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Chapter 275: Legacy

In front of Hunter Association President Netero, the elder beast of the Zoldyck family, Maha, and veteran Gourmet Hunter Linne, Luo seemed like a baby awaiting nourishment—there was no comparing their status.

The fact that these three venerable figures would meet him was a rare honor in itself.

After all, gatherings of these three were not frequent, and they certainly did not entertain outsiders.

This time, however, was an exception; there was an extra set of utensils and delicacies at their table.

As Luo opened the door and entered, the three subdued their presence, and Bean, who had escorted Luo, conscientiously left the room, heading towards the corridor outside to Machi.

From the moment he could no longer step forward, Machi lost his qualification to enter the room.

Having been with President Netero for so many years, Bean knew what to do.

Inside the room, Netero looked at Luo and said, "Come, sit down."

Luo removed his shoes, stepped onto the platform, and sat down at the vacant spot around the low table, then silently observed the simple meal set for four.

It was a square low table that perfectly seated four people. The meal was simple: there were six pieces of dried radish, and the beansprouts were so few they could be easily counted—twenty-one in total.

The delicate yet modest dishes did not reveal their secrets easily, but the rich fragrance wafting from a small dish of condiments nearly enchanted Luo.

The condiment was a dark, brownish-red with specks of white that sparkled faintly.

What were those tiny specks of white?

Luo wondered.

Moreover, a gentle, water-like aura covered the food, serving to preserve its warmth or freshness—the source of this aura was Linne.

After Luo was seated, Netero began introducing Maha and Linne.

Only then did Luo shift his focus from the condiments, his heart tightening as he learned of Maha's identity.

Maha remained silent, his eyes half-closed, while Linne's eyes were open, yet unfocused, looking nowhere in particular.

After the introductions were complete, Netero seriously said, "Luo, you're in for a treat today. These are rare delicacies Linne took two years to procure."

"No offense, but all this took two years...?" Luo first glanced at Netero before turning to Linne, who showed no reaction.

Since the involved party did not explain, Netero didn't press further, merely picking up his chopsticks and saying, "Try it and you'll see. It's only for delicacies prepared by Linne that Maha would make a special trip."

As Netero said, Maha rarely left home unless it was for a challenging task.

That he would make a trip without such tasks meant these seemingly modest dishes must hold considerable allure for him.

Who else but these few old folks could taste Linne's cooking today?

After all, these were the results of two years' effort by a seasoned Gourmet Hunter, something money couldn't buy.

Luo reserved his judgment as everyone prepared to eat. Linne silently removed the aura covering the dishes.

Maha and Netero both picked up a piece of the snowy-white radish with a hint of dark yellow and chewed carefully, their eyes lighting up, yet they restrained themselves from devouring more rice, merely stirring a small amount into their mouths.

With just four bowls of rice, they had to ration it carefully with the two delicate dishes.

Linne didn't start eating immediately. She pressed her hands together, her chopsticks held straight between her fingers, her mouth moving silently as if chanting something.

When Luo saw Maha and Netero begin to eat, he too picked up a piece of radish and threw it into his mouth.

The moment his tongue and teeth touched the dried radish, Luo's expression changed.

"Just a small piece of radish, but why is the flavor so rich?"

Before he swallowed the radish, he quickly scooped up a small bite of rice.


Luo chewed the rice and radish in his mouth to a mush before reluctantly swallowing.

And the beansprouts...

Their unusual taste delighted Luo so much that he ignored the hints from the White Smoke font and focused on the small dish of beansprouts instead.

The beansprouts looked the same size as usual, but their appearance was crystal clear, like white jade, and upon closer inspection, one could see delicate frost marks that were hard to discern.

Luo picked up a beansprout and bit into it. It was cool and crisp, tasting refreshingly sweet, like mountain spring water.

Although the texture and taste were extraordinary, compared to the flavor-packed dried radish, it seemed too bland.


A soft sound suddenly came from the


Luo looked in the direction of the sound and saw Linne tapping the tabletop with her finger.

When Luo looked her way, Linne, holding her chopsticks, pointed to the small amount of condiment and calmly said, "Dip."

This was the first word Linne had spoken since Luo entered the room.

Luo immediately understood, picked up another beansprout, dipped it into the condiment, then chewed it. When his taste buds registered the flavor, Luo was stunned.

"The taste of seafood? And the layers are complex, as if many kinds of seafood were blended together."

"This condiment..."

After dipping in the condiment, Luo tasted a rich umami flavor, unique to deep-sea creatures, and brimming with vitality.

Whether it was the dried radish or the condiment, each contained a plethora of flavors, reminiscent of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, yet distinctly different upon closer reflection.

The flavors in the radish and condiment were layered yet closely linked, like a precisely constructed machine where the parts did not clash but blended seamlessly.

Luo was too engrossed to heed the hints from the White Smoke font or care about Linne's constant gaze. His movements with the chopsticks grew faster, yet his chewing slowed.

It was agonizing...

The radish and beansprouts were in scant supply to begin with, and the condiment was even scarcer. As he saw the remaining amount dwindle, he felt reluctant to continue eating.

Truly, it was the craftsmanship of a seasoned Gourmet Hunter; what appeared so humble was laden with rich flavors.

Luo left three pieces of radish, ten beansprouts, half a dish of condiment, half a bowl of rice, and some clear soup, then put down his chopsticks.

This was the first time he had tasted something so delicious, and he wanted to devour the rest, but thinking of Machi who had come with him, he suppressed the urge driven by his appetite and put down his chopsticks.

The half he left was for Machi.

Linne was the last to start eating, but she ate faster than anyone else at the table. When Luo put down his chopsticks, she had already finished the delicacies before her.

Seeing Luo put down his chopsticks, Linne's reaction was very mild.

This meal, which she had spent two years preparing, involved over a hundred ingredients. In a broader sense, only a few people in the world, like Luo and the others, could enjoy such a meal.

However, Luo stopping halfway might seem like a great disrespect to her.

If Linne were still the fiery youth she once was, she might have flipped the table without asking why Luo stopped, and would have given him a beating first.

But she had aged, her mindset as placid as a plant's, hardly stirred by such matters.

Linne didn't know how much longer she would live—perhaps ten years, or even twenty.

Unlike Maha and Netero, she had no descendants, but there were still things that needed to be passed down, though she hadn't yet found a suitable candidate.

In fact, as she grew older, she preferred to sit silently for ten years rather than venture out, naturally unable to encounter the vibrant younger generation.

Her presence today was partly to share some fine food with Netero and others, and partly because Netero had persuaded her.

Netero had recommended Luo to her, a young man potentially suitable for inheriting her legacy.

If the relationship of inheritance was established, then she would require Luo to stay by her side, never leaving for at least five years.

Of course, earning Linne's approval would not be easy.


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