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Chapter 595: The Arrival of the Three Gods, the Near-Destruction of the Alien Realm

Lynn had never imagined that a single hand could be so enormous, with a diameter exceeding ten thousand kilometers! The five fingers were like towering mountains, almost obscuring the entire sky!

At that moment, a tremendous roar suddenly echoed throughout the entire plane.

It was the ten interstellar warships deployed in advance in the alien realm, activating the scatter particle cannons on their ships at this moment! Millions of neutron clusters, each weighing nearly a thousand tons and moving at one-third the speed of light, shot out, crossing the entire continent in a fraction of a second and colliding with the giant hand that obscured the sky.

Each neutron cluster was barely larger than an atom, but its destructive power was far more terrifying than a hydrogen bomb! Amidst the deafening explosions, the hand that covered the sky was directly torn apart. Beneath the rock-like skin, countless blood holes appeared, and divine blood mist continuously sprayed out from within...

Following this, nine arcane gears appeared in the void, and infinite elements in the air began to surge, forming rune locks that tightly bound the giant hand.

Hundreds of billions of tons of pressure were instantly applied to the riddled giant hand.

However, this thing was more resilient than Lynn had imagined. The arcane locks extending from the void were dragged with cracks, and the blood holes that had exploded were rapidly healing at a visible speed...

Despite the heavy restraints, the giant hand still grabbed the alien realm, like a child squeezing a ball, and then began to drag it towards the direction it came from!

It was clear that after the stealthy attempt to change the alien realm's trajectory failed, the other party adopted the simplest and most straightforward method, using unparalleled power to pull this plane into an unknown area.

"Is it the Lord God?" Lynn muttered, his expression grave as he watched the giant hand remain intact under the terrifying attack of the scatter particle cannons.

Even the magical projection transmitted from billions of miles away had such terrifying power. If the true form of the other party were here, it could probably crush the entire planet with a mere flick of its finger!

"Use the positron cannon!"

Raising his hand slightly, Lynn transmitted an electromagnetic wave. The previous test was not meaningless; at least he had sensed that the giant hand was still composed of material elements, which meant that no matter how hard it was, it could hardly resist the attack of a positron cannon!

This was the strongest spear in the matter world!

The ten galaxy-class warships quickly began to charge. The terrifying electron beams condensed within the reflection ports at the front and then shot out fiercely together, targeting the wrist connecting the hand to the arm!

This was the thinnest part of the entire arm, yet its diameter still exceeded three thousand kilometers!

Lynn did not make a move but instead reactivated the arcane locks to bind the entire giant hand.

Firstly, his full-strength strike was far less powerful than these ten positron cannons, and secondly, Lynn did not think their attack would hit so easily.

However, to his surprise, the attack was incredibly smooth. The ten positron cannons cut directly into the connection between the hand and the arm like the sharpest knives.

Like rotten meat encountering strong acid, the fragile wrist began to rapidly dissolve under the bombardment of the positron cannons, and a large amount of divine blood scattered in the void and on the ground.

In just a few seconds, the positron cannons had pierced through the wrist, which was comparable in diameter to the moon. Without the continuous supply of power, the giant hand gripping the alien realm began to tremble unstably.

The blood holes made by the neutron clusters also stopped healing. While Lynn was surprised, he did not miss this rare opportunity. With a thought, large amounts of deuterium and tritium elements flooded into the wounds, and after a quarter of a second, they exploded!

A million hydrogen bombs detonated simultaneously, generating enough energy to tear apart a small satellite! Although such thermonuclear weapons were no longer the most advanced in the council, they were cheap, abundant, and easy to use. Creating an antimatter weapon consumed a thousand times more magic power than deuterium and tritium elements!

Under the successive attacks, the giant hand, as large as a planet, finally collapsed!

However, there was no trace of victory on Lynn's face because the divine blood scattered from the giant hand turned into a chaotic energy flow, spreading towards all parts of the alien realm!

Moreover, his divine domain was being counter-invaded.

Wherever the divine blood fell, it was the other party's divine domain... Lynn immediately realized this. The gray death fog instantly enveloped the area covered by the energy flow.

