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Chapter 598: Aila: "How could you possibly still possess such immense power?"

In the primary world, amidst the boundless void, ten interstellar warships simultaneously accelerated to their limits...

Although only one of the main ships could break the speed of light, even the other nine reached their maximum speed, covering a distance of ten thousand kilometers in just one-fifteenth of a second! However, once they actually started moving, Victorio realized that the surrounding space had been sealed off at some point, and the ships, like vessels trapped in a quagmire, found their speeds greatly reduced.

"It’s the Divine Realm!" Harof quickly realized, yet he could not figure out when they had entered the opponent’s divine realm. They had no choice but to muster all their strength, drawing upon Aila's divine power, to break out of this blocked space! On the other side, the gods of life and creation sensed the fall of the god of lies, Ankala, and hesitated for a moment, but still immediately launched an attack, well aware that if they failed to achieve any merit, the furiously great god, Harliere, would not let them off easily.

The vast void around them quickly became their own divine realm.

In previous encounters with these bizarre entities, it was not as if they were inactive; the energy beasts created by divine power were not merely sacrifices. After their death, the residual divine power left coordinates in place, which could be used as a basis to construct an independent divine realm!

A large amount of residual energy wandering in the void began to gather, forming dozens of light shadows over ten meters tall. These beings, clearly marked with Awar people features and bodies made of light and faith, moved at an astonishing speed, even bypassing the starships whose speeds had plummeted under the divine realm’s influence.

"How much longer until we can leave this area?" Victorio asked quickly.

"Seven seconds!" An assistant replied just as quickly, a notably brief period, as two seconds had already passed since they spoke.

But for high-level combat, every second was precious. As soon as the words were spoken, a giant light shadow had already caught up, swinging a massive light sword at the even larger spacecraft in front of it.

Dodging was not an option. This was the disadvantage of interstellar warships when facing gods; their immense size made them easy targets. Once engaged in close-range combat, some of their powerful weapons became difficult to use.

The ten-meter tall light shadow undoubtedly qualified as a giant, but in front of a spacecraft with a diameter over a kilometer, it seemed as insignificant as an insect.

A warning red dot sounded on the ship's internal projection screen, and Victorio had already activated the main ship's defense system in response.

However, the outer electromagnetic barrier had not been triggered, and the light sword genuinely struck the ship’s hull...

It was then that Victorio realized something was wrong, abruptly turning his head toward the direction of the power room.

It was precisely because Aila, the power source of the spaceship, was no longer compliant, having directly cut off the energy supply!

The main ship, which was supposed to leave the divine realm, was now stopped in place, and the arcane locks binding Aila in the power room were stretched to their limits, as if they could break at any moment.

"Damn it!"

Victorio couldn't help but curse aloud. If Aila managed to break free at this moment, there was no doubt that they would all die here.

"Try to drive away those pure light creatures; leave her to me!" A voice timely resounded within the ship, followed by a ghostly shadow appearing inside.

This was a manifestation of Lynn's residual power left in the power room. The coordinates for the five antimatter cannons had been provided by this avatar.

Victorio was hesitant, not believing that a mere avatar could stop the moon god. The power room’s protection was designed to block the opponent's ability to sense the outside world, meaning Aila might not be aware of the current crisis. If she chose to act up, then she must have relied on something!

However, Victorio also understood that the external threat was equally urgent. Although the ship's hull was made of a special metal capable of withstanding close-range nuclear blasts, there was still a limit; it couldn't completely block an attack from a god...

The avatar didn't give Victorio a chance to choose. After speaking, it stepped directly into the power room. From the outside, the space inside the power room seemed quite narrow, only about ten meters wide, but in fact, the space had been expanded and was as large as a house.

Inside, chains of arcane locks extended and bound Aila in the center, though most had already burst...

As the avatar entered, it was unsurprised. Divine power surged, and the dim chains on the floor revived, slithering like snakes back towards the center.

