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Chapter 605: Dimensional Traps and the Successive Fall of Gods

In the vast cosmos, within an unknown galaxy's second arm, a ferocious interstellar war unfolds with brutality.

Though sound waves cannot travel in the vacuum of space and communication must rely on more complex methods like electromagnetic waves, the impacts of high-energy rays, remnants of spaceships, and the aftermath of wartime weapons vividly manifest the terrifying nature of this silent war.

Even from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, cabins disguised as space meteorites are inevitably affected, with the transmitted images stuttering.

As the war escalates to its peak, a god resembling the Moko people, known as the Calamity God, swiftly targets two disc-shaped warships that failed to evade a magnetic bombardment. With a mere flick of his fingers, an exceptionally unique magic envelops them at a higher dimensional level.

Calamity is a peculiar concept, encompassing all disasters and misfortunes.

On a planet, the Calamity God can trigger landslides, tsunamis, earth fissures, and magma eruptions with just a thought—even if it invades the domains of other gods. In the cosmic void, however, his power is somewhat restrained.

Although cosmic disasters exist, the Calamity God’s strength alone isn't sufficient to easily provoke them. Fortunately, this doesn't mean he is entirely without means. Silently, under the onslaught of magnetic bombardment, the ships' energy shields burst apart at their limits, and the solid hulls began showing signs of corrosion.

The ship’s brain continuously issues warnings, and the geometric aliens aboard are utterly horrified by the attack, which is unlike any technology they know.

This is merely the prelude to the assault. Once the energy coating on the ship’s hull is completely compromised, misfortune descends on every geometric alien aboard.

Without warning, the elongated geometric aliens twist into spirals, with blue bodily fluids erupting from them. In a mere moment, hundreds within the massive ship are left as twisted, dry corpses.

"All shall decay, both flesh and spirit!"

This is the fate all beings must face. In an instant, two warships, each over five kilometers in diameter, are reduced to mere shells, drifting chaotically in the vacuum of space, their crews completely annihilated.

But the Calamity God overlooked one thing—the interstellar warships don’t entirely require human control. After confirming that no crew members are left alive, the ship's brain abruptly initiates one final dimensional jump, materializing directly in front of him.

Almost simultaneously, the engine room detonates, releasing the energy of tens of tons of antimatter stored within, engulfing the Calamity God along with tens of thousands of kilometers of surrounding space in an explosion.

This galactic-scale battle lasts less than an hour, with weaker gods of fire, calamity, and the sky already fallen, and nine galactic warships lost on the other side.

The gods' formidable and mysterious divine arts indeed troubled the geometric civilization's fleet. The unknown makes them hard to counter; once the energy shields are breached, even for a moment, it results in total destruction.

However, the same is true for the other side. The arrival of six gods results in three immediate losses, leaving only the most powerful gods of thunder and war, Harliere, the god of space, Nesos, and the god of order.

Although the arriving gods do occasionally cooperate, helping each other fend off attacks, they mostly fight independently. In contrast, the other side, coordinated by the ship's brain, works in tight unison, breaking the enemy one by one, thus tipping the scales of the war back in their favor.

After the initial panic and fear, the governor quickly realizes that the enemy is not as formidable as imagined; they can still manage to cope.

The ship's brain soon analyzes that the opponent is using a brand-new energy source, previously undiscovered. It seems that the messages relayed back by the exploration fleet were not entirely false.

"Governor, we have just received a transmission from our homeworld; the leaders have instructed us to immediately activate the coordinates..." the monitoring officer excitedly relays the message.

Upon hearing this, the crew within the main ship is thrilled—reinforcements are on their way!

The governor breathes a sigh of relief; it seems the leaders of the homeworld have finally made a decision, consuming all of the seventh element stored in the main ship to open a temporary wormhole on the battlefield.

Almost instantly, one disc-shaped warship after another emerges from the wormhole.

To ensure victory in this war, the homeworld has dispatched forty of its most advanced warships, bringing with them a cutting-edge weapon.

As the disc-shaped warships emerge from the wormhole, forming a semicircle in the void and emitting ripples of azure light, the space in front of them continuously vibrates.

This sudden support force immediately discourages the god of space, who previously struggled against fifteen such unique alchemical creations for a century. Now, suddenly faced with forty more, the prospect of defeat becomes inevitable.

Being away from their divine domains and the main world, the gods realize that if their divine essence is shattered and their divine bodies destroyed, it means certain demise.

Yet, at this point, retreating seems impossible. The god of space quickly discovers with horror that the region has been sealed off from four dimensions, making any attempt to twist space-time require a thousand times more energy than usual!

This is one of the pinnacle weapons of the geometric civilization, the Dimensional Trap! This formidable dimensional weapon can tear through space, trigger massive quantum tides, and in the face of such a terrifying cosmic disaster, virtually no material or energy conglomerate can remain unscathed.

At least, this was the firm belief of the governor before the war, but now, this common knowledge has been shattered!

The Dimensional Traps they've painstakingly created indeed ensnare these powerful four-dimensional biological warfare devices. The god of space and the god of order, possessing mighty divine powers, are immediately engulfed by the quantum tides, their robust divine bodies submerged, with only their divinity barely holding on.

Meanwhile, Harliere, the god of thunder and war, manages to withstand this fearsome cosmic calamity, a testament to the great deity's strength!

And as the gods of fire, calamity, and the sky successively fall, the rift connecting the main world and the vast universe expands tenfold. A hand, as vast as a small asteroid, stretches out from the crack...

This is the intervention of the chief deity himself!


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