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Chapter 593: Fleeing with the Planet, Heading Towards Eternal Freedom?

In a blink of an eye, one and a half months had passed, just as Lynn had anticipated. The gods of the main world had not given up on their covetousness towards the other realms, despite the terrifying power of the proton sphere he had unleashed. However, they had become much more cautious in their invasion attempts, no longer making grand movements as before.

This was also within Lynn's expectations. His strike was partly meant as a deterrent. Considering that gods would significantly weaken once they left their divine realms, it was enough to intimidate those lesser gods, preventing them from easily stepping into other realms and thus buying enough time.

In such pressing times, the council accelerated the collection of resources from other realms, taking everything that could be carried away. Lynn personally pinpointed all the rarer mineral locations, then used divine magic to extract them and directly transported them with spaceships, which was very convenient and quick.

Meanwhile, the wizards from the Natural Protection Association had also stepped up their efforts. Using a magic radar developed by the research institute that could detect magical and vital signs, they frenziedly captured beasts from other realms.

To date, they had captured over three hundred types of magical beasts, including some legendary ones. The alchemists and potion masters were ecstatic, making new discoveries almost daily.

Additionally, under Lynn's manipulation, the magical density of the entire realm had decreased by more than seven layers. A massive amount of magic flowed into the Eternal Star, allowing many apprentices with lower magical talents to naturally achieve the advancement to official wizards.

The transformation of the Eternal Star into a divine realm was also reaching its most critical moment, with only the core left to complete.

However, the smooth progress somewhat unsettled Lynn.

Recently, small-scale raids by the opposition had never ceased. Every day, millions of flame demons perished within the other realm. With their advanced warnings and defenses, only a few unfortunate laborers who happened to encounter spatial rifts were killed. At this rate, the opposition would never be able to conquer this plane even if they spent a hundred years.

It seemed unlikely that the gods of the main world would be so foolish...

Lynn felt something was amiss, but their current understanding of godly, especially supreme godly tactics was very limited, making it hard to guess what methods they might use to break through the spatial barriers.

However, enhancing his own power was always the first priority in dealing with threats!

Taking advantage of this relatively stable period, Lynn returned to the Eternal Star to begin the final ritual of merging with this life-bearing planet.

His will-infused magic penetrated deep into the earth, through the thick mantle thousands of kilometers deep, reaching the core! Previously, Lynn had always thought that although the core was a planet's most crucial component, it was merely a mix of high-density elements. However, when his magic touched the core, he experienced an unprecedented sensation.

He felt as if he had become the life-bearing star that had stood in this star region since time immemorial. The outer crust was his skin, the solid mantle his bones and muscles, and the boiling magma his flowing blood, all circulating under the heartbeat of the core.

This immense vitality was something Lynn had never felt when controlling other realms and the moon. The former's core felt like that of an elderly man on his deathbed, while the latter, being merely a satellite, was less than one-fiftieth the size of the Eternal Star.

Moreover, Lynn could now manipulate the planet's magnetic field at will, or rather, the magnetic field seemed like an extension of his senses. Lynn could even see the ripples caused by solar winds.

The sun's gravitational pull was particularly annoying, and a thought emerged in his mind.

Let's fly away with the planet...

Head into the boundless cosmic void, towards true freedom! Just a little more, and Lynn was ready to act, but he quickly realized that this was not freedom, but rather, it would be inviting trouble.

Without the sun's light, although they could rely on nuclear energy and antimatter for power, it would undoubtedly be more troublesome. A stable star region environment was especially important for a life-bearing planet with lower technology.

Looking at the fate of the other realm, even though the Moon Goddess Diana had set up divine protections in advance, greatly delaying the loss of temperature, the realm had almost become a dead zone over decades.

Therefore, even faced with a fleet of alien spaceships from an unknown technological civilization approaching this divine realm, Lynn had no intention of fleeing with the planet.

Firstly, the universe seemed very dangerous. If there was one alien civilization, there could very well be a second, third, or fourth.

Secondly, how fast could they possibly move such a large sphere? If they couldn't reach sub-light speed, they would eventually be caught by those alien warships.

