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Chapter 590: Planetary-Level Ultra-High-Speed Particle Collider!

A ferocious storm continuously surged over the foreign skies, leaving only dense, dark clouds, akin to an apocalyptic scene.

A massive demon beast roared, attempting to squeeze out from a temporal rift, but as soon as its head appeared, it was crushed into fragments by the converging elemental forces.

Lynn had just resolved the troubles here when new ones emerged elsewhere, truly catching one off-guard.

Since the last massive invasion just a month ago, this time the scale was even more staggering, affecting a quarter of the foreign realm’s airspace.

Though Lynn had been prepared during this period, the enemy's current offensive was even more fierce and resolute.

A total of six deities intervened, and despite the boundless void between them, they still brought immense pressure to Lynn, who was mostly occupied with repairing the frequent temporal rifts in the skies of the foreign realm.

As for the minor threats posed by the spatial gates, there was hardly any time to spare attention to them…

Simultaneously, news of another invasion of the foreign realm was relayed back, and the council reacted within just a few minutes.

Several fully prepared galaxy spaceships and tens of thousands of the kingdom's elite forces quickly arrived through the surging spatial nodes at the Shattered City, where councilors like Harof and Aurora hurried over.

Gazing at the strong storm and thunder in the skies above the foreign realm, they knew the situation was probably not good…

However, the Shattered City remained unscathed, even though it faced numerous attacks from flame demons, thanks to the strong defensive forces in the city, which efficiently dealt with these invading creatures.

As Harof and others worried about the situation, a familiar figure materialized before them.

“How are things looking, Councilor Lynn?” Aurora asked hastily.

“Not good. It seems they’re not planning to give up easily this time,” Lynn said, raising an eyebrow.

“Is there anything we can do to help? Do you need us to bring over those starships that are currently being tested and retrofitted?” Harof asked gravely.

Two warships were still under construction, and several newly built ships were still in their trial phases. If a decisive battle were to occur now, they would have fewer resources to mobilize.

“No, that won’t be necessary for now!” Lynn shook his head, indicating that while the situation in the foreign realm was tense, it was not entirely beyond control.

He had summoned Harof and others for another reason.

“I plan to prepare a return gift for them. The protection of the foreign realm’s space might weaken a bit, which the enemy will likely not miss, so you need to handle those potential invaders!” Lynn stated coldly.

“A massive hydrogen explosion again?” Alade couldn’t help but feel eager.

Last time, seven hundred nuclear bombs obliterated millions of kilometers in the foreign realm, a feat that excited him for several days without sleep.

That was indeed the pinnacle of fire element mastery!

There were still enough reserves for another round!

“The power of hydrogen explosions might be too weak this time,” Lynn shook his head. When they used seven hundred hydrogen bombs on the foreign realm before, although it seemed to cause significant destruction, it was not a threat to the gods.

Moreover, they might be facing more than one deity this time, who could potentially block it together.

No hydrogen bombs, maybe directly using antimatter cannons?

Alade thought quietly, but Lynn did not elaborate further, reminding everyone a few times before floating up into the sky, enhancing the divine power spreading throughout the entire foreign realm. The chaotic foreign realm soon returned to tranquility…

However, this was obviously just an illusion. Spreading divine power across the entire planet’s surface with such high intensity couldn’t last long and soon began to decrease layer by layer.

Under Lynn’s deliberate control, the area that had been bombarded with hydrogen bombs had much weaker spatial protection.

As Lynn had anticipated, this region soon became the focus of invasion, and spatial rifts quickly appeared in the void.

Tens of thousands of flame demons began pouring in frenziedly. They were artificially created semi-elemental beings, the vanguard and cannon fodder of the invasion, with the sole task of rushing towards the enemy to end gloriously in a mutual annihilation through self-destruction!

However, this time their opponents were not the weak native beings of that plane, so as they emerged from the temporal rifts, they inflicted deadly blows!

Cannons were already primed, and because the recent enemies were too high-end, the kingdom’s main artillery forces had no chance to show their prowess until now. Finally, with the opportunity to fire, each cannon, like chickens blood-boosted, erupted in deafening roars.

Eight thousand spherical cannonballs whirled out from the barrel linings, whistling sharply, striking the densely incoming wave of flame demons.

