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Chapter 591: Breaking the Void, Proton Droplet!

The proton sphere, weighing 50,000 tons, sped along the vacuum orbital track on the planet's surface, constantly circling in motion.

The circumference of this alien planet was far less than that of the eternal star, only about 30,000 kilometers due to severe mass loss, and the planet's own gravity was about half that of the eternal star.

But a 30,000-kilometer electromagnetic track was already quite terrifying!

Due to the overly large mass, the initial speed of the proton sphere was only 1,000 kilometers per second, but under the action of the electromagnetic acceleration ring encircling the entire planet, the speed began to soar dramatically!

After completing the first circle, its speed had already broken through 10,000 kilometers per second! Then came the second circle, the third circle, the fourth circle...

The speed became faster and faster. Initially, it took several seconds to circle the planet, but later it reversed, taking only a second to circle several times!

Below, Harof and others faintly felt a surge of unease. Initially, they thought it was some immensely powerful being trying to cross the void, but soon they realized this intense sense of danger did not come from within the time-space rift, but rather from above their heads!

"What is Lord Lynn planning to do?" Sanchez gazed upwards, though he couldn't see the incredibly small proton sphere, he could feel the powerful oppressive force and the bone-deep sense of crisis.

"It seems like a vacuum electromagnetic track..." Victorio pondered aloud, the strong magnetic field pervading the alien sky was unmistakable, so he recognized it at a glance.

"No, it's more like the particle collider that Lord Lynn built in the north!" Raphael corrected, and then briefly explained its principle.

It was quite simple, really; it involved using electric and magnetic fields to accelerate charged particles. Under the influence of the Lorentz force, charged particles would continuously increase their speed until approaching the speed of light!

Hearing this, Sanchez and others were truly astounded, vaguely guessing Lynn's idea.

Beside them, Anthony was quite shocked; it was somewhat like the electromagnetic propulsion acceleration method he had proposed initially—using the planet as a magnet, setting up a super large strong magnetic field, with the spacecraft continuously speeding up around the planet.

However, because this method of acceleration was too cumbersome and time-consuming, it was directly rejected at the meeting. He hadn't expected Lynn to suddenly use it here.

While they were discussing, the proton sphere had already circled the vacuum track a full fifty times, and its speed had also risen to 200,000 kilometers per second!

In fact, if not for Lynn creating a long vacuum track in the alien sky, the atmospheric waves alone would have been enough to annihilate hundreds of thousands of the kingdom's elite troops below.

A real god war wouldn't normally allow him to spend such a long time preparing a spell, but the current situation had given him this precious opportunity!

"Two-thirds the speed of light, is this already the limit?" Lynn waited a few more circles. As the speed continued to climb, the Coulomb force's acceleration of the proton sphere became increasingly slow.

First, the planet's gravity inevitably had some effect; second, the speed of light was the upper limit that low-dimensional space could accommodate. The closer to the speed of light, the harder it became to increase speed further. This resistance was invisible and intangible, coming from the most fundamental forces of space-time!

Fortunately, even so, it was already enough!

According to the kinetic energy conservation formula—Ek=(1/2)mv^2, the greater the mass of an object, the faster its speed, the more terrifying the energy it unleashes!

The mass of the proton sphere was more than a hundred times that of a single particle cannon, and its power would exceed a hundred times!

Lynn stretched out his hand, the electromagnetic track existing in the alien sky began to change its position little by little, aiming at a cracked time-space rift. Then Lynn raised his hand and made a trigger-pulling gesture, saying coldly.

"Receive my gift, gods of the alien world!"

Weighing 50,000 tons, yet astonishingly small in size, the proton sphere had already flown into the time-space rift before Lynn's words fell.


On the other side, in the main world, within the divine domain of thunder and war.

The six gods summoned were making their final preparations to break through the time-space barrier!

The time-space rift torn open in front of them had expanded to tens of meters in size, capable of accommodating legendary beings, and was still continuously expanding.

"It looks like their resistance ends here!" The earth god Loto said lightly.

However, the fact that the newly appointed moon god had resisted up until now had completely surprised him. Although the two sides were separated by endless void, the power they could exert was limited, yet it wasn't

 something a newly appointed god could easily withstand.

