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Chapter 272: Good Food, come on over

Akatitz Island, known as the Devil's Island, is not only related to its ecosystem but also to its function.

It serves as a prison holding the most vicious criminals from around the world, transported here by various nations, located at an island within the center of the island.

Moreover, although the prison is built on the island, humans do not interfere with the island’s ecosystem, nor do they allow outsiders to do so.

Among the many nicknames of Akatitz Island, Devil's Island is the most commonly used, hence overshadowing another nickname it had before the prison was constructed—Poison Island.

As the name suggests, Poison Island is rife with poisonous creatures—crawling on the ground, flying in the sky, and swimming in the waters, they are everywhere.

Here, even a tiny ant possesses enough venom to kill a person easily, and these poisons serve as a natural barrier specifically against the prisoners.

Compared to the poisons that roam the land and fill the skies, the poisons in the central lake are weaker, yet they still pose a barrier that ordinary people cannot cross.

Apart from the toxins inherent in the creatures themselves, some organisms carry significant viruses and bacteria harmful to humans.

However, this island itself is a place where outsiders are forbidden to enter casually. If one wishes to visit the island, they must apply through the International Security Agency. Even if approved, they must act under surveillance.

In fact, venturing onto the island without sufficient knowledge of its current state is akin to seeking death. Moreover, the island is surrounded by a ring of outward-bursting, spiky reefs, and the only way to access it by sea is through a man-made port.

It should be noted that the value of Devil's Island is not for imprisoning criminals but for its ecosystem, which holds substantial research value. To those humans in control, Devil's Island is like a... controllable Pandora's Box.

This place is considered a sacred site by many hunters of various professions. However, due to its peculiarities, the possibility of getting approval to land there is very low, thus, many covet the island’s ecosystem, and they are known as poachers.

Unfortunately, the poachers often end in tragedy, a consequence of the risks involved.

This island, where outsiders are not allowed to interfere lightly, operates a unique natural ecosystem, but humans are so cautiously protective only because they have needs.

There are many places in the world where information cannot be obtained, and Devil's Island is one of them. Why build a prison on such a special place to house criminals?

That... might be one of the secrets.

The turmoil in Ambo City was related to Devil's Island, and after numerous important reports were submitted, the International Security Agency approved the application to land.

Sanbica Norton was not originally part of the action team, but she volunteered to join the group to get the information firsthand.

Luo talked with Sanbica for a while, then hung up the phone.

He silently noted the name Akatitz Island, knowing that Sanbica would be busy with tasks for the next half month or even a month, and he could only advise her to stay safe.

Luo knew well that Sanbica, when fully engaged in her work, was formidable. He had witnessed her confrontation with a piece of dung, a scene he could never forget.

Bisky left, and with Sanbica busy on a mission and his own injured hand, Luo’s days gradually became boring.

While resting and healing, besides his daily routine of practicing Nen techniques, he would chat with Machi and others.

As days passed, half a month flew by quickly.

Luo’s hand injury was healing, but complete recovery would still take some time.

During this half-month, Buhara achieved two victories, while Uvogin and Nobunaga secured three, getting closer to qualifying for a challenge to the floor master. As for Machi, after fighting two matches initially, she no longer participated, seemingly lacking interest.

Every day, Machi spent almost all her time by Luo's side, but their interaction was not like that of a typical couple; most of their time was spent discussing matters related to Nen and practicing Nen techniques together.

Under Bisky’s guidance, Luo’s understanding of Nen techniques had deepened significantly. The Phantom Troupe had also learned many techniques through capturing and interrogating skilled Nen users.

However, after discussing with Luo, Machi realized there was still a gap, primarily in the efficiency of their training.

During their half-month of interaction, Luo casually mentioned the concept of using Nen threads to suture severed limbs and nerves, sparking deep thought in Machi.

Perfect suturing of limbs, that was indeed an effect that Machi could potentially develop with her Nen abilities, but Luo had brought it up ahead of time.

As days became

 increasingly calm, Luo, whenever he had free time, would pick up a book to gather various information about the magical realms.

With over two months left until the start of the Martial Arts Olympics, if the rare treasures awarded to the winners were not enticing enough, Luo might not be inclined to participate.

Speaking of competitions, a world-class gourmet competition organized by top billionaires had yet to materialize, and it was uncertain when these food-loving billionaires would whimsically hold another such event.

Luo thought it over and decided that once his hand healed, his next trip would be to the World Tree.

What stuck with him most about the World Tree was what Ging had mentioned—the 'theory of the halted growth of a sapling'.

The tallest tree in the world, standing at 1784 meters, but the truth was it was a sapling that had stopped growing due to insufficient nutrients.

The real World Tree existed in the outside world, absorbing magma, rooting in mountain ranges, and even rising above the atmosphere, as long as it had enough nutrients, it would continue to grow.

With such a comparison, just by imagining, one could understand how vast that so-called "outside world" must be.

Luo had not yet explored all six continents, and for the time being, he had no plans to venture into the outside world. However, he did want to make contact with Ging.

That day, a spacecraft landed on the rooftop of Heavens Arena, bearing the mark of the Hunter Association.

A short man disembarked from the spacecraft, dressed in a suit—it was Bean.

After getting off the spacecraft, Bean headed straight for the 230th floor, uninvited, looking for Luo.

"Yo, is that you, Beanie?"

Luo was surprised by Bean's visit.

"Could you not call me Beanie?" Bean looked troubled.

"I think it's a cute nickname." Luo said earnestly.

He had learned this nickname from Chairman Netero.

Bean sighed, then brought up the matter at hand, saying, "The Chairman invites you to the Association."

"No thanks," Luo replied with a smile.

Bean was not surprised at all by Luo’s response, as if he had expected it.

He paused for a moment, then relayed the Chairman’s exact words.

"Good food, come on over."


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