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Chapter 594: Speed-of-Light Positioning and the Hand that Obscures the Sky

Floating in the endless void, the foreign realm knew neither seasons nor years; time seemed to lose its meaning here. If not for the atomic clocks, Cody wouldn't even know that he had been here for nearly three months.

The work of rescuing precious magical beasts was becoming increasingly difficult. For one thing, the easier targets had all been captured, leaving only those that hid deep in mountain caves, skilled at concealment.

Secondly, the flame demons from the main world, who would self-destruct at the slightest provocation, were particularly annoying. Additionally, the emergence of time rifts was completely unpredictable. Recently, several skyships sent to search for new magical beasts had been attacked. Although there were no major casualties, these incidents still significantly complicated their efforts.

"Is this the magical beast we are to capture this time?" Hill gazed excitedly at the album displaying a creature with three heads.

"Yes, this is a new species discovered yesterday. I've named it the Tri-headed Beast, possibly a variant of the multi-headed serpent. They share many similarities in appearance..." Cody explained.

This would be their last target, considering the foreign realm had become increasingly dangerous, and the council had issued orders for a gradual evacuation, with about four days left until the deadline.

Cody, who hadn't returned to the kingdom for three months, was looking forward to seeing the marvels that awaited him at the Eternal Star...

After all, between the two worlds, there was a time passage disparity of seven times, meaning that the Eternal Star had already advanced by one year and nine months!

Coupled with the rapid urbanization transformations on the Eternal Star, every wizard traveling between the two worlds couldn't help but wonder if they had leapt into the future.

This peculiar phenomenon once again confirmed the correctness of the Quantum Theory of the Magic Star; the speed of time was not constant. It varied with speed and the changes in space.

It took Cody over ten seconds to snap out of his reverie. He then cleared his throat, ready to delegate tasks for this operation.

Before he could speak, however, a servant hurried in, speaking urgently.

"Lord Cody, there's an emergency transmission from the council, ordering all personnel stranded in the foreign realm to evacuate immediately."

"Now?" Cody frowned, as they had already located the lair of the Tri-headed Beast, and it would take at most half a day to handle it.

"Yes, right now, immediately!" the servant affirmed.

"Alright." Cody glanced at Hill and others who were somewhat reluctant, but he sighed. Since the council had issued an emergency directive, it must be a very urgent matter.

The servant who had brought the news didn't know the specifics, and there was no need to explain further, as the entire land suddenly began shaking violently.

"What's happening? An earthquake?" Hill exclaimed, nearly crashing into a nearby column.

"It's likely some kind of large-scale attack!" Cody spoke quickly, his expression grave, and he hurriedly urged everyone to evacuate as quickly as possible.

In fact, it wasn't just the ground that was trembling—it was the entire planet!


Five minutes earlier, in the foreign realm, at the kingdom's external command center, a group of senior council members were discussing the kingdom's next steps.

By now, most of the crucial resources from the foreign realm had been transported back to the Eternal Star, and it was time for a full evacuation. Several grand wizards even suggested that they could blow up the entire foreign realm, depriving the gods of the main world of a foothold to attack the Eternal Star!

However, many wizards opposed this idea, as it seemed a shame to simply abandon an entire world.

Moreover, the gods of the main world currently posed no threat to them. The invading flame demons only caused minor nuisances, and they could continue to hold this world to extract more resources until the foreign realm was completely depleted.

"Don't forget, we currently don't have the resources to defend against two invasions simultaneously!" Raphael reminded the overly optimistic wizards.

The foreign realm was still holding its ground against the main world solely because Lynn had devoted most of his efforts here, repairing the constant time rifts. However, they also faced threats from extraterrestrial civilizations in space, which was a more pressing issue.

Once they redirected their forces, the standoff in the foreign realm would collapse instantly, and the portals left behind would become a great aid to the enemy's invasion.

Harof and others supported Raphael's viewpoint. The main discussion now was when would be the most appropriate time for the council to evacuate and whether the foreign realm needed to be destroyed...

Lynn did not participate in the discussion, but the sense of unease in his heart grew stronger, although he could not pinpoint its source...

