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Chapter 596: The God of Lies and the Web of Shadows

Above the foreign skies, a silver fighter jet zoomed through the interwoven flames of war. Lasers shot from its front end like the sharpest daggers, severing the legendary beast's talons before swiftly maneuvering away from a wing beat and downing it with a barrage of missiles amid its agonized roars.

In such a brutal battlefield, a stall upon landing meant certain death. Facing the ground-sweeping thermal barrages and sunfire cannons, even legends struggled to survive.

Having dispatched this foe, Lydia wasted no time in dashing toward her next target.

Cody sent a wave of grateful electromagnetic signals, repairing his damaged alchemical armor. Only then did his heart, lodged in his throat, begin to relax a bit.

The road ahead, though still perilous, was undoubtedly safer by comparison.

To cover their bad luck and those stranded on the other side of the foreign land, the council deployed 150 supersonic jets for escort missions and to pinpoint and eliminate powerful flying magical beasts, preventing aerial breakthroughs.

After over three hours, Cody and the others finally saw the repeatedly reconstructed Shattered City.

"Thank goodness, we're finally back!" The moment the airship landed, Hill was so relieved he nearly cried.

Even Cody's legs felt weak. Among the journey's most dangerous moments, aside from the legendary beast's attack, was when a sunfire cannon shot near, the edge of its conical destruction zone barely twenty meters from their airship.

Although an electromagnetic signal was sent before firing the sunfire cannon to warn them to dodge, the blast's range was enormous. If caught, they would all be atomized in an instant!

Morris, who was there to meet Cody, didn't bother catching up on old times. Instead, he immediately voiced his concerns about the current situation and asked how many were still stranded.

Clearly, they were not the first to arrive at Shattered City, nor would they be the last. Over three hours, more than a hundred thousand had been evacuated, with the remainder expected to return within half an hour. At that point, the city's defense forces would also depart.

"So, we have at most four hours to evacuate?" Cody frowned.

He recalled that several wizards from the Natural Conservation Society had applied for research on the foreign marine ecosystem—a place far from here. Even by airship, it would take at least ten hours to reach Shattered City.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for them!" Morris shook his head helplessly. It wasn't that the council was abandoning them; they simply couldn't receive their electromagnetic communications—most likely a bad sign.

This attack from the home world came too suddenly and with such intensity that even legendary wizards couldn't withstand the energy surge of the initial giant palm strike...

Those unlucky enough to be in the impact zone almost certainly had no chance of survival.

Cody sighed. "Well then, we'll stay and help out."

Morris was overjoyed at this news; they were desperately short on manpower. As the guards began to withdraw, that was when the defenses would be most vulnerable.

Although they planned to use hydrogen bombs for a massive bombardment to cover the last group's evacuation, they still needed high-end power to ensure no accidents occurred.

With the chairmen absent, the grand wizards were the highest battle force they could muster!

"Look... up in the sky!"

While they were talking, a sudden shout of alarm rang out, and Cody and the others immediately looked up, a chill running through them. A sword made of energy, seemingly endless in length, slashed down from the sky. Its terrifying might made the wizards present feel the imminence of death.

Fortunately, the energy sword's target wasn't them but deviated in the fiery battlefield, creating a massive canyon!

This was an antimatter sword!

As the target of the sword attack, the Fire God nearly got split in half. Although he was the most imposing at his appearance, his power was indeed the weakest. He had been targeted by Lynn and was further enraged.

Heat intense enough to warp space-time and dissolve matter erupted from him, surpassing the power of stellar flares, and a storm of flames obscured the entire sky.

In temperatures reaching hundreds of billions of degrees, all nearby elements rapidly disintegrated, and soon, rain of fire fell from the sky. These remnants of the spell were still formidable, indiscriminately pounding every patch of ground, hitting both the fierce Merseys emerging from temporal rifts and the wizards holding out in Shattered City.

Lynn was careful not to make his moves too obvious for help, as the creatures on this planet could easily be targeted as weaknesses by the enemy.

As for temperatures in the billions of degrees, he wasn't particularly concerned; he was already shielded by a neutron barrier, and dissolving neutrons required temperatures in the trillions!

However, to move the battlefield away from the foreign realm and avoid causing too many

 collateral damages, Lynn still flew out of the range of the flame storm.

In fact, the deities that had descended to the foreign realm didn't deliberately target the mortals below; after all, though followers were a key element in maintaining their power, in the grand scheme, even a massive death toll was just a number!

The Fire God roared in a rage, failing to achieve any results once again.

"Ankala, what are you waiting for?"

The Fire God felt extremely frustrated. Though three deities had reached the foreign realm, he was the only one visibly battling the enemy.

The Gods of Life and Creation had gone to confront the strangely effective alchemical creations, while the God of Lies, Ankala, had been hiding in the shadows, only intervening at critical moments.

As the Fire God shouted, Lynn immediately became alert. Compared to this deity with weaker divine power who posed little threat, it was the unknown powers and position of another god that he truly dreaded.

His divine sense had been expanded to its limit, a sudden, inexplicable sense of crisis emerging. The area was filled with the opponent's divine power, making it impossible to pinpoint this unknown deity's location.

Where could it be?

Lynn pondered the god's possible divine roles and abilities, his sense of crisis intensifying.

This left Lynn deeply puzzled. Sheltered under the neutron shield, even deities with medium divine power would find it difficult to break through his defenses.

Since the threat didn't come from the outside, it had to be from within!

The moment he realized this, Lynn discovered that part of his magic had suddenly gone haywire!

No, that wasn't accurate because this magic wasn't originally his.

It was the God of Lies, Ankala, making his move. His divine role involved lies and deception, even allowing him to seamlessly integrate his magic into the divine realms of other gods, striking a deadly blow at the most crucial moment.

The Web of Shadows

Silently, the divine power spread across the area transformed into fine threads, instantly coalescing into a vast shadowy grid and swiftly closing in, enveloping thousands of kilometers of airspace.

Trapped within, Lynn was like prey caught by a spider, a strange tearing force applied to both his body and soul.

And the true form of the God of Lies, Ankala, finally revealed itself—a hundred-meter-tall Blood Desire Mother, her back covered in bizarre mottled patterns, her massive limb-like legs vibrating on the shadow net like plucking strings, the invisible force transmitting through the threads into Lynn's body.

Her eight compound eyes opened wide, her mouth full of sharp teeth, as if eagerly anticipating the feast...


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