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Chapter 280: The Ghostly Lady

The black eyes that suddenly emerged from the mud were stunningly beautiful, vibrant and memorable, unforgettable at first sight.

Some people are recognizable by just their eyes, even if the rest of their face is well covered, and Sanbica’s eyes are just like that.

If Luo were here, he would surely recognize Sanbica by her eyes.

"Twenty-one people... the most dangerous is that woman with the bow and arrow."

Sanbica slowly stood up from the muddy ground, her entire body covered in a layer of foul-smelling black mud, except for her eyes.

Her expression was calm, indifferent to the mud on her, ensuring there was no immediate threat around before watching the direction the team had gone and thinking.

“They are all Nen users, but they don’t look strong, except for that woman…”

"Are these people from Klotho Prison?"

"And that walkie-talkie!"

Sanbica instinctively touched her waist, which was empty. Originally, her walkie-talkie hung at her side, but it had been lost during the previous disturbances.

The opponents had not only precisely located the hiding spots of those five soldiers but also retrieved the walkie-talkie.

This suggested that the opponents might indeed be from Klotho Prison since the walkie-talkie was provided by them.

Furthermore, the walkie-talkie likely had a tracking feature, which is how they found those five soldiers.

Anyone who still had the walkie-talkie on them was likely to be targeted by this team.

Normally, a walkie-talkie, being the only communication device, wouldn’t be discarded, even if temporarily unusable or with a weak signal.

If this was the case, the number of survivors might eventually dwindle to single digits.

It wasn’t entirely certain that everything encountered on the island was related to Klotho Prison, but the possibility was extremely high.

Just thinking about this weighed heavily on Sanbica’s mood.

Their team of five hundred was on the island to look for 'samples' to help treat an unknown disease spreading in Ambo City, ready from the start to face various dangerous creatures.

However, before the incident occurred, no one expected that they might face dangers more lethal than any toxin.

"We must find a way to contact the Association quickly."

Sanbica frowned, thinking of Luo as the idea crossed her mind.

Assuming Klotho Prison had malicious intentions, then the only way to contact the outside world would be to infiltrate the prison itself and use its communication facilities.

The port was definitely not an option; the prison was the only way out.

Sanbica’s thoughts were clear. Although she lacked sufficient evidence that the enemy was Klotho Prison, she was quite certain about it, which guided her next steps.

“I wonder how Geru and Leibo are doing, their walkie-talkies are still with them…”

Silently thinking, Sanbica carefully moved forward, relying on her excellent memory and the complete map etched in her mind to navigate towards the prison.

It was a situation with no retreat, isolated and alone, relying solely on herself to carve out a path to survival.

Sanbica headed towards Klotho Prison, while nearly a hundred other survivors, though they had escaped from toxic attacks, still had to face sniper fire from another team.

The team responsible for clearing and retrieving the bait consisted of twenty-one people, performing clean-up operations on targets hidden in various locations.

This team could always find well-hidden targets, thanks to the tracking feature in the walkie-talkies.

Sanbica’s guess was correct; the few who had escaped with their lives faced an environment from which it was hard to escape, and encountering attacks from their own kind, only a few would survive.

The woman with the bow, Shasha, led twenty members with high efficiency in their ruthless task.

Each member wore the same black uniform, with a patch of a black and blood-red intermixed flower on their right arms, which, due to the overall black color of the clothes, reduced the visibility of the pattern.

The pattern, a four-petal flower with black and blood-red lines, looked from a distance like the wings of a swallowtail butterfly.

This flower, scientifically named 'The Ghostly Lady,' also known as 'The Flower of Death,' signifies fearlessness towards death and ominous portents.

Having this flower as an arm patch seemed to signify something, but this team patch was not from Klotho Prison, though the team indeed came from there.

This patch could potentially reveal the team’s identity, but Sanbica did not recognize it.

In fact, this identity-representing 'Ghostly Lady' pattern had disappeared for over a decade, known only to a few, and Chairman Netero was one of those in the know.

If Sanbica knew about this pattern's secretive connection with the Association, the little information she had combined with this would likely confuse her and muddle her thoughts.

Fortunately, Sanbica did not know about the flower named 'Ghostly Lady,' so she continued alone towards Klotho Prison.

The team executing the retrieval and purge mission was unaware that a survivor was heading towards their base.

In Klotho Prison, within a bright, white laboratory, three walls surrounded the room, and a transparent, large glass pane stood on one side, allowing those outside to see in but not the reverse, similar to the effect of an interrogation room.

In the center of the laboratory was a workbench, upon which lay a young man, conscious, angrily shouting in a voice filled with fear, his violently struggling limbs tightly bound by leather straps.

Two 'fully armed' individuals stood beside the workbench, their gear resembling Sanbica’s but even more thorough.

“Do you know who my father is?”

“If you don’t want your entire family implicated, let me go now!”

The young man bound to the workbench wore a twisted, ferocious expression.

This young man was the one who had once gone to La Xiang City to steal the G2 virus.

Outside the glass, at a control console resembling a recording system, three people were seated while one stood—a scholarly man wearing glasses.

He held a wireless microphone resembling a pocket watch and brought it slowly to his mouth, speaking coldly: “Of course I know, the Ten Dons' Modeno. So, my dear young master Deser, I wish you a pleasant life.”

With that, he cut off the connection. Simultaneously, the young man called Deser widened his eyes in fury, about to speak when one of the two people beside him suddenly struck his throat with a karate chop, shattering his larynx.


Deser’s face twisted in extreme terror.

The other person, holding a syringe, plunged it into Deser’s heart, injecting the unknown liquid into him.

Deser convulsed violently, his face flooding with blood, the veins on his exposed limbs bulging like worms. Within moments, his untrained limbs swelled significantly.

Outside the glass, in the control room, the scholarly man bit his thumb hard, blood oozing from the finger within moments, his expression remaining cold and indifferent.


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