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Chapter 278: The Right Candidate

Luo was unaware of the dangerous situation Sanbica encountered on Devil's Island, nor did he know the secrets hidden there unknown to outsiders.

After receiving Linne Horsdoeuvre’s approval, Machi was brought over by Bean and appeared quite uneasy.

In the original timeline, Machi would never have crossed paths with old monsters like Netero, Maha, and Linne. However, under Luo’s influence, she came into contact with these individuals.

Initially uncomfortable, Machi’s mood shifted after eating a piece of dried radish. Having never tasted such deliciousness, she devoted her full attention to the small dish of dried radish and bean sprouts.

The old timers and Luo watched Machi as she ate, heads buried in the dish, the room falling silent except for the sound of her chewing.

For Linne, seeing someone enjoy her cooking was once her greatest joy, but having lived so long, she had grown indifferent to such matters.

After a while, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Machi finished off Linne’s carefully prepared dish and, feeling a bit embarrassed as she caught everyone's gaze, she lowered her head, feeling an urge to hide somewhere.

Her personality tended towards the masculine, rarely displaying shyness. Yet now, she seemed to want to duck her head, feeling a bit awkward.

Although her prowess in Nen abilities wasn't high, she could tell that Maha and Linne were unfathomably skilled; their aura, after all, was probably also part of that.

“The taste is great, isn’t it?” Luo asked Machi, who was looking down in silence.


Machi slowly lifted her head and turned to Luo, hesitating before saying, “It’s even better than the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall you made for us last time!”

She struggled to find the words to describe the taste of the dish she had just enjoyed. The best thing she had previously eaten was Luo’s Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, but this combination of dried radish and bean sprouts with seasoning was clearly superior.

Thinking over it, she could only compare it to Luo’s previous dish to express her inner thoughts.

“…” Luo felt as if he had been metaphorically shot, even while lying down.

Must you be so blunt…!

Luo thought painfully.

In fact, he agreed with her. The last time he made Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, there was still room for improvement; selecting higher-grade ingredients could elevate the taste further.

“Buddha Jumps Over the Wall?” Linne suddenly asked.

Her knowledge of Luo was limited to Netero’s descriptions, and she understood that Luo’s culinary skills were significant. However, she was more interested in a dish Netero had mentioned, which seemed to be connected to a recipe obtained from the Zoldyck family.

Luo was grateful for Linne’s hospitality and began explaining the dish when asked about it, even mentioning the cooking method.

Seeing how easily Luo spoke about the recipe, Linne gained a new respect for him.

However, although Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is a famous dish in Fujian cuisine and quite popular, many chefs know how to cook it well. The difference lies in how well it's executed.

Luo didn’t see any issue in sharing the recipe, especially since his listener might be the world’s most formidable gourmet hunter.

Netero glanced at Linne, seemingly about to say something, but spoke first, “Luo, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall sounds great. You’re in charge of dinner tonight; let us old timers taste something fresh.”

Hearing Netero’s words, Linne’s slightly open mouth slowly closed, remaining silent, eager to try Luo’s cooking.

“That’s fine, but I don’t have the ingredients,” Luo said.

“That’s not a problem,” Netero smiled.

That evening, Netero arranged for the ingredients and utensils Luo needed to be delivered.

As Luo prepared to cook, Linne joined him in the kitchen, interested in the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall dish. The cooking method, she noted, shared some similarities with her own techniques.

Moreover, her Nen abilities were developed specifically for gourmet cooking, excelling in blending various ingredient flavors perfectly, and Buddha Jumps Over the Wall was essentially a mix of many elements.

“If you mind, I can leave,” Linne said, leaning on a dragon-headed cane, standing beside the stove, watching Luo busy himself.

“No problem,” Luo replied, looking at her briefly.

Linne stood silently by, observing.

Luo began cooking, skillfully using his abilities as a knife, swiftly processing the ingredients.

The process was pleasing to the eye and remarkably efficient, more so than any chef in the world, enhanced by his mastery of Nen techniques.

Linne’s aged eyes sparkled as she watched Luo handle the ingredients, her Nen developed

 for the sake of gourmet cooking, touching a soft spot in her heart.

As time passed, Linne watched Luo prepare the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.

The dish was complex and took a long time to prepare, but Linne, despite her age, found it fascinating and not at all boring.

As Luo neared the end of the cooking process, Linne had a few questions but chose to remain silent, continuing to watch quietly.

She watched as Luo used his abilities to infuse the seasonings and auxiliary materials into the ingredients, covering the jar on the stove with his aura, the purpose of which she did not understand.

She had questions but chose not to ask.

After watching Luo finish cooking Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, Linne nodded slightly towards him and then turned to leave.

She was looking for the right person to pass her legacy on to.

Luo was her provisional choice. As for his character, she wasn't concerned, as she had years, perhaps even longer, to assess that.

Linne’s interaction with Luo hadn’t been long, and while she didn't necessarily feel a strong liking for him, her first impression was more than satisfactory.

“Finally found… a decent prospect.”

Thinking to herself as she returned to her room, Linne never considered whether Luo would agree or not. From her standpoint, such an opportunity was indeed too good to refuse.

Three hours later, the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall was ready.

Dinner wasn’t served in Netero’s quiet room but was moved to a modern dining room.

Everyone took their seats, including Bean, who was off duty and fortunate enough to taste Luo’s Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.

The ingredients used this time were all above grade C, quite a generous selection.

As Luo removed the cover and the aroma wafted from the jar, it tantalized everyone’s taste buds.

They quickly finished the large jar of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall. While Linne remained silent, the others couldn't stop praising the dish.

After everyone's bowls were empty, Linne suddenly made a request for Luo to follow her.

At her suggestion, Maha’s eyes, which had been mostly closed, opened a bit wider, while Netero smiled silently.


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