Lynn quickly adjusted his emotions, having fully merged with the Eternal Star, and now, along with the

 moon and the other realm, effectively controlled three planes, naturally increasing his power further.

Lynn felt he could do more than before, but he still needed some time to familiarize himself with these new powers. However, there were more important tasks at hand—the council had expended a vast amount of resources to construct a new spaceship, which was now completed!

Stepping out, Lynn left the Eternal Star and entered the cosmos, and with his second step, he reached the desolate moon.

The distance between the Eternal Star and the moon was hundreds of thousands of kilometers, but with divine magic that stretched space, it only took a few seconds to cross.

Ten massive warships were neatly stationed on the moon's surface, five of which used a disc-shaped design mimicking alien technology, while the other five employed a rhomboid structure devised by Dennis and others, allowing curvature devices to be placed at both ends.

The reason there were only ten ships and not more was that the spaceships required manual control, and only legendary wizards had the computational power to manage this. Currently, there were exactly ten seats in the council.

As for developing computer technology to assist with piloting the spaceships, Lynn had thought about it, but it was not easy to implement in a short time. Wizards themselves were like supercomputers, and lower-end technology was not as efficient as the magic network.

"It's a pity we only have Aila as a qualified energy source; otherwise, we wouldn't have to worry about the troubles from the main world and those damned alien fleets," Victorio said regretfully.

Changing a power source was not just about breaking the light speed barrier; it could also maximize the energy shield's strength.

From the last time they entered another realm and fought with Aila, it was clear that the spaceship had its weaknesses. Firstly, its large size made it an easy target. At medium to long distances, it could rely on its extraordinary speed to evade enemies, but at close range, it struggled against deities in physical form, a bit like using a cannon to kill a fly.

Not to mention, the opponent also had the ability to control space, which could somewhat weaken the advantages brought by the curvature engine.

Lynn was quite composed, considering the council had, within a few years, progressed from a feudal magical civilization to directly replicating interstellar-level warships, which was already quite remarkable. They couldn't ask for more.

"By the way, how has that one been behaving recently? No trouble, right?" Lynn suddenly remembered Aila, who was trapped in the power room serving as the energy core, and asked.

"No trouble there. Although there were a few disturbances, she's been mostly well-behaved," Victorio raised an eyebrow and responded with a smile.

In recent months, they had not stopped training for a single day, simulating various adverse scenarios to consume the opponent's power and prevent Aila from accumulating enough strength to break her bonds.

Lynn glanced at the location of the spaceship's power room and nodded. "If that's the case, then continue the training."

The ten spaceships soon set sail, heading to the furthest brown star for their first cluster attack drill.

At the same time, inside the disc-shaped flagship, Aila, trapped in the power room, also noticed that divine power was being rapidly siphoned off.

"Is it starting again?"

Aila pondered secretly. Although someone had set a barrier that sealed off her external senses, the opponent's frequent and regular siphoning of her divine power must have some deep meaning.

Numerous possibilities flashed through Aila's mind, and she quickly guessed that those wizards were facing a war, hence the frequent battle training.

The likely targets were the gods of the main world!

Having part of the memories of the Moon Goddess Diana, Aila immediately realized this. Other than this possibility, there probably wasn't another enemy that would make these wizards so cautious.

And war meant conflict, which also meant opportunities for her!

Aila had never given up on the idea of amassing strength for a counterattack. Besides a few deliberate outbursts to test the strength of her bonds and reassure the wizards, she had been silently accumulating power.

These powers were coming from the remaining believers on the Eternal Star!

For Aila, this was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise!

But thinking about it, it also made sense. The church and the empire had ruled for a thousand years and were deeply ingrained in people's hearts. Even if those wizards slandered and vilified them, it was impossible to completely sever the faith of tens of millions of people in the unknown territories, at the edges of cities, and in the deep mountains and old forests where the council's authority did not reach.

Even the most powerful beings had difficulty controlling everyone's thoughts!

Based on this, even though she was trapped in this less than ten square meters area, humiliated by those wizards as a mere power source for this massive alchemical machine, Aila still endured.

She needed a suitable opportunity and believed that day was not too far off!


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