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Chapter 606: The Overarching God and the Ultimate Weapon of the Geometric Civilization

"The Supreme God has taken action!"

Just as a giant hand extended from a crack in space-time, every wizard present felt their heart rise to their throat, especially those like Harof who had experienced the great retreat in a foreign realm. They knew all too well the terrifying power of the adversary, who had almost crushed the entire foreign realm with a single strike! Its immense strength was beyond words.

Even Lynn's expression grew solemn as memories extracted from the remnants of the Moon God’s consciousness quickly surfaced in his mind.

Compared to gods with definite domains such as Lies, the Undead, and Life, the Supreme Gods were the true rulers of the main world. It was rumored that there were three of them, yet even Diana, the Moon God, had never seen them unleash their full power.

The only certainty was that this hand emerging from the void was even larger than the last time it grasped the foreign realm, roughly comparable in size to the Eternal Star, and was incredibly solid; even the skin's texture was clearly visible...

A chill suddenly ran through Lynn’s heart, followed by the realization that this was not merely a projection of power; it was likely a real hand, part of the body of a Supreme God!

Clearly, with the fall of three gods, the space-time portal now allowed even more powerful beings to pass through!

The Supreme God himself seemed intent on stepping into this world!

As the giant hand emerged from the space-time rift, the situation on the light screen reversed dramatically by one hundred and eighty degrees.

The pinnacle weapon of the geometric civilization, a terrifying dimensional trap, could even trap a deity as powerful as Harliere and severely injure two other powerful deities. Yet, it barely slowed down the progress of this giant hand.

"What should we do now?" Aurora quickly realized that this space-time-affecting weapon was likely the most powerful force this alien civilization could muster, but it clearly wasn’t enough to handle a Supreme God-level enemy.

Lynn pondered for a moment, then spoke. "I deliberately left some power in the spaceship's cabin for emergencies. Perhaps we can find a way to close the space-time portal, but there’s only one chance..."

Indeed, the appearance of the Supreme God was not unexpected to him; the adversary had made a move during the battle in the foreign realm, and this massive invasion was undoubtedly well-prepared.

Now, it remained to be seen whether the extragalactic civilization had the capability to handle this formidable enemy!


In the cosmic void filled with debris and electromagnetic rays, the sky-covering giant hand had already grasped forty-five disc-shaped warships, moving at an incredible speed. Despite the influence of the dimensional trap, it achieved near-light speed, covering a million kilometers in about four seconds!

Escape was not an option. The overseer was acutely aware that once the adversary broke through the dimensional trap, controlling higher-dimensional spaces would allow it to easily surpass the speed of light, making retreat impossible. The previous jump had likely exposed the coordinates of their home world.

However, before that, forty-five Annihilation Cannons had already roared into action. These terrifying weapons, capable of disintegrating a planet with a single strike, quickly breached the protective divine magic covering the giant hand, blasting open its flesh and bones.

Yet the hand was simply too large, and such injuries were insignificant; it was akin to poking a few dozen holes in a palm with a toothpick.

Massive amounts of blood spurted from the wounds in the giant hand.

Normally, in the vacuum of space, there is no concept of direction, and blood would either stick to the surface of the hand or scatter everywhere. But in this instance, the blood eerily rushed towards the warships.

"Zoom in, enhance the image!" Aurora, sensing something amiss, urgently commanded.

Lynn nodded, and the light screen’s perspective, which had originally overviewed the entire scene, immediately zoomed in on the falling flesh and blood.

Once the inner view became clear, a chill ran down everyone’s spine; these were not merely torn pieces of flesh but were clusters of bizarre-looking eyes, densely packed and layered, creating a creepy and unnerving sight...

Subsequently, red beams shot out from these eyes.

Millions of light beams struck down like a spectacular meteor shower. Despite the disc-shaped warships being protected by top-tier energy shields with ample energy reserves, they couldn’t withstand such a barrage; in just one encounter, over twenty warships were destroyed!

Watching the nearly overwhelming battle on the light screen, the council members involuntarily gasped; the disparity was simply too great!

Lynn and others weren’t the only ones watching this scene; on the mother world of the geometric people, electromagnetic waves flowed between each other during a heated debate in the disc-shaped council. Bright, colorful lights flickered incessantly in the council chamber.

Most overseers participating in this meeting believed they should immediately cease host ilities, as the high-dimensional war machine that had emerged from the space-time rift was far too terrifying. Even the mother world’s most advanced weapon, the dimensional trap, had proven ineffective. Forty-five Annihilation Cannons had been fired, causing only superficial flesh wounds.

Continuing the war would not only result in greater casualties but also ensure a devastatingly harsh surrender.

It was a war they could not possibly win.

However, some geometric beings held opposing views. If the war ended in their complete defeat, it would inevitably lead them into a more perilous situation.

They had made a long-distance wormhole jump this time, which likely leaked the coordinates of their home world. And surrender had its levels—if they could demonstrate the strength of their civilization and make the enemy aware of the heavy casualties required for an unprovoked attack, then a temporary peace might be achievable at a considerable cost.

"What can we use to counter these high-dimensional weapons if even the dimensional trap can't defeat them?" several high-ranking overseers communicated pointedly.

Although they had only deployed fifty-five warships, all were among the most technologically advanced in the geometric civilization’s active fleet, with no outdated models. And judging by the situation, even if the mother world were to invest several times more resources, it couldn’t reverse the course of the battle.

"Why not use the 'Ultimate Weapon'?" an elliptical-shaped leader suddenly suggested.

The room fell deathly silent the moment the message was received.

The so-called Ultimate Weapon was a superweapon developed over the past hundred years, based on curvature engine technology and micro-particle science. However, a major accident occurred thirty years ago when weapon development reached a critical phase, completely erasing a very important scientific research planet and killing a large number of top researchers.

Subsequently, this technology, which exceeded the current scientific capabilities of the mother world, was shelved, to be possibly resumed once new breakthroughs in micro-particle and dimensional technologies were achieved.

"But is there enough time to prepare the 'Ultimate Weapon' now?" someone voiced their doubts.

"There is time!" the elliptical-shaped leader asserted, revealing that his star system had secretly continued the research, and they were just about to conduct the first experimental test soon.

The other disc leaders realized this as well, but now was not the time to assign blame. The war concerned the survival of their entire mother world; they had no choice but to take a gamble.

After making the decision, orders were transmitted through quantum entanglement to the targeted star system, and the warships on the battlefield also received the message.

"Commander, hurry, initiate the dimensional jump, maximum distance!" the main ship's observer received the word 'Ultimate Weapon' and immediately shuddered, quickly completing the communication.

The commander did not hesitate, using all remaining energy to perform the furthest dimensional jump.

Previously, they had been cautious in using it because it was highly energy-consuming; only the main ships were equipped, and the jump distance was not long, at most about 500,000 kilometers, which could be covered in less than two seconds at sub-light speed. The only advantage was its speed; it required only 0.4 seconds to complete!

And now, it was urgently needed.

The remaining few main ships also vanished from their original locations, but the rest of the disc-shaped warships weren’t so fortunate. Without dimensional jump capabilities, they could only flee the area at sub-light speed. However, destruction arrived even sooner!

A fifty-kilometer diameter, unremarkable sphere was thrown over by a temporary wormhole.

Its surface was unbelievably smooth; from the moment it appeared, it continuously collapsed inward, compressing to the size of a crystal ball in just one second. Like a massive vortex, it tore into the surrounding space, light, debris, and all matter and energy, dragging everything into it...

This was the geometric civilization’s ultimate weapon—a man-made black hole!


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