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Chapter 599: With Aila's cooperation, we can win this battle!

A dazzling light streaked through the boundless dark void, piercing the barriers of the divine realm, and extended into the space-time rift leading to the moon from another realm.

The restarted spaceship raced along the trajectory left by the beam of light at unimaginable speeds.

However, before returning to the Eternal Star, Lynn had one last task to complete: the destruction of the entire other realm!

Accomplishing this was not a difficult feat. This world, long tortured, was already on the brink of collapse; it only needed a sufficient force to completely shatter it!

Lynn chose the most thorough method: detonating the planet's core!

"The destruction of a world!" Victorio remarked, awed.

Before the spaceship entered the space-time rift, this annihilation began. The cooling core erupted with its final power!

The surface spread with vicious cracks, and terrifying streams of magma surged from beneath, forming towering pillars of fire that ripped apart the earth, striking all beings left in the other realm with devastating blows.

The belligerent Melsai had just blown open the gates of the Shattered City, about to celebrate yet another victory, only to be swallowed up by the magma bursting from underground.

Even the legendary priests displayed looks of horror, trying to showcase the divine brilliance bestowed upon them, but all attempts at solid godly shields or escaping the realm were in vain.

Aside from true deities, no creature could survive such a cataclysm...

After the arrival of the thunder and war god, the scene he witnessed was such a tragic spectacle: millions of Melsai obliterated at the same moment, their souls entering the realm of the gods.

While the death of believers is merely an early harvest of nourishment for the gods, paying such a heavy price for a collapsing realm was unbearable.

The fire god Salos faced the fury of this great deity first. As a subordinate deity of thunder, their relationship was not of allegiance, but such suppression in divine ranks was even more dreadful.

Salos knew very well that if it weren't for the rules set by the chief god, this thunder and war god would have waged a divine war against him and reclaimed the missing power long ago!

Thus, in the presence of the great god Harliere, Salos had no pride as a fellow deity and hurriedly recounted everything that had occurred after arriving in the other realm, stating that he was merely a lesser deity and that even the god of lies Ankala had been slain by the enemy, rendering him powerless to stop the enemy's actions.

Ankala's death was already sensed by the thunder and war god upon entering the region.

What truly surprised him was that Ankala's killer was not the great deity from another major plane they had anticipated, but rather an outer god of about the same strength as Ankala, who had relied on tricks to kill the exposed god of lies.

"So, not only is Ankala dead, but the moon's divine realm is shattered, and we've also lost the coordinates to that major plane?" The thunder and war god was immensely frustrated. Without exact coordinates, finding a completely unknown plane was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"That may not necessarily be the case..."

A flicker of light emerged in the void, and the speaker was none other than the god of life and creation. He did not wait for Harliere to question or blame him but spoke again. "Great god, I bring the key to that major plane!"

As he spoke, the god of life and creation opened his hand, and bright moonlight blossomed in his palm, quickly revealing the figure of Aila.

This was not Aila's true body but an avatar. To avoid misjudgment in the engine room, Aila had prepared in advance. When throwing the Spear of Moonlight, she had also projected a part of her power.

"Was it you who killed the moon goddess Diana, seizing her power?" The thunder and war god looked at the palm-sized Aila and mocked, his powerful thunderous power continuously surging, the terrifying pressure causing the moon behind Aila to tremble unstably.

Even facing a great deity far more powerful than herself, Aila showed no intention of backing down. Her gaze was like a torch, and she calmly explained. "The moon goddess Diana was not killed by me. I merely received her relics and blessings. The sorcerer who killed her is our common enemy..."

"The Wizard Council possesses extremely powerful forces, far beyond your expectations and harder to deal with!"

"I think you've already seen those massive creatures capable of super-high-speed movement and firing terrifying energy cannons. According to my understanding, they have over a hundred such ships!"