Aila also noticed the anomaly. Seeing that it was just an ordinary avatar coming to stop her, she was more pleased than surprised, as this confirmed her guess—that amidst the fight with the gods of the main world, they couldn't spare attention for her.

In recent times, the accumulated moon divine power burst forth instantly, shattering the arcane locks that bound her. A bright full moon appeared in the power room, signifying that Aila had driven her divine power to the extreme. The entire space shook violently, even forcing the pervasive necromantic fog inside to recede.

With a wave of her hand, endless starlight condensed into a phantom crescent spear, crossing time and space at high speed, smashing down on the avatar manifested in the power room.

Sturdy arcane gears appeared in the void, followed by the starlight-condensed spear instantly piercing through them. Though these slight delays were sufficient, the spear veered and whizzed past, piercing the power room and even the entire spaceship!

Yet the avatar showed no intention of retreating, blocking the only exit with two azure orbs in its palm attracting each other and rotating continuously, emitting a terrifying aura...

"Submit, or die!"

The voice, like a great bell, resonated in the not-so-large power room, confronting Aila, who struggled against her bindings. The phantom avatar remained calm, even arrogantly delivering its verdict.

Its reliance was the compressed uranium elements in its hands...

Uranium is the largest naturally occurring element in nature, and Lynn had previously spent much effort researching and producing antimatter uranium, kept here as a contingency.

In this small power room, Aila had nowhere to hide or escape. The chances of surviving the annihilation energy of the matter and antimatter were exceedingly slim.

The only downside was the wide range of this device; once ignited, not only the power room but everyone inside the spaceship would have no chance of survival.

"How could you possibly still possess such immense power?" Aila also sensed the intense threat from the two matter and antimatter orbs, her face filled with disbelief. How could a mere avatar wield such powerful magic?

"My power is indeed limited, but it's enough to deal with you!" the phantom avatar said coldly.

Using a living god as a power source for the spaceship and even allowing her to regain some strength to some extent, Lynn naturally had precautions in place.

To ensure that the situation remained under control, the divine power he had left here was quite ample, especially the ability to mobilize the energy from the two matter and antimatter furnaces inside the ship!

As he said, this power might not be enough to contend with a god in her prime, but it was sufficient to handle Aila, who had lost her divine realm and followers and had declined to her lowest point!

The surrounding gray-white necromantic fog had completely dissipated, replaced by a large amount of positron beams. They roamed every corner of the power room, forming an invisible sealing prison.

Aila stared fixedly at the phantom avatar, her expression fluctuating.

As power from the two fusion furnaces continued to be drawn, each moment she delayed, her chances of escape diminished...

To perish along with a mere avatar and a spaceship was undoubtedly a losing deal, especially since she had already achieved part of her goal, eliminating any thoughts of a desperate last stand.

Lynn's avatar clearly saw Aila's hesitation, which he had anticipated. The heavy arcane locks reappeared, resealing the power room.

The two uranium element orbs were then thrown up, hovering at the top of the power room, ready to detonate at any extreme response from her!

As the phantom avatar stepped out of the power room again, the situation inside the spaceship had become very critical. Three light shadows had broken through the hull's defenses and burst in.

Victorio was almost single-handedly delaying these pure energy behemoths until Lynn's avatar intervened, finally eliminating them all.

"Chairman Lynn, has the trouble in the power room been resolved?" Victorio asked with immense surprise. Just now, a silver moonlight spear had broken through the spaceship's defenses, and he thought Aila was about to break free completely.

"Start the spaceship!" Lynn didn't explain further, but it was somewhat strange that the god of the main world, who had created this divine realm trapping them, hadn't taken this rare opportunity to attack.

Lynn didn't know that just as he pulled out those two uranium element orbs, the god of life and creation also felt that strong energy fluctuation. To avoid being ambushed like the god of lies, he cautiously chose to watch from a distance, only manipulating the light shadows to try and harass and damage the spaceship…


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