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Chapter 607: Artificial Black Hole, The Sundering of the Prime God

What exactly is a black hole?

A black hole is one of the most terrifying natural phenomena in the universe, often described as a gravitational monster, a devourer of stars, usually formed from the collapse of a supermassive star.

However, this artificial black hole is the ultimate creation of a geometric civilization's research into dimensions and subatomic particles. It consists of a core densely packed with neutrons, surrounded by a massive quantity of special metal, with element nine used as a barrier in between.

Once the moment is right, further compression of the neutron core from a higher-dimensional plane overcomes neutron degeneracy pressure, causing the inward gravitational pull to exceed the repulsive force between subatomic particles, thus forming a miniature black hole!

The construction of this ultra-dense celestial body, fifty kilometers in diameter, nearly exhausted the resources of an entire galaxy and took a full thirty years to build this superweapon! But its power is terrifying indeed, with a density so high that not even light can escape. Within just 0.01 seconds, a massive gravitational vortex forms instantly.

Within this vortex, the gods of thunder and war had just escaped the influence of the quantum tides, only to feel an intense threat of death. In the high-dimensional view, the threads of space resembled water flowing into a whirlpool, continuously falling toward the central singularity...

The first to be sucked in were the pieces of flesh and blood resembling eyes, followed by the remnants scattered in the void and the residual energies. Next, three deities were pulled in.

The weaker God of Order was already destroyed by the quantum tides, offering no resistance before being dragged into the rapidly expanding black hole.

The slightly stronger God of Space, Nesos, struggled against the terrifying tearing force, but it was futile. Having exhausted too much divine power in the previous wars, he could not withstand the power of this cosmic wonder and followed the God of Order within 0.5 seconds.

The body of the God of Thunder and War was also dismembered, and even the interstellar warships could not escape the black hole's gravitational pull, all being torn apart since the escape velocity of this miniature black hole was 1.5 times the speed of light.

It wasn't that the leaders of the home world didn't value the lives of these geometric beings; rather, the covering giant hand arrived too swiftly. Delaying even a second would have crushed these warships into pieces! Being used as bait, they died more valuably.

And from a rift in space-time, a hand as large as a planet stretched out, seemingly intending to crush the black hole itself! Two powerful forces intertwined on the battlefield; the young black hole, initially limited in the matter it absorbed, struggled to affect the giant hand. But as three mighty gods were sucked into the singularity, the internal matter and energy surged again, and the balance of power was soon broken.

Torrents of blood and flesh burst from the blood holes opened by the Annihilation Cannon, creating horrifying blood columns in the void.

The scope of the black hole also expanded rapidly. For such a cosmic catastrophe, the more matter and energy it absorbed, the more intense the spatial distortion became, with its strength nearly limitless!

"What kind of weapon is this?"

Victorio and others were shocked. Just moments ago, they were worried about the geometric civilization's lack of resistance against the prime god; the next, they were all standing up, staring in horror at the terrifying space vortex.

From the time rift, the entire hand was sucked into the black hole, first tearing the skin and flesh, then several knuckles, and finally, the tearing intensified, swallowing several fingers.

Lynn was also incredibly surprised; the opposition had mastered the creation of black holes, elevating his estimation of this alien civilization's technological level.

However, seeing the interstellar warships also swallowed by the black hole, it seemed likely that they could not yet control this superweapon comfortably.

Luckily, to avoid being accidentally injured by the remnants of war, he had chosen a viewing spot quite far from the black hole's event horizon. Yet, with the mass of the black hole increasing rapidly, it wouldn’t be long before its influence reached him. "It seems this war is about to end."

Watching as the colossal hand, as large as a star, was torn and shredded, becoming nourishment for the black hole, Lynn quickly made a judgment.

It was time to clean up the aftermath...

Meanwhile, a tenth of a light-year away in the cosmic void, the terrifying black hole, having swallowed the giant hand, had expanded its event horizon to hundreds of thousands of kilometers! From a distance, it looked like a massive void had appeared in the nothingness of space.

The flagship that had initiated dimensional jumping had timely escaped the range of the black hole, but consecutive battles and a super-long-distance spatial teleportation had completely drained its energy. It could only rely on capturing cosmic rays and converting them into electricity to barely maintain its power supply, reducing its speed to about one-third of light speed.

Their only hope was that the black hole's reach would not continue to expand, otherwise, the spaceship at its current speed would definitely be engulfed.

"What a terrifying force."

The Governor looked back at the magnificent cosmic spectacle behind him, recalling the sky-covering giant hand that could actually contend with a super-celestial body like a black hole. Fortunately, in the end, it was devoured by their ultimate weapon.

"Has the home world issued any new commands?" The Governor quickly composed his emotions and glanced at the observer beside him.

"No... not yet," the elongated observer hesitated, then communicated again. "Governor, our communications seem to be blocked, perhaps due to interference from the black hole."

The Governor sensed something was amiss. Indeed, the presence of a black hole could disrupt communications, but they had already left the range of the event horizon, and communications should not be completely blocked.

As he pondered, a sudden alarm blared intensely throughout the spaceship's interior.

"What's happened?" The remaining crew members instantly tensed up, as colorful electromagnetic waves flickered non-stop in the cockpit.

The Governor immediately rebooted the shipboard photonic brain, which had gone into standby due to energy depletion. But before that, an utterly unfamiliar electromagnetic signal forcibly invaded their communication system, delivering a message directly into their minds.

"Surrender, you have already... been captured!"


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