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Chapter 588: Only peace under mutual deterrence is true peace!


Violent lightning continually converged in the void, and soon, a bout of cumulonimbus rain accompanied by a thunderstorm fell from the sky.

The engineering teams stationed in the foreign lands looked up at the sky in surprise, as the weather in this otherworldly realm had never changed since they entered through the space-time portal. Rain and thunderstorms had become a rare occurrence.

Compared to the common laborers who were merely spectators, a few of the grand wizards were visibly solemn, for they sensed traces of magic within the storm...

This was no ordinary thunder but the aftermath of a magical confrontation! Just as they had guessed, the skies above this foreign realm had turned into a battlefield.

This invisible and untouchable battle was equally perilous, capable of determining the fate of all beings within this dimension.

Spaces began tearing more frequently, and even Lynn could not fully protect against it. Soon, a fine crack appeared in the sky above a forest, and several flame demons emerged from this space-time fissure. However, before they could demonstrate their strength, they were shredded by the rampant elements surrounding them.

Similar scenes quickly occurred in other parts of this foreign realm, and at the most perilous moment, three space-time fissures appeared in the void simultaneously!

Fortunately, this fierce onslaught did not last long. Although more than one deity invaded this foreign realm, their projected power was significantly reduced due to the lack of precise coordinates, and Lynn, who had the geographical advantage and controlled the entire divine realm, successfully repelled the invaders time and again...

Those reconnaissance soldiers that were sent over were also killed the moment they appeared!

After about ten hours, the increasingly terrifying thunderstorm finally ceased, and the high-dimensional confrontation ended as well.

Lynn undoubtedly achieved victory, preventing the opposing deities from breaking the spatial defenses of this foreign realm.

However, it was clear that this was not the end. Lynn knew that this was likely just a probing attempt, and those deities from the main world would not give up so easily.

With this thought, Lynn created an avatar to return to the Eternal Star to convey the message, while his true body had to remain here to guard against further invasions.


Half an hour later, in the Magic Kingdom, more than forty grand wizards who had stayed in the capital entered the newly constructed magic tower.

This was the highest meeting room in the kingdom, the entire tower forged from sturdy mithril, towering over 800 meters high, piercing into the clouds, and also serving as the core of the capital's protective magic array. The power supply had been upgraded from the 'old' fusion reactor to the council's latest developed matter-antimatter annihilation device!

Even the former Lord of Death would have struggled to completely break the capital's defenses.

The interior of the meeting room was very spacious, capable of easily accommodating tens of thousands of people. Its decorations were even more upscale than the Wizard's Sky Realm of the past, with the most eye-catching feature being the seventy-five magical projections around the room, showing bustling streets, flowing crowds, vast wastelands, and solid ramparts.

These projections displayed the internal scenes of the kingdom's seventy-four most important cities and the lunar outpost, something only Lynn, who had absolute control over the kingdom and the moon, could achieve.

"Lynn, Chairman!" Upon entering the meeting room, the grand wizards immediately noticed Lynn seated at the head and respectfully greeted him, including Raphael, who had risen to the rank of legendary wizard.

Although, officially, Raphael's status was on par with Lynn's, that was only because the council had not established a higher position yet.

Every wizard knew who truly wielded power in the council, and many privately called Lynn the God of Magic, to differentiate him from other chairpersons.

Apart from these grand wizards who remained in the capital, other council members had also arrived, totaling eight hundred seventy-nine grand wizards and nine legendary wizards!

This was the council's accumulated power after defeating the empire and the church!

However, most members were scattered throughout the kingdom, attending this crucial meeting in the form of magical projections, utilizing the power of the magic network to instantly reach here from as far as the moon, a distance of millions of miles.

Once all council members had arrived, Lynn wasted no time in summarizing the intelligence received from the foreign realm.

"So soon they want to launch an invasion?" Harof frowned, immediately realizing the seriousness of the situation.

Their attack on the foreign realm was originally intended to create a fortress for assaulting the main world, and confronting the gods of the main world was something they had anticipated, even considering capturing these gods to use as power sources for their starships. Yet, they did not expect the opposition to act so quickly.

"Can we confirm how many... no, how many gods are there?" Aurora asked gravely.

"Uncertain, but there are at least four gods involved in the invasion of the foreign realm!" Lynn replied


"At least four gods..." The assembly of council members couldn't help but gasp. This was undoubtedly terrible news.

If these foreign gods fought individually, they could be defeated one by one, as before, even using captured gods to manufacture faster-than-light starships, transforming their enemies' power into their own. This strategy had allowed them to accumulate strength for a final battle with the main world.

However, this plan might already be doomed to fail.