Aila continually painted the council as powerful and unbeatable, enhancing her value. Then she resolutely stated, "Those sorcerers' power should not be underestimated. Without my help, you would never be able to step into and occupy that world..."

"I smell lies, moon goddess..." Harliere immediately interrupted Aila's words, his voice cold echoing in the void. The next moment, a powerful arc of electricity struck the slightly illusory projection of the moon.

The spreading lightning soon enveloped Aila, a pain and numbness that penetrated the soul,

"Regardless, we have a common enemy, and cooperation is the best outcome!"

The thunder and war god couldn't help but laugh. A lesser outer god, who had just attempted to deceive him, dared to speak of cooperation.

"No need, I have a better plan!" The thunder and war god extended his hand, grasping Aila's avatar of the moon in his palm.

This avatar contained a fragment of Aila's soul, connected to her true self across space-time in a subtle way. If a god was used as the energy source, it would be sufficient to open a large enough space-time channel for a powerful deity to pass through...


In the vast universe, in an unknown galaxy, Victorio and others who successfully escaped back to the moon breathed a sigh of relief. The situation had been very dire, and they almost thought they would forever remain in that boundless void.

As the severely damaged spaceship slowly landed at the moon base, with no enemies emerging, everyone finally relaxed, looking up at the huge, azure Eternal Star, marveling at the beauty of life...

They had all survived, not a single one of the ten spaceships missing, a stroke of luck amid misfortune.

"So, the threat from the main world should be resolved now, right? Without the coordinates, they won't be able to find us here anytime soon!" Raphael said in a relaxed tone as he stepped out of the spaceship.

Between the two worlds, there was a seven-fold difference in the flow of time, so they wouldn't have to worry about the gods of the main world coming after them for quite some time.

But just thinking about the alien fleets gradually approaching the Eternal Star gave Raphael a headache. In this confrontation with the gods of the main world, they had not only gained little advantage but had also suffered significant losses, with even the main ship severely damaged.

"No, it won't be that easy. I think it won't be long before they truly step into this world," Lynn countered.

"But since you've already blown up the other realm, those gods shouldn't be able to get the coordinates of the Eternal Star, right?" Victorio couldn't help but frown.

"They indeed don't have the coordinates of this star of life, but they might have other ways to locate it..." Lynn turned his head towards the direction of the main ship's engine room.

During his battle with the moon god, he had noticed the other's subtle actions but had ignored them.

Or rather, he had intentionally let them go!

Before, Lynn had temporarily spared the followers of Aila on the Eternal Star, allowing them to gather some strength, just to let Aila reveal some information at the right time.

However, the recent actions of the main world had indeed caught him off guard, with a chief god almost crushing the entire plane, and the residual power bringing three deities to the other realm simultaneously.

Fortunately, in the end, his goal was still achieved, and the situation had not completely escaped his control.

"Are you planning to guide those gods of the main world into war with those alien civilizations?" Harof immediately understood Lynn's intention and was astounded.

It was undoubtedly a highly risky move, but if successful, the rewards could be tremendous!

Whether it was the main world, which boasted having over a hundred gods, or the alien civilization capable of god-slaying thousands of years ago, neither was something they could currently handle.

Lynn nodded. Confronting an enemy far stronger than oneself was clearly not a wise move, especially the chief god, whom he greatly feared. Thus, it might be better to exploit this informational discrepancy and benefit like a fisherman watching two competitors fight.

"Can this really work?" Aurora said worriedly, doubtful that the alien fleets truly had the capability to withstand the power of the main world's gods.

"That depends on whether Aila is cooperative enough..." Lynn said with a smile. Whether cooperative or not, Aila would always reveal some information about them.

Especially the spaceships. As long as the gods of the main world recognized this unique 'alchemical creation' as their hallmark, the chances of the plan's success were quite high!

The only concern was that one side's power far surpassed the other's, effortlessly defeating the opponent. However, this possibility was not high; if there was such a vast disparity, their resistance would be meaningless.


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