"Don't be too careless, Loto, the one we're dealing with might not necessarily be that newly appointed moon god!" The life and creation god couldn't help but remind him. He had interacted with the moon god Diana before and was very familiar with her divine power, but the power he sensed during the encounter across the void just now didn't seem like moon god power.

This made him somewhat uneasy.

The life and creation god was very aware that they, as the first group of gods to invade the moon god's domain, speaking harshly, were no different from the flame demons rushing into the time-space rift.

Now that two gods had fallen consecutively, it was still best to be cautious.

"Even if it isn't that newly appointed moon god, so what?" The earth god Loto scoffed. They had already tested the waters in their previous clash. The opponent was just a lower-ranked god who could withstand their assault solely by relying on control over the god's domain.

Once the time-space rift was fully opened to accommodate them, this bit of resistance would instantly crumble!

Then, as if remembering something, the earth god Loto looked towards the life and creation god, quite displeased. "If you hadn't changed your mind halfway last time, we would have already completed the main god's orders."

The other gods nodded in agreement. Six gods working together against a newly empowered god who had seized the moon god's power was indeed overestimating the opponent.

The life and creation god was left speechless, pondering whether he was being overly cautious when a sudden premonition arose in his heart.

Then a dazzling streak of light suddenly flew out from the front's time-space rift, instantly breaking through the surging atmosphere, shredding a huge legendary beast that was just about to squeeze its body through the rift...

Then it was the earth god, positioned at the forefront, like the life and creation god, who also sensed that intense sense of crisis the moment the proton sphere flew out of the time-space gate.

A god's mind works incredibly fast. Even though it only takes one millionth of a second for the proton sphere to reach him from the time-space gate, Loto could react instantly. In a brief moment, his body, appearing as a Mo'kokan, immediately turned into an incredibly hard rock.

This was the core of the earth, a divine technique replicating the planetary core's protective layer, further enhanced by one-tenth of the earth's force from the plane, capable of surviving even an upper god's attack!

However, this incredibly solid defense was meaningless in front of the proton sphere, weighing 50,000 tons and surpassing two-thirds the speed of light. It failed to provide any resistance and was pierced along with the hundreds of thousands of flame demons behind it!

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the entire time-space was directly torn apart, the plane's atmosphere was split into a long vacuum zone, then quickly closed again, the constantly surging air waves shattered everything nearby!

The proton sphere took only one ten-thousandth of a second to pass through the 'tiny' obstacle in front, and another one thousandth of a second to cross the entire invading army, flying into the city located tens of kilometers away.

This was the divine domain of thunder and war, the nation of the Morsai people, who were warlike, bloodthirsty, and revered the honor of blood and fire. Under the leadership of their great god, they had flattened numerous planes. No one had ever managed to counterattack into the god's domain before.

Today, however, all this came to an end. Along with a streak of crimson light flying past, the towering statue of the god was cut in half at the waist, and rows of solid houses collapsed in a burst of firelight...

Finally, before anyone could react, it plunged into the ground, but this was not the end, just the beginning of showcasing power!

In the vacuum, the destructive power brought by speed was not evident, the plane's atmosphere only made it manifest, only the solid earth and stone could fully display its power!

The moment it struck the ground, it seemed as if the entire continent was trembling, shaking, a tremendous force of destruction burst forth, just the shockwave from the impact sent half a city flying into the sky!

Countless Morsai people, who were dreaming of invading another plane as before, looting and pillaging, didn't even understand what was happening when they, along with their dreams, were wiped out!

In total, the attack lasted only one-tenth of a second, the proton sphere shot directly from the ground through the entire plane, flying into the endless void beyond!

The ground was left with a vast canyon, stretching over ten thousand kilometers, with magma surging and erupting from within, making one wonder if the deepest part of the canyon might lead straight to the earth's core...

Because everything happened so fast, in that

 instant, the few gods present could only manage to save themselves, utterly unable to act to rescue, and could only watch helplessly as the divine domain of thunder and war was destroyed.

That unfortunate earth god, who had been conversing with them just a second ago, was now completely gone...

In the main world, although the destruction of a divine body and divinity does not mean complete death, it does mean entering an endless slumber, and there is even the possibility of having the god's domain and position usurped.

For a full ten seconds, the god's domain was enveloped in a deathly silence, even the widely opened time-space rift began to rapidly close, and no one dared to stop it...


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