire battlefield. After the gods of the main world fell, their priesthoods, divine powers, and divinities were all sucked into the singularity at the black hole's center, making it nearly impossible to retrieve these spoils of war.

Other matters aside, the Thunder Priesthood caught Lynn’s eye since it was related to the most fundamental force in the universe—the electromagnetic force. If he could fully master it, his power would undoubtedly ascend to an unimaginable level.

Undeterred, Lynn circled the event horizon of the black hole several times, hoping to find some overlooked spoils of war, but his efforts were in vain. He had to settle for the next best thing. Since he was able to condense an Arcane Deity in this universe, perhaps he could also re-manifest the other divine roles…

Meanwhile, back at the Eternal Star, within the capital's war room:

As the terrifying interstellar war finally concluded, with both sides nearly devastated, Victorio and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it wasn’t time to celebrate just yet, as there was an urgent issue that needed to be addressed—how to conduct the forthcoming negotiations to secure as many benefits as possible.

They knew their current deterrence was solely reliant on stand-ins from the gods of the main world. Once the opposing side realized they had been deceived, the previously carefully crafted advantageous situation would collapse. Angered and embarrassed, the geometric civilization would likely send a far larger fleet to invade, and their own forces would not be able to withstand it.

This meticulous handling of the situation by Lynn and his colleagues highlighted the strategic depth and cunning of their leadership, setting the stage for complex negotiations where they would need to leverage every advantage they had gleaned from this cosmic conflict.


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