However, the death fog, which had always been invincible, failed to perform as expected this time, merely managing to slow down the expansion of the energy flow.

This was the power of the Lord God?

Lynn once again raised his expectations of the Lord God's strength.

This was a gap in sheer power!

If not for merging with the core of the Eternal Star and advancing from lower divine power to intermediate divine power, he might not even have been able to stop the expansion of these energy flows.

As soon as the divine domain was suppressed, the space-time protection covering the entire alien realm appeared with a huge breach, and a conspicuous space-time rift began to emerge within the expanding blood-colored divine domain.

A large number of long-waiting flame demons quickly invaded this plane, and the Molsai people, who had lost face under the attack of the neutron clusters, also organized a revenge army led by dozens of legendary priests, rushing towards the shattered city.

Lynn ignored these minor enemies because the energy from the collapsed giant hand was already enough for a god to cross the barriers of space-time and arrive in this world!

Fiery flames surged from the void, soon condensing into shape. Under Lynn's watchful eyes, a massive figure stepped out from the flames.

It was the God of Flames, Saros!

Soon, two more figures emerged from the void. Although their appearance was far less grand than that of the God of Flames, they made Lynn even more wary because their auras were no weaker than his own.

The appearance of three gods at once undoubtedly meant the situation was completely out of control.

Strangely, however, neither side made an immediate move, and the scene fell into a stalemate.

Lynn was waiting for the fire support from the interstellar warships, while the three gods who had crossed the barriers of space-time did not dare to act rashly. They were cautious... very cautious!

The previous proton cannon shot made them suspect that there was also a god with powerful or even great divine power on this side.

Though standing in this energy flow made from the remnants of the main world, they could exert most of their power, it was ultimately not as free as in their own divine domain.

The God of Thunder and War, Lord Harrier, might be waiting for them to die before establishing a stable two-world channel and descending personally with an overwhelming surge of energy.


Compared to the wary gods, the ground battle was obviously much more brutal. The sound of fierce cannon fire echoed continuously, and thermobaric bombs rained down like meteors, raising mushroom clouds amidst the earth-shaking explosions.

The enemy's counterattack came quickly, with powerful legendary priests raising their staffs and summoning endless thunder, causing thousands of casualties in an instant.

"Where are the thunder mages? Faraday cages... set up Faraday cages for protection!" Grand Wizard Ignar shouted loudly.

Since the legendary council members were all operating the interstellar warships, they had to rely on weapons for protection. Forty solar cannons roared simultaneously, and the conical beams of destruction cleared the battlefield in an instant. However, the enemies pouring out of the space-time rift seemed endless.

Although the council's orders were not to hold out to the end or annihilate all enemies, but to hold on until everyone had evacuated, this was no easy task.

Just the shockwaves from the giant hand's impact had killed countless unlucky souls. Now, only less than 150,000 people outside could still receive signals.

Corde and his group were among them. Their luck was not bad, but definitely not good. Just a few minutes after they boarded the airship and left the station, it was destroyed by a terrifying energy wave.

Before they had time to sigh at their narrow escape from death, they were forced to traverse a long battlefield...

Even as a Fifth Ring Grand Wizard, Corde felt powerless in such a high-intensity battle. Besides praying for better luck, there was nothing he could do.

Unfortunately, luck alone wouldn't last long. The airship flying through the flames of war was soon targeted by a legendary beast.

This was a peculiar dragon-like creature with two heads and four legs, its body covered in dense scales, and spikes like barbs on its back.

In normal times, Corde and his group would be extremely interested in this unknown magical beast, but now there was only fear.

The beast's sharp claw, covered in bone spikes, tore through Corde's alchemical shield and struck the airship's large gas bag.

This was one of the airship's most obvious weaknesses. Once the gas bag was breached, crashing was inevitable.

Corde knew that without the advantage of high-speed flight, their chance of returning to the shattered city was almost zero!

Fortunately, at this moment, a brilliant laser beam shot from a distance, severing the beast's claw. Next, they saw a silver eagle fly by.

It was faster than the wind and swifter than sound, leaving only a blur. The gust it stirred almost overturned the airship...

"It's a supersonic fighter jet!" Hill shouted excitedly. It was clear that the council's support had arrived!


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