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Chapter 604: Annihilation Cannon, Gravitational Bomb, Wormhole, and Dimensional Jump

Facing an opponent whose technological level might far surpass that of their home world, the decision to continue the war or to surrender immediately is a matter worthy of deep consideration.

However, the opponent has already made the choice for them—a flood of energy beasts bursting from the electromagnetic zone declared the onset of war!

The executive made a quick decision; since the adversary, having a technological advantage, deliberately exposed coordinates to lure them into this trap and dispatched such powerful four-dimensional warfare weapons, they clearly harbored immense malice.

Thus, they could only choose to continue the war, demonstrating the power of their own civilization while also probing the strength of the opposing civilization.

As long as they demonstrated powerful destructive capabilities and potential for war, even if they ultimately failed, their home world would not be at a total disadvantage in possible subsequent negotiations.

"War, continue the war!" the executive firmly communicated.

With the current situation, there was no possibility of waiting for the leaders to finish discussing and then issue orders. Every minute and every second were crucial to the survival of the fifteen warships and their home world.

The moment the order was issued, the bottom of the disc-shaped warships cracked open, and tens of thousands of oddly shaped Sentinels, each ten meters in size, sped out...

These were war constructs of the geometric civilization, usually responsible for intelligence reconnaissance, close-range raids, and planetary occupation.

Because a single Sentinel's mass was negligible compared to a warship, they could accelerate to 99% of the speed of light and were extremely agile. When necessary, they could even detonate internal gravitational bombs, capable of destroying thousands of kilometers of airspace on a higher-dimensional level...

In fact, in terms of dimensions, the geometric civilization was not without research; on the contrary, it was a key technology mastered by the researchers of their home world. The gravitational bomb was one of these achievements.

If low-end nuclear technology were used as an analogy, then the gravitational bomb was like a miniaturized hydrogen bomb, and the curvature engine was akin to mastering the application of nuclear fusion!


Meanwhile, at the war council room in the capital of the Eternal Star, a group of speakers and senior councilors watched nervously and excitedly as the light screen in front of them flickered non-stop.

In the void, large numbers of Sentinels clashed with energy beasts, with terrifying high-energy rays continuously sweeping out, annihilating all the thunderous behemoths in the area.

However, in terms of high-end power, the geometric civilization's advantage became extremely weak. Under the dimensional manipulation of Nesos, the God of Space, and the electromagnetic control capabilities of the great deity Harliere, three warships were soon struck by the bursting Spear of Thunder, disintegrating into the most fundamental microscopic particles at temperatures in the billions of degrees.

Even the weakest God of Flames fell as the first deity to perish, struck by an Annihilation Cannon and engulfed in the destructive light capable of obliterating a world, drawing gasps of awe from the councilors.

It must be said, this was far more spectacular than any movie!

Being able to watch this epic battle from such a "close distance" was also thanks to the new divine office of deception acquired by Lynn.

Their primitive spacecraft was divided into two cabins, the front one used to trap Aila and assault the enemy fleet, while the rear cabin was detached during Lynn's decision to make a kamikaze spaceship charge.

This device served two purposes: first, to provide real-time battle updates, and second, to provide coordinates when necessary, allowing them to potentially reap the benefits of the situation...

Lynn had previously worried that this cabin, disguised as stellar debris, might be discovered, as the vicinity was empty.

However, as it turned out, there was no need to worry, as the two sides engaged in fierce battle, with no inclination to care about a meteorite tens of thousands of kilometers away.

It was like a grain of sand suddenly appearing on a smooth surface; albeit conspicuous, it required focused searching to be noticed.

Furthermore, Lynn had enhanced the cabin's disguise with his divine office of deception, hiding magical and energy fluctuations, making it even harder to detect.

Compared to most of the council members, who were absorbed in the intense interstellar battle, Harof, Victorio, and a few others were solemnly assessing the power balance between the two sides.

Firstly, there were the deities from the main world, the most powerful undoubtedly being the deity who could manipulate thunderous power, not only erasing three galactic-level warships with electromagnetic force but also blocking a close-range scatter neutron cannon from the main ship!

It was noted that based on reference measurements, the speed of these neutron cannons had reached the speed of light, and their mass was significantly larger, making their power tens of times stronger than the weapons on the captured council ship!

If they hit the Eternal Star, they could turn

 the planet they depended on for survival into a sieve, until it completely shattered!

The other deities that descended were significantly weaker in power, such as the weakest God of Flames, who was frozen by a cooling ray, losing the ability to dodge, and ultimately died under the Annihilation Cannon.

Moreover, these alien spacecraft possessed a unique dimensional technology, allowing warships the size of cities to teleport instantly. The largest main ship managed to avoid the vast electromagnetic field created by the Thunder God using this technology.

However, Lynn speculated that this technology must have some insurmountable flaws, such as excessive energy loss, distance limitations, or inability to precisely locate, otherwise, it would be used more frequently.

"It's uncertain who will win this war..." Alade smacked his lips. Given the current situation, the outcome was not easy to predict, and the power demonstrated by both sides deeply alarmed Alade.

The six deities that had descended were just the vanguard of the main world, and the fleet that appeared before them might also represent the entire force of the alien civilization, whether it was a tenth or less was hard to say, but both had shown enough power to destroy the Eternal Star several times over.

It was also lucky that Lynn had concocted a grand ruse, causing both sides to mistake each other as formidable enemies and engage directly.

It could only be said that the council's high-end combat power was still too limited, with only one spaceship capable of faster-than-light travel, which had now been downgraded with the fall of the Moon Goddess Aila.

Divine-level power also only belonged to Lynn alone, who, even within his own divine domain, could not defeat six deities and an entire space fleet.

"I think it's likely that the deities of the main world will be able to win. The space-time gate hasn't stopped operating, and as time passes, perhaps even more powerful beings will descend into this universe... We might need to find a way to close that space-time gate, to balance the power between the two sides," Aurora said with a slight worry.

For the council, the best outcome would be for both sides to suffer heavy losses, as they did not wish to see either side achieve a complete victory...

Lynn shook his head and countered, "Don't forget, these unknown alien beings have also mastered wormhole technology!"

And any technological civilization, their most cutting-edge technology is always in the lab, hindered by material supplies, technical barriers, and most crucially, cost issues, so it cannot be used in conventional warfare. The technology that can be widely installed is usually several generations behind...

So this was just the appetizer; the war was likely to escalate further...

This was also what Lynn wanted to see. The destruction of a fleet, the deaths of a few deities were insignificant; only greater casualties could make both sides cautious!


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