If those gods from the main world united, victory would become significantly harder.

"What about those alien starships? How far are they from us?" Victorio immediately asked, a question also on the minds of the other wizards.

"If they don't accelerate or decelerate, they are about three years away from reaching our star system," Lynn said, stretching out his hand to lightly touch the air, and a flicker of starlight appeared in the center of the meeting room.

This was a simple star chart, pieced together based on the observed positions of each star, though not perfectly accurate, it was sufficient for rough localization.

Harof immediately noticed the flashing red dots in the void, marking the location of those alien starships, which had almost completed four-fifths of their journey.

Of course, a significant portion of this distance was covered by direct jumps, without a clear path of travel.

Those stars marked with tiny red rings, far away, were the coordinates linked with the quantum communicators captured by Lynn, likely territories of this alien civilization.

"Only three years left?" Anthony sighed. His frequent travels between the Eternal Star and the foreign realm had somewhat jumbled his sense of time.

However, upon reflection, they had indeed spent considerable time researching, manufacturing faster-than-light starships, and preparing for war in the foreign realm.

Harof and others furrowed their brows. Three years might seem long, but under the sevenfold time dilation in the foreign realm, it equated to merely five months. They were now effectively facing two wars at once.

The question of whether to first resolve the trouble in the foreign realm and fight those gods, or to prepare for the possible interstellar war, was undoubtedly a critical decision to consider.

The assembly of wizards quickly divided into two camps, with many advocating addressing the immediate threat from the main world's gods, using them as power sources for new starships.

"Resolve it? How do we resolve it?" one grand wizard scoffed.

Currently, they possessed only Lynn, the Star of Magic, with godlike power, and the flagship powered by a divine engine, which could barely match the power of two gods.

Yet their enemies numbered at least four gods!

In a god-war, even the legendary chairpersons would find no opportunity to intervene, while the anti-matter cannons aboard other warships, though threatening to gods, could only provide some fire support.

Raphael, however, had a different idea. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Even if there are many gods from the main world, as long as they lack precise coordinates, they can't easily invade the foreign realm. Perhaps we can find a way to lure them one by one and deal with them."

This proposal undoubtedly offered a viable path for the previously clueless council members. They were not afraid of a single god, especially since arriving meant leaving their divine realm, reducing their strength significantly.

"It's not going to be that easy!" Lynn shook his head, feeling the suggestion was not reliable, as the invading gods seemed to be collaborating rather than acting independently.

The fact that leaving their divine realm would greatly diminish their power was well understood by them, and surely even more so by the main world's gods.

Especially since they had killed the Lord of Death, a deity with moderate divine power, which would make the opposition even more cautious.

Victorio also nodded, agreeing that direct conflict with the main world was undesirable, as winning an interdimensional god-war quickly was nearly impossible, easily evolving into a battle on two fronts.

"Do you have confidence in repelling these gods, Chairman Lynn?" Harof solemnly asked.

He agreed with first resisting the main world gods' invasion, keeping them at bay, then dealing with the approaching alien fleets.

Setting aside his fear of near-light-speed starships, Harof saw the fleets as less threatening than the numerous gods of the main world.

"This attempt was likely just a probing strike; the next one probably won't be so easy. Even with preparations, complete defense is very difficult," Lynn shook his head, seeing the distressed expressions on the wizards' faces, then reassured them, "However, for a god to incarnate in another world is not an easy task!"

Originally, the Lord of the Dead arrived in this universe through the sacrifice of a ninth-circle legendary lich, while their assault on the foreign realm utilized the residual will and power of the Moon God, linking with Eira's divinity to open the space-time rift.

"It looks like the situation isn't too bad, then," Sanchez breathed a sigh of

 relief. Using the foreign realm as a battleground, they were not afraid of one or two gods arriving, as they would simply be killed and converted into power sources for superluminal starships.

Sending multiple powerful gods at once would require an astronomical amount of energy. As long as they were careful, the opposition should not succeed!

"Some of those alien fleets might also be here for friendly exchange; they might not pose a threat..." one council member optimistically said.

Lynn raised an eyebrow; while not dismissing the possibility, the likelihood was low, especially since one of their fleets had been annihilated by the Moon Goddess Diana.

"In any case, we must be prepared for both scenarios; we can't rely entirely on the enemy's goodwill!" Lynn stated noncommittally.

True peace, established under mutual deterrence, is the only real peace.

In fact, over the past few years, the council's alchemists had been busy, again producing five starships capable of reaching half-light speed, equipped with warp engines, needing only power to break the light-speed barrier.

With two more starships under construction, plus the three previously built and modified, a total of ten starships could be deployed to the battlefield.

This was undoubtedly good news; