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Chapter 597: Slaying Gods Again, The Deceit of Divinity

The attack by the God of Lies, Ankala, was undoubtedly sudden. Even during Lynn's aerial battle with the God of Flames, Ankala had begun her schemes, silently suffusing her divine power throughout the surrounding area, even deciphering and disguising it as Lynn's own magic, effectively dismantling the Neutron Shield's protection from within...

Bound by threads of shadow, Lynn immediately found himself in peril.

These threads were somewhat similar to his Arcane Locks, both being creations of higher dimensions, extending from four dimensions simultaneously, binding macroscopic matter, microscopic energy, and even the soul tightly together.

In her massive form driven by a bloodlust, the God of Lies, Ankala, continued to use her segmented legs, and after several probes confirming there was no escape possible, she impatiently swung her enormous limbs along the shadow web toward him.

The God of Flames' complexion turned extremely ugly, for Ankala’s shadow web not only trapped Lynn but also isolated him outside.

Previously, it was he who took the blows, directly confronting the adversary. Now, when it was time to reap the rewards, this God of Lies planned to monopolize everything, showing no regard for his contributions!

"His divinity should belong to me, Ankala! Don’t forget, without my help, you would never have captured him so easily!" the God of Flames angrily reminded.

From their previous clashes, it was apparent that the adversary was a god of medium divine power. If he could obtain this divinity, he would surely escape his plight as a lesser deity.

That was also why he had willingly entered this perilous divine realm...

However, the God of Lies, Ankala, completely ignored the God of Flames' plea, totally disregarding the threat from a lesser deity. Having finally captured a deity as prey, Ankala naturally wanted it all!

Moreover, she was well aware that once the great deity Harliere descended, she would not have a claim to this divine realm, so divinity, divine office, and divine power were the true prizes she could possibly seize.

Seeing the two gods from the main world beginning to argue over how to divide his ‘corpse’, Lynn's expression remained calm, showing no signs of panic despite being trapped.

For hidden enemies whose strength and capabilities are completely unknown are the most dangerous. Once exposed, they actually lose their inherent threat.

This enigmatic calmness made the God of Lies, Ankala, hesitate slightly, even slowing her advance... but her desire for divinity and divine office ultimately prevailed.

The only thing she now feared was the potential presence of that great deity, but from her recent probes, it seemed unlikely that such a presence was in this dimension; otherwise, she would have been crushed long ago.

"It’s about time!" Just as the massive bloodlust-driven mother was upon him, Lynn suddenly spoke.

As Ankala was about to strike with her forelimbs, her actions paused because, at the same moment Lynn spoke, a strong sense of imminent danger filled her mind.

Despite Ankala’s reluctance to believe that the deity bound in the shadow web could pose a threat, the rising sense of crisis was undeniable, and her eight segmented legs abruptly hoisted the shadow web.

The densely interlinked shadow threads, just like actual spider silk, enveloped Lynn entirely, forming a sealed cocoon around him.

But even so, the threat was not eliminated, and it was only then that Ankala realized the danger did not originate from Lynn inside the shadow web...

In the vast void ten thousand kilometers away from the shadow-covered area, five battleships facing an energy beast attack suddenly changed course. The terrifying electron beams in their reflective mouths were rapidly condensing.

After seconds of charging, five positron cannons crossed time and space, aiming at the exotic skies above.

Ankala’s shadow web, capable of weaving an entirely independent high-dimensional space, was difficult to detect and target by outsiders without knowing the coordinates.

This was also why she had been able to hide near Lynn and the God of Flames unnoticed.

However, the God of Lies, Ankala, had overlooked a crucial factor—that Lynn, being within the shadow web, served as the perfect coordinate!

While he had retracted most of his power to deal with the gods from the main world, one exception remained—the power on the spaceship’s main ship!

After all, that power was meant to keep Eila confined in the power melt and could not be easily withdrawn, meaning that communication between the two parties was still possible when necessary!

As Ankala came to this realization, the positron cannons were already charged and in less than a twentieth of a second had crossed tens of thousands of kilometers, striking the shadow web!

The high-dimensional web of threads was blasted open with several large holes, and the unprepared Ankala was hit by a positron cannon, her body instantly vaporized in large part...

The hundred-foot-tall mother of bloodlust let out a sharp and angry

 scream. Although the positron cannon had blown apart parts of her body, it had not substantially affected her.

What truly terrified Ankala was that, at the moment the shadow power waned, bursts of gray-white necromantic mist suddenly erupted from within the cocoon.

A radiant lightsaber cut open the sealed cocoon, severing all the surrounding shadow threads!

Indeed, Lynn was trapped within the shadow web, but he was not entirely without the power to resist; his cooperation was merely a ploy to lure out the serpent-like deity hiding in the shadows!

The roles of hunter and prey instantly reversed.

Ankala also realized this, understanding that by bringing her adversary into the shadow web, she had inadvertently trapped herself!

Amidst her piercing screams, the massive bloodlust mother retreated, rapidly retracting the surrounding shadow threads, intending to flee this enclosed time-space.

But by then, it was already too late to retreat. Lynn raised his hand, the surrounding space began to warp and gather, the intangible shadow threads started to crumble, and the antimatter sword in his hand suddenly cleaved down, targeting the locked God of Lies, Ankala.

As a deity of deceit, revealing her true form was the moment she entered danger, but the temptation to devour a god was too great, great enough to make her expose her vulnerabilities willingly!

The antimatter sword, unsurprisingly, cut through the shadow protection around Ankala, striking directly at her spider-like grotesque and fierce body.

The entire space violently shook, an endless energy storm raging, numerous tiny black cracks appearing in the void.

Ankala’s body was also torn apart by the surging energy wave, her angry and mournful screams echoing through the void.

Within seconds, the artificially created independent space collapsed.

Lynn's figure slowly emerged in the exotic skies above, while the God of Lies, Ankala, was completely gone, her body obliterated by the impact of the antimatter energy, her divinity also severely damaged, now like shattered crystals grasped in Lynn's palm.

The God of Flames, previously obstructed outside the shadow web, shrank in size, his surrounding flames shifting from an expansive outward state to a contained circular flow.

Just a moment ago, he was cursing the damned Ankala for trying to monopolize all the gains, but now his heart was filled only with fear and trepidation.

A deity of medium divine power had just been slain!

Had he entered the shadow web with her, his fate would not have been much better.

Even Lynn was somewhat surprised; even though he had launched a surprise attack and used the starship’s positron cannon to weaken the adversary, this giant spider's resistance was indeed unexpectedly weak.

But since the adversary had let a lesser deity take the lead, thinking of employing sneaky ambush tactics two against one, it only proved that her power in direct combat among her peers was definitely not outstanding, perhaps even among the lowest!

Then, Lynn’s gaze, not without malice, turned to the remaining God of Flames.

The God of Flames, watching Lynn holding the divinity, hesitated between surrendering and fleeing for a moment, but ultimately resolved to fight, as powerful thunder was brewing in the void.

Clearly, Ankala’s death had unleashed even greater energy, signaling the imminent arrival of the great deity Harliere!

Lynn immediately noticed that the electromagnetic field in the exotic realm was showing signs of losing control...

Is there a divine office related to electromagnetism?

Electromagnetic force is one of the most fundamental forces in the universe, and a being holding a similar divine office would likely be unimaginably powerful. After a round of depletion, Lynn had no intention of fighting again. He simply crushed the already fractured divinity in his hand, seized Ankala’s divine office, and issued the retreat order.

By this time, most people in the exotic realm had already evacuated, and dozens of great wizards collectively tossed out all the hydrogen bombs reserved by the council, using the explosions of mushroom clouds as cover to abandon the shattered city, retreating to the lunar fortress in the vast universe.

The last to retreat were naturally the ten galaxy-class warships. Compared to the close-quarters combat on Lynn’s side, this side’s battle was much simpler, using the high-speed of the spacecraft to attack from a great distance. The deity that had been blocking them also seemed to have no intention of fighting to the death, overall posing no great danger.

After receiving the retreat signal, they abandoned their entanglement with those energy beasts and pushed the engines to their limits.

In the power room, Aila, who had been enduring all this while, keenly sensed this change in energy extraction and abruptly opened her eyes.

It was time!


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