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Chapter 603: Our Enemy Might Come from a Higher Dimensional Civilization!

Divine power boils, divinity warps, and divine bodies dissolve... Within mere moments, Aila, the Moon Goddess, fell in extreme reluctance, and a powerful wave of energy immediately burst forth into the vast cosmic void!

Under the terrifying energy provided by the fall of a deity, a portal between two universes was opened!

A dark fissure first appeared in the void, quickly expanding as dreadful thunder surged forth from within.

Thunder and the God of War, Harliere, soon descended within the grand cosmos, sensing the uniqueness of this world the moment he invaded.

It's... simply too vast, almost impossible to see any boundaries from a higher dimensional view!

In that instant, Harliere realized he had not descended into an ordinary large plane, but very likely into a massive world comparable to the main universe's void!

A frenzy and ambition instantly coalesced in Harliere's heart, but the next moment, they were replaced by a strong sense of crisis!

Fifteen Annihilation Cannons, traveling at the speed of light, swiftly locked onto their targets, covering a million kilometers in just three and a half seconds, and they had already activated just as they arrived!

"So, these are the wizards' weapons of war?" the Catastrophe God noted the incoming light of destruction and the disk-shaped artifacts further away.

This time, using a god as a sacrifice to open a portal between two realms allowed for a massive amount of energy to be accommodated, thus not only Harliere but also the Gods of Flame, Catastrophe, Sky, Order, and Space had descended, forming a rather luxurious lineup.

Given the information extracted from that Moon Goddess's memories, they naturally understood those disk-shaped alchemical artifacts, the wizards' weapons of war!

It seems the wizards were not unprepared; the Catastrophe God thought their surprise attack would catch the other side off-guard, only to find the opponents had already launched their attack first!

As for the incoming light of destruction, although it emitted an extremely powerful aura, the Catastrophe God did not care. He couldn't withstand it, but that didn't mean the other gods couldn't!

Nesos, the God of Space, was the first to act. Under the high-dimensional view, the surrounding space curvature began to distort rapidly...

As a deity possessing mighty divine power and a master of spatial laws, it was he who used Aila's remnant soul to locate the position of the grand cosmos!

The fifteen speeding Annihilation Cannons soon entered the altered void.

However, Nesos quickly realized that the energy contained within these beams exceeded his expectations. Nesos intended to reflect these attacks back, but found it impossible, and ultimately could only retreat to a secondary strategy...

Under the surge of powerful divine energy, the originally straight paths began to twist and deform due to the influence of spatial curvature, with three of the closest Annihilation Cannons colliding with each other, and five on the outer periphery veering off course.

Nesos's expression was grim; he had exerted all his strength and yet could only barely block half...

He was the God of Space, not the God of Time; the divine duty of time was separately divided, so although he was powerful, he was not a great deity... His control over space still had flaws.

Just as the other seven Annihilation Cannons were 100,000 kilometers away, Harliere made his move, clenching his palm, and terrifying thunder appeared in the dark void of the universe, creating an electromagnetic region spanning tens of thousands of kilometers, detonating these Annihilation Cannons prematurely.

The super-limited energy gathered together and exploded instantly, causing a terrifying force that triggered a quantum tide. However, the electromagnetic forces' successive weakening didn't truly affect the gods 100,000 kilometers away.

But even so, they still felt the threat of death—if their true bodies were hit by this thing, they would most likely fall directly, with a very slim chance of survival!

Harliere was not afraid at all; one of his purposes in entering this plane was to find worthy opponents, to construct a crown of glory with the blood of war and enemies, especially since the displayed power had not exceeded his capabilities.

His ability to control thunder is undoubtedly among the top of all divine duties, for this electromagnetic force exists everywhere in the universe, so even though he stepped out of his divine domain, his power did not significantly weaken.

"My divine name—Harliere, Lord of Thunder and War, Conqueror of Planes, the Great God!" Harliere issued a proud proclamation, within the tens of thousands of kilometers spanned by the electromagnetic net, countless incandescent light points shot out from within.

The so-called light points are merely the result of observing from a macrocosmic perspective of the universe; in fact, each light point is a five-meter-tall energy beast, they are creations of divine power, incarn

ations of thunder, and the vanguard of initiating war.

The Geometric Star People on the battleship saw all this, and although the Annihilation Cannons being intercepted was secondary, what truly shocked them was that the onboard brain couldn't analyze what means the opponent used to manipulate space and electromagnetic forces.

This meant that the opponent's technology exceeded the current technological reserves of their home world!

As for Harliere's roar, they naturally heard it too, but they didn't understand it; even with their home planet's current technology, it would take at least 500 different phrases to ensure the decryption of a low-level encrypted language system.

"According to detections, those unique life forms all showed different distortions in the surrounding space, and the images transmitted back from the detectors also completely did not match the normal three-dimensional perspective structure..." an adjutant eagerly reported, his body flickering with multicolored light, displaying the postures of the gods' descent on the screen in front of him.

"These are four-dimensional beings, our enemy is a civilization from a higher dimension!" a long, bar-shaped crew member guessed in horror.

From this brief first contact, the opponent had already demonstrated curved engine technology, faster-than-light travel, wormhole technology, and the creation of intelligent energy beings, and were capable of manipulating space and electromagnetic forces directly with some unknown technology...

This was undoubtedly the worst guess, a true higher dimensional civilization was not something they could contend with!

"Not necessarily, it could also just be some kind of special four-dimensional war weapon!" an executive officer argued back via transmission.

For example, an exploration fleet had reported a powerful civilization beyond distant star regions, which had gathered the majority of the energy of an entire galaxy to create a batch of intelligent light quantum beings, to cope with interstellar wars, but they still weren't considered a true higher-dimensional civilization, just further along in their research on dimensions and energy.


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