He even suspected that the enemy's attack had already begun, but he was unable to detect it.

Where could the problem be?

Lynn pondered as he delved deeper into his observation of

 the foreign realm.

On a normal day, he rarely did this because this was a dying world, so Lynn had never expanded his divine realm to the core of the foreign realm.

If he connected too deeply with the foreign realm, the collapse of this plane would greatly affect him.

Upon closer inspection of the foreign realm, lingering on every blade of grass, he soon noticed something amiss. The places where the time rifts had opened had traces of undetectable residual forces.

Lynn immediately realized these were likely the magical remnants left by the self-destructing flame demons.

Normally, such weak residual forces would quickly be assimilated by the divine realm.

This time, however, was different. These special magical forces were stubborn, resisting assimilation by the divine realm. Due to their minimal strength, they would not be detectable unless they accumulated to a certain extent.

Was this why the gods of the main world had been sending these monsters on suicide attacks?

Lynn quickly came to this conclusion. These accumulated special magical forces could clearly be used as coordinates, but just as he was about to try to remove them, he made another discovery.

The entire plane seemed to be moving in a certain direction...

Ordinarily, this wouldn't be a big deal, as the foreign realm had always aimlessly wandered through the void. In the boundless void, moving at a constant speed was no different from being stationary, especially without any reference points to determine speed and direction. But this strange feeling was very clear.

"Chairman Lynn..."

The sudden shout interrupted Lynn's thoughts. It was Harof, discussing whether to push for a few more days to transport more resources back to the Eternal Star, but seeing Lynn silent, they felt it strange.

"Now, immediately! Notify all personnel still in the foreign realm to evacuate!" Lynn stood up, his expression grave as he issued the command, then turned to the astonished council members and spoke again.

"Gentlemen, the war has already begun. Gather all the starships prepared for battle."

After his words, Lynn didn't explain further; his figure disappeared from the spot, and at the same time, his projections scattered around were also withdrawn, ready to concentrate his power to face this threat.

Lynn's sudden declaration of war and immediate disappearance left the wizards present baffled, but they all understood that the Magic Star would not joke with them at such a time. Most likely, they had not detected the danger with their abilities.

"Do as he says, everyone!" Victorio took a deep breath, then continued to ask, "How many people are still in the foreign realm, and how long will it take to ensure a complete evacuation?"

"There are a total of 270,000, mostly guards. The rest, responsible for transportation, reconnaissance, and collection, number only about 30,000. It will take at most half a day to complete the evacuation..." a council member responsible for statistics quickly reported.

"Then notify them, as soon as possible!" Alade slammed the table and roared.


Elsewhere, Lynn, having gathered his dispersed powers, was now floating above the foreign realm.

With his power growing, Lynn was increasingly aware that this world seemed to be drawn towards a certain direction. After pondering for a moment, he reached out and lightly tapped in mid-air.

Instantly, several brilliant beams of light shot out in all directions.

The speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum is the speed of light, and the speed of light is the upper limit of speed that can be achieved in the universe. This constancy makes light an excellent reference under specific conditions!

Just one second later, Lynn calculated using the formula that they were currently moving at a speed of 10,000 kilometers per second in a certain direction, and of course, he wouldn't let the situation continue.

But first, he needed to clean up those residual magical forces in the foreign realm that served as coordinates.

With a thought from Lynn, wisps of gray-white mist quickly appeared inside the foreign realm, at every location where a space-time rift had occurred. Since the divine realm alone could not erase the divine will remaining in these magical forces, it was time to try the power of the god of death!

Everything must meet its end, and this is the power of the death god. Although he had only a small part of the death god's power, it was enough!

Under the corrosion of the gray-white mist, the stubborn magical forces, like maggots on bones, gradually faded from the foreign realm.

The pulling force on the foreign realm was also weakening.

However, Lynn's expression grew even more solemn because the enemy's counterattack came quickly. An unbelievably huge hand, almost covering the entire field of view, stretched out from the distant void. Its five fingers clutched the foreign realm as if gripping a football...


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