These cannonballs were not ordinary lead balls but entirely metal-constructed. After about twenty

 seconds of flight in the void, they violently exploded, with brutal flashes of light and shockwaves continuously spreading, covering hundreds of meters in their wake.

Huge mushroom clouds rose, the cannons firing the latest creation from the alchemical research institute, a very simple thermal pressure bomb. Upon impact or sensing magical fluctuations within its attack range, it would be instantly triggered, its power immensely fearsome and a substitute for nuclear weapons in conventional warfare.

Indeed, while hydrogen bombs had a large destructive range and were exhilarating to deploy, the aftermath was headache-inducing.

Although the power of the thermal pressure bombs was far less than that of hydrogen explosions, they were undoubtedly much more convenient to use against weak and clustered enemies…

Under the attack of eight thousand thermal pressure bombs, the army of flame demons that flew out from the temporal rifts was instantly shredded, with the resulting sympathetic explosions carving out pits tens of meters deep on the ground.

But the battle was clearly far from over. As the uncontrolled rifts further expanded, even more powerful invaders quickly appeared before them…

They were a large group of energy beasts, each with pseudo-legendary strength, their vast numbers enough to make one's scalp tingle, and even thermal pressure bombs could not pose a fatal threat to them.

“Use the Sol Cannon!” Victorio immediately instructed, as the retrofitting of the antimatter cannons was not yet completed, and currently, only a few ships were equipped.

Thus, the Sol Cannon remained one of their most potent offensive weapons!

As soon as his words fell, several cannons had already adjusted their muzzle directions, and a tremendous roar was heard as incredibly powerful beams of destruction surged from the cannons, forming a series of cone-shaped energy pillars that penetrated the sky, erasing those pseudo-legendary beasts daring to invade the foreign realm!

On the other side, after leaving the battlefield to Harof and the others, Lynn no longer concerned himself with the situation below, focusing most of his energy on manipulating the foreign realm’s electromagnetic forces.

Years ago, when he had just ascended to the divine realm during his battle with the Lord of Death, Lynn had used the continental airspace’s magnetic field as a motor, binding the descending Lord of Death with powerful electromagnetic forces, then annihilated him with an antimatter cannon, achieving a victory from a position of weakness!

This time, Lynn planned to work on the magnetic field again, but more boldly, intending to use the entire planet’s magnetic field to launch an attack!

Only such an offensive could make the opponent wary…

Lynn raised his hand, and countless elements in the void surged and gathered in his palm, then were broken down into basic particles.

Under the constraint of divine power, billions of protons were separated, firmly bound together, forming a micrometer-sized solid sphere in the void, nearly invisible to the naked eye.

But creating such a proton sphere was already taxing for Lynn.

The scatter neutron cannon aboard the ship they had intercepted was only nanometer-sized, and because it was incredibly small and very fast, it was practically untraceable when fired, typically used as a disposable item.

The damage caused by such a small neutron cluster was extremely terrifying, given its high density.

For comparison, the density of a naturally formed neutron star is about 8^14~10^15 grams per cubic centimeter, equivalent to weighing over 100 million tons per cubic centimeter!

While the mass of a proton is slightly less than that of a neutron, it’s only a slight difference!

1.672621637×10^-27 kilograms compared to 1.674927211×10^-27 kilograms!

The internal density of the proton cluster Lynn created, although not as terrifying as that of a neutron star, was equally astounding. Such a tiny, invisible proton sphere already weighed over fifty thousand tons!

Only a deity could lift something so exaggerated, and what Lynn needed to do was accelerate it… accelerate… then accelerate further!

Lynn bent his middle finger and placed it under his thumb, then with a flick, the fifty-thousand-ton proton cluster, like an arrow released from a bowstring, raced out, continuously accelerating along the newly-formed vacuum magnetic field track…

Yes, this was indeed the electromagnetic track acceleration method used in particle colliders!

Able to accelerate a basic particle to near-light speed levels!

Although the proton cluster Lynn created was billions of times larger than a basic particle, the accelerator he used was also staggeringly large, spreading across the entire planet’s surface, turning the foreign realm into a planetary-level ultra-high-speed particle collider!


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