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Chapter 281: Unknown Purpose

The mysterious liquid in the syringe caused Deser's body to swell significantly, but it seemed to have severe side effects. His eyes bulged out painfully.


As his hyoid bone broke, he struggled and could only make unintelligible noises. Blood and foam dribbled from his mouth down his cheeks onto the workbench.

The person who injected Deser with the liquid put away the syringe and carefully monitored the life signs amid Deser’s drastic changes. Meanwhile, another person who had shattered Deser's hyoid bone held a notebook, taking notes.

"Life signs normal, success rate so far is 78%," said the note-taker in a cold, unemotional voice.

Deser was still conscious but gradually losing strength, his struggles subsided.

He felt despair and fear, knowing his life was nearing its end.

He was the eldest son of the old man Modeno, destined to take over his father's position, governing one of the great regions among the five continents—a life high above the rest, intoxicating to anyone.

That was his future, so bright.

Yet, the bright future he had so looked forward to had plummeted into perpetual darkness.

Deser's consciousness grew blurry, but he could still faintly hear the conversation next to him.

"Half an hour later, proceed with the baptism."

"Prepare chamber number 9."

Outside the glass, a scholarly man somehow produced a slice of pizza and began to eat it barehanded, bite by bite.

"As long as it's above fifty percent, it qualifies for actual use, but I am still not satisfied," he said.

"Each life is precious, although there is a possibility of death, we must reduce it to ten percent."

"Just wait, Netero, and you high and mighty beasts, we will make you remember… the name of that flower."

A vein throbbed at the corner of the scholarly man's eye, his emotion unsettled.

He viciously swallowed the remaining pizza as if devouring the very Netero and the high and mighty he mentioned.

The last half-slice went into his mouth, bulging his cheeks painfully, as it was too large to chew comfortably.

But the scholarly man didn’t chew. Veins surfaced on his face, and his eyes shone coldly as he swallowed the pizza whole.


The unchewed pizza was rolled up by his tongue and descended his throat, the lump visibly moving down from the outside.

This oddity made it seem as if the scholarly man had no hyoid bone, just a pure muscular esophagus.

After swallowing the pizza, the scholarly man slowly extended his greasy right hand, patting one of his subordinates sitting at the control desk on the shoulder. He then vigorously wiped his hand a few times to ensure it was clean before withdrawing it.

Then, he picked up a wireless microphone and coldly said, "I'll be waiting in chamber number 9."

After speaking, he casually tossed the microphone onto the control desk and left the room.

The person at the control desk carefully put away the microphone and continued monitoring the situation in the lab.

Time passed, and soon half an hour was up. Deser's life signs were very stable, and his body had grown significantly stronger, as if he had rapidly gained a high level of physical fitness.

"Let's begin."

The note-taker said calmly.

The person who had injected Deser nodded slightly, placing his hand on Deser's body and slowly infusing Nen into him.

He was forcefully opening Deser's Aura Nodes, making him a Nen user.

Through baptism, a person who does not know about Nen could quickly gain the conditions to become a Nen user. However, it was a dangerous process, and if the physical condition was not up to par, death was often the outcome.

The liquid in the syringe seemed to enhance physical fitness. This group first enhanced Deser's physical condition, then baptized him to reduce the death rate.

The Nen forcefully surged into Deser's body, brutally prying open his Aura Nodes.

In less than thirty seconds, the person withdrew his hand, quietly observing Deser's body.

His eyes captured the scene of Deser leaking aura all over, the process appearing effortless.

The Aura Nodes were forcibly opened, and Deser was in a semi-conscious state, unable to close his Aura Nodes on his own, allowing his life energy to drain away.

"He can be taken to chamber number 9 now."

The person who performed the baptism said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the laboratory door opened, and two people in black uniforms came in, lifted the semi-conscious Deser, and dragged him out.

The note-taker followed behind.

The two in black uniforms brought Deser to chamber number 9, where the scholarly man was already waiting for them, accompanied by two other men, one tall and the other short.

The tall man was burly, completely bald, and his head was covered in fierce scars. The shorter man was as thin as a monkey, sporting an interestingly shaped goatee.

The three of them stood outside chamber number 9, which was encased in ultra-strong glass. Through the transparent glass, they could see inside, where a creature with a human face but a beast's body sat expressionlessly.

The creature’s lower body resembled that of a black-haired gorilla, while its head was a man’s face, bald with the number "726" tattooed on it—a prisoner’s number.

Luo had once seen statues with animal heads and human bodies in tombs, but this living being was the reverse, having a human head on an animal body.

This was chamber number 9, and within it, there were a hundred rooms, each housing a human who had undergone body modifications, similar to the creature in chamber number 9—all with human heads and beast bodies.

From the looks of this human-headed gorilla hybrid, the head and body were forcibly combined, appearing unnatural, yet they were successfully fused together.

This phenomenon was very similar to the creatures Luo could create using the ability "God's Hand."

The glass of the room seemed to be one-way, as it was not possible to see out from inside, but the creature inside seemed to sense those outside the room.

It had been sitting quietly, but when the men in black brought Deser over, it suddenly looked up, its inhuman eyes staring coldly at Deser through the glass.

Then, its eyes showed a glint of greed and intense craving—that was... hunger.

Initially, the scholarly man and his two subordinates had come to the outside of chamber number 9, but the creature inside had shown no reaction. However, when Deser arrived, it immediately reacted.

It was sensing Deser through the aura leaking from his Aura Nodes, while the scholarly man and his three men, also Nen users, had not opened their Aura Nodes.

This indicated that the creature had a certain sensitivity to aura.

"Bring the food in."

The scholarly man referred to Deser as "food," speaking with a tone of stark indifference.

Upon hearing this, the two black-clad men silently carried out the order, while the creature inside the room followed Deser with its gaze.

All the effort put into baptizing Deser, only for him to serve as food…


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