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Chapter 592: Strong Interaction Forces and the Apocalypse Proton Cannon!

As the gaping spacetime rift slowly closed under the gaze of the gods, it marked the disappearance of their efforts that had taken up most of the day.

The gods of life and creation breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they probably wouldn’t face a second attack anytime soon.

However, the impact of the proton cannon was just beginning to unfold. The highly spirited war legion was torn in two by the surging atmospheric waves, and millions of flame demons and void behemoths perished on the spot without a chance to resist!

The city behind them was a scene of devastation, with most of it reduced to rubble. Dust filled the air, mixing with the remnants of shattered buildings and magma spewing from the ground, creating a post-apocalyptic landscape.

Countless devotees trembled as they knelt on the ground, crying out in prayer for the arrival of the gods of thunder and war…

In fact, no prayers were needed; the extensive destruction immediately alerted the gods of thunder and war.

The next moment, dark clouds began to gather over the realm of the gods, converging slowly but surely. Inside, the violent power of thunder flashed…

Both the gods present and the people of Mersei, who were nearly breaking under the proton sphere's assault, could clearly feel a vast and terrifying pressure permeating within the realm—a wrath of the mighty gods!

Thunder quickly surged from the gathered clouds, a thunder column over a hundred meters wide illuminating an area of ten thousand kilometers with brightness surpassing a hundred stars. “Great Lord Hariel!” the gods hastily paid their respects, calling out the true name of the god of thunder and war.

Though all were divine, there were distinctions among them, ranging from lesser divine powers to great divine powers, across four levels.

There were also disparities in divine roles.

For instance, the god of flames, whose role was merely a subset of the thunder role, was essentially capped in power and faced certain restrictions unless a second divine role was acquired. Otherwise, they would remain lesser deities for life.

Thunder and war, on the other hand, covered a vast range, especially the former, which was nearly a fundamental force of the world, making Hariel one of the most powerful gods under the chief deity!

The terrifying column of thunder soon dispersed, revealing a ninety-meter tall plasma giant shrouded in intense light, with leaping electric arcs forming a long spear tightly held in its right hand. Its incandescent, lightning-like eyes fiercely stared down at the five gods before it, issuing a brutal rebuke.

“Tell me, what exactly happened here?”

Just a quarter-hour earlier, Hariel was discussing strategies for attacking a major plane with the chief god when he suddenly sensed that one of his realms had been severely damaged and hurried back.

Reality was more brutal than he had imagined; the entire plane had been pierced from south to north, and the destruction at the back was even more terrifying than it appeared on the surface because Lynn's proton cannon was a two-stage attack!

Besides the destruction caused by the mass and speed of the proton sphere itself, it acted like an unstable bomb upon encountering resistance and slowing down, exploding with a bang!

Since each proton carries a positive charge and like charges repel each other, binding a large number of protons together is not an easy task.

But it is not impossible!

By using extremely high pressures or velocities of collision and other artificial factors to reduce the distance between two protons to 10^-15 meters, they can overcome the repulsive force produced by electromagnetic forces under strong interactions, binding them tightly together—this is how atomic nuclei are formed...

Lynn obviously wasn't yet capable of controlling or influencing strong interactions, so he resorted to some clever tricks.

The elements of the foreign realm were simulations of divine power, so Lynn simply used his control over divine power to forcefully bind the protons into a sphere, with fifty thousand tons being his limit.

At that moment, the interior of the proton sphere was like a coiled spring, ready to burst forth upon encountering sufficient resistance.

The other half of the plane was directly turned into a stopper!

Repairing it would take at least a thousand years and consume an immeasurable amount of divine power!

How could Hariel not be enraged?

Even gods of the same realm found it difficult to bear the wrath of a great deity. The god of flames quickly spoke up, attempting to explain.

“Lord Hariel, we were indeed following your instructions to open a spacetime rift between the Moon Realm and the main world using their weak connection, but then we were counterattacked…”

The god of flames embellished the story a bit, almost suggesting that the enemy was too powerful and they were simply no match.

Upon hearing that the opponent had managed to wreck his realm with a single strike, even putting the god of the earth into a slumber, Hariel also realized that the situation had exceeded his expectations.

He had never considered the native of the plane who had

 seized the Moon Divinity seriously, so after obtaining the method to locate the Moon Realm from the chief god, Hariel had no intention of getting involved himself, deeming the minor achievement beneath him and leaving it to other gods to handle.

But now the situation had clearly changed. Shattering a realm with one strike was not something a newly promoted lesser deity could accomplish; this was likely a god from an unknown major plane, possessing powerful or even great divine power.

Even if he personally descended, victory was not assured!

Only by forcing the opponent out of their realm or moving the battleground to a more neutral location could he stand a chance.

“Lord Hariel, should we continue?” the god of flames cautiously asked.

“Of course!” Hariel’s voice was chillingly cold. Since acquiring the thunder role, he had conquered numerous planes without ever facing defeat, not even encountering a worthy opponent.

This time, the destruction of his realm had piqued his intense interest. He was the master of war, the executor of victories, and he yearned to conquer a more formidable opponent. The efforts of the gods and the sacrifice of countless minions were not in vain. The invading army of flame demons was his creation, silently dispersing his divine power throughout that world. As long as there were enough of them, he could use this connection to pinpoint the location of the Moon Realm.

“Next, I will request the chief god to pull the entire Moon Realm back to the main world! Then, in a fair duel, I will erase him from this world!” Hariel arrogantly and confidently declared, as lightning danced in the sky once more, striking down around him before he vanished from the gods' sight.

Broken City of Arkana, Foreign Realm

Watching the spacetime rift in the void gradually close, Harof and the others finally let their guard down, having repelled the invasion from the main world once again without any losses.

“It’s a pity we couldn’t see the damage caused by that strike!” Victorio lamented, curious to witness the power unleashed by Lynn’s massive operation, which used a planet as its trajectory.

“So, that thing could destroy a world?” Raphael asked in astonishment.

Over the years, although he had witnessed many unimaginable spells and even seen Victorio use a scatter neutron cannon to knock a massive satellite off course, facing truly world-ending power still left him in awe.

According to their calculations, even a million hydrogen bombs hitting the Eternal Star would only scrape off a layer of the surface and couldn’t penetrate the rock layer below.

“If it hits the right spot, it’s possible to destroy a world,” Lynn shrugged. At two-thirds the speed of light plus an enormous mass, that proton sphere was an unstoppable bullet, capable of piercing straight to the core and exploding inside!

If the core was damaged, the entire planet would disintegrate!

However, this was the ideal scenario, not very likely, as he had no way of aiming precisely.

The worst case would be the sphere skimming the surface of the planet and flying into the endless void, causing no damage at all.

Fortunately, since he closed the spacetime rift without any interference, it seemed unlikely to be that unlucky.

“With this lesson, it seems we can rest easy for a while,” Harof smiled a bit more.

“No, I don’t think they’ll give up easily. One proton cannon isn’t enough to deter them,” Lynn shook his head, shattering Harof’s illusion.

The power of the main world was not to be underestimated. Although they had killed two gods, these were not particularly powerful beings in the main world.

Moreover, based on information extracted from the residual consciousness of the Moon Goddess Diana, there were over a hundred gods in the main world, holding countless plane controls. In the god wars, the destruction of a world was not something worth noting.

What Lynn was most concerned about were those chief gods whose power he couldn’t even begin to estimate. This was clearly a whole new realm, and Lynn couldn’t imagine what incredible things they might be capable of.

Accurate control over the four fundamental forces? Or the ability to create quarks or even smaller fundamental particles…


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