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Chapter 271: Akatitz Island

On the table, there's a standard world map with six conspicuous continents highlighted.

Described in a planar view, there are six prominent continents on the ocean, three on the left and three on the right, facing each other across the sea.

The continent in the top left corner of the map, where the Heavens Arena is located, and in the bottom left corner is the Yorbian Continent, with the continent housing the Hunter Association situated between them.

In the top right corner of the map lies the largest of the six continents, the Azian Continent, which is also where the Kingdom of Kakin is located.

It's worth noting that although the Azian Continent is the largest among the six, the Kingdom of Kakin is not a member of the V5 international organization.

The so-called V5 is an international organization made up of the strongest five countries distributed across five continents, holding a leadership position in the world, to the extent that even the Hunter Association must follow their directives, essentially making the Association subordinate to the V5.

Despite the Hunter Association having many powerful and outstanding individuals from various fields, in front of national institutions, the Association is like a university club, and the V5 is like the university administration, with the power to disband the club at any time.

The Hunter Association must obey the orders of the V5, and its status is significantly inferior to any country within the V5.

Of these six continents, Luo has only visited three.

The first continent is the Yorbian Continent, where Meteor Street is located, and it is also the continent Luo has explored the most.

The second continent is the Peter Continent, home to the Amarlo Jungle, directly across the sea from the Yorbian Continent and positioned at the bottom right of the world map, making it the smallest in area among the six continents.

The third continent is where the Heavens Arena is situated, and is also the home of the Zoldyck family.

At this moment, Sanbica Norton and over a dozen learned virologists and bacteriologists are gathered in a tent, all drawn here by the extremely contagious virus—or perhaps more accurately, bacterial epidemic.

Viruses and bacteria are different, but... initially thought to be a highly contagious virus, further understanding revealed it wasn’t so simple.

Meanwhile, rather than discussing viruses or bacteria, they are focused on a circled island on the world map—a subject that feels incredibly surreal to those caught in the midst of this storm.

The circled island, located in the sea route between the continent where the Kukuroo mountain is located and Azian continents, is the only island in these waters.

From the map, this appears as a massive circular island in the vast ocean, with a smaller circular island within it.

This island is called “Akatitz Island,” also aptly nicknamed Devil Island.

Including the marine area at the center of Devil Island, the total area of Akatitz Island is 1.795 million square kilometers, about four times the size of Japan.

What exactly is Akatitz Island, and why is it referred to as Devil Island?

Sanbica Norton knows little, yet the upheaval that started in Ambo City is not only shadowed by G2 but also intricately linked with Akatitz Island.

"Passage rights should be approved within two days."

"Then, including the travel time, it'll take at least half a month at the fastest. If the team responsible for collecting 'samples' is inefficient, we might have to wait a month for results."

"Waiting is necessary, unless you have a better solution."

A person fully covered in a protective suit spoke to another person across the table.

Seventeen people are inside the tent, three of whom are hunters hired for this task, and Sanbica Norton is one of them.

Before arriving, Sanbica thought this task wouldn’t be difficult, but after encountering it firsthand, she realized she was terribly wrong. Upon realizing the complexity of the situation, she unconsciously thought of a ‘numeric’ email.

Sanbica knows very well who sent her that email, and she knows what that number represents… a warning!

Perhaps, it was warning her that this mission was extraordinary, but now that she's involved, she can't worry about that anymore.

"Low efficiency is fine, but the team must complete the mission because we don’t have time to waste."

"For now, we can only wait until the 'samples' are retrieved."

"Perhaps we should be thankful that the main culprit is relatively mild, with not a high fatality rate; otherwise, we wouldn't have the luxury of time."

Upon hearing this, everyone fell silent.

The hospital admitted the first patient fourteen days ago, and now, some of the severe cases have completely lost consciousness, progressing from initial manic excitement, moderate delusional satisfaction, high fever, short-term bleeding,

 and fatigue to a 'vegetative' state.

Assuming the main culprit is the ‘G2’ virus, appropriate treatment should eradicate it within five days, but here, it only delays the progression.

As time passes, it is foreseeable that a large number of patients will enter a 'vegetative' state, a very severe situation.

For the local government, they would rather have the people unable to receive effective treatment and gradually die than have so many become vegetative.


Two days after Biscuit Krueger left, Isaac Netero was also brought back to the Association by Bean to deal with accumulated matters.

Luo, with both hands injured, can only earnestly recuperate.

A day later, Luo sent a short message to Sanbica asking about her situation.

Not long after the message was sent, his phone rang—it was Sanbica’s number.

Luo, using his ability, levitated the phone next to his ear and answered the call.

"How severe is your hand injury?" Sanbica asked urgently as soon as the call connected.

Luo replied, "It’s okay, should recover in about a month."

"Mm," Sanbica responded and then fell silent.

Luo paused and asked, "How’s the situation being handled?"

"It can’t be resolved in a short time," Sanbica replied.

"Really..." Luo wondered, "With your Nen ability, I'm surprised you find it challenging."

Sanbica softly said, "It's not simple to explain in a few words. Also, I'll be joining a team action the day after tomorrow. During the mission, everyone is forbidden from carrying personal communication devices, so for half a month, or maybe even a month, I might not be able to contact you."

"Going somewhere? Related to this task?" Luo inquired.


"Where?" Luo continued.

"Akatitz Island," Sanbica answered.

Luo curiously asked, "Akatitz Island?"

"That place is a poison island, also a prison, holding many criminals. It's quite a dangerous place."

"Do you need help?" Luo asked instinctively, not considering his injured hands.

"No need, with the Association’s help, this task shouldn't be difficult." Sanbica actually wanted Luo’s help, but remembering his hand injury, she squashed the idea.

She knew, if she asked, Luo would help her even if he couldn’t use his hands.


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