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Chapter 279: The Hunt

Linne did not take Luo as a formal disciple; she merely allowed Luo to follow her for five to six years, after which he would learn many enviable skills, including the recipe for "Sea's Words."

That is to say, if Luo agreed, they would not have a master-disciple relationship, but Luo would still enjoy the benefits that come with being a disciple.

Faced with Linne's sudden request, Luo didn't know how to respond immediately.

To be honest, Linne bringing this up was like a pie falling from the sky for Luo. Logically, he shouldn't hesitate.

However, it was Linne's condition that made him hesitant.

Staying by Linne's side for at least five years, without the freedom to leave, meant his freedom would be tied down for at least that long.

Caught in a dilemma, hesitation showed on Luo's face.

Linne remained expressionless, while others quietly watched.

After a moment, Luo looked at Linne and said, "Let me think about it."

Subconsciously, he didn't want to be tied to one place for so long, and he couldn't rashly refuse, especially since he was somewhat tempted.

Hearing Luo's response, Linne didn't mind and nodded slightly, calmly saying, "Tomorrow, try the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall I made."

Surprised by her words, Luo responded, "Okay."

He had shared the recipe with Linne, who had watched him make it, suggesting she had mastered the method for Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.

Maha's eyes, slightly opened, squinted again. He originally planned to go back to Kukuroo Mountain after dinner, but Linne's words made him change his mind.

He wanted another meal, and if possible, to take a portion back to Kukuroo Mountain.

Luo and Machi stayed behind, each returning to their rooms arranged by Bean.

Night fell.

Linne stayed in her room, sitting on a hardwood bed in silence.

Netero came to her, asking, "Have you decided?"

Linne slowly opened her eyes, looked at him, and responded softly.

"Luo may not agree," Netero said seriously.

"I know," Linne replied.

Both were clear on this point, understanding the reasons.

Netero paused, then said, "Five years might be too long."

"I think it's too short," Linne replied.

Netero shook his head slightly; he knew why Linne wanted Luo to stay for a few years—it was to avoid cooking herself.

If Linne wished, not just five years, even ten years might not be enough for Luo to learn everything. It all depended on Linne.

"Aren't you afraid this promising talent might slip away if you don't ease the conditions?" Netero cautioned.

"It doesn't matter…" Linne said, her eyes slowly closing again, exuding a sense of twilight calm.

Looking at Linne's typical demeanor, Netero found himself at a loss for words.

Probably, except for matters related to the Dark Continent, everything else was trivial to Linne.


Humans possess various talents and have differences in natural gifts.

Some people are born with extraordinary talents. Over time, it becomes common to say that someone is born for a specific industry.

Linne is such a person; living long doesn't conceal her exceptionally brilliant talent.

She is like a person born for gourmet food. Ever since she became a Gourmet Hunter, everything about her, including her Nen, has been related to gourmet food.

The Buddha Jumps Over the Wall Luo made last night was indeed a top-notch delicacy, releasing the unique flavors of various high-quality ingredients. However, in Linne's eyes, there were still shortcomings.

Luo... had not managed the relationship between the eighteen ingredients well, or rather, he had not blended the characteristics of these eighteen ingredients effectively.

For Linne, this posed no difficulty; her "Sea's Words" perfectly blended the flavors of one hundred and one ingredients.

Her Nen... could achieve this.

After learning the method and watching Luo make it, Linne didn't need multiple attempts. The first time she served her version of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall to the eager crowd.

Lifting the lid, the fragrance was comparable to the previous night's.

"Is there any difference?"

Luo thought, scooped up some soup, and took a sip. His expression changed instantly, then he looked into his bowl in silence.

Sitting next to him, Machi also tasted it. She first paused, then hurriedly swallowed several mouthfuls. Suddenly, she turned to the silent Luo.

Yesterday, she had said Linne's gourmet dishes were better than the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall made by Luo, and that was the truth. This dish, while similarly fragrant as Luo's, tasted better


This difference wasn't very obvious, but Machi could taste it, let alone Luo.

Undeniably, Linne's Buddha Jumps Over the Wall was tastier, and... from a timing perspective, Linne had only made it once.

That is to say, this was Linne's first attempt at making Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, yet it was better than his.

Should he feel frustrated or defeated...?

Luo pondered in silence.

"Linne, I'd like to take a portion back," Maha said after finishing his meal.

Linne refused, "No, the temperature loss will carry away the flavor."

Maha's mouth slightly opened, then after a moment of silence, he continued, "Give me one chance."

Saying this, he looked seriously at Linne. Although his eyes were squinted, showing little emotion, Linne could feel Maha's persistence.

She was silent for a while, then nodded, "Just this once."

Maha nodded, although happy inside, his face remained stiff, not showing his emotions.

Linne's gaze shifted, looking at the silent Luo. She made Buddha Jumps Over the Wall to increase her allure to Luo.

It seemed to have worked, at least halfway.


Devil Island, Swamp Area.

In the sparse woods, various dangerous creatures hid. To ordinary people, the most dangerous swampy mud in this place had become the safest spot.

After being attacked and scattered, the team members fled in all directions. With the loss of radio communication, everyone had no way to regroup after dodging the insect onslaught.

"Beep beep beep…"

Like the ring of a cell phone, the sound hovered over the swamp. Those hiding in the area chose to ignore this sound.

That was the ringing of the Bell Fly, a sound only made when the Bell Fly wanted to feed.

In a mud pit, five people covered in mud, unrecognizable, huddled under a crudely built stone shelter. These five were the remnants of the team.

After the insect wave, no one knew how many had successfully escaped.

"We can't wait any longer; we need to find a way back to the port or head directly to the prison," one of the five suggested in a low voice.

They had been hiding here for two days, and their rations were gone. Continuing to hide would only lead to a slow death.

Hearing this suggestion, the other four agreed. They knew hiding would eventually lead to death. Only by risking a move could they possibly escape this cursed place.

Agreeing unanimously, they acted immediately, crawling out of the hole and slowly standing to check their surroundings.


At that moment, a barely perceptible whizzing sound came from above.

Unaware, suddenly, one person's chest burst open with a blood hole, and he was flung into the air, blood spilling before he hit the ground, already lifeless.

Watching this, the remaining four were terrified.

Not far away, atop a tree, a short-haired woman holding a black longbow revealed a dangerous smile. Her mouth, full of sharp, non-human-like teeth, was wide open.

However, this woman was a genuine human, named Shark, both a codename and her real name.

After taking down one person with a single arrow, Shark habitually blew a strange whistle, then aimed her bow at the remaining targets.

Her hands held no arrows because her arrows were made of Nen...

Whoosh whoosh…!

Four arrows in succession, the five survivors just out of the hole fell dead.


Shark, watching all five arrows hit their mark, waved her fist in excitement.

Perhaps due to the excitement, the aura around her gradually turned into black and white, soon revealing two ghostly figures wearing ram masks, one black and one white, stationary by her side.

Meanwhile, figures gradually appeared in the woods, heading towards the bodies to search them for radios before decisively leaving.

After the group led by Shark left, in a certain part of the swamp, there was a slight disturbance, and a pair of bright, dark eyes suddenly opened, watching the direction of the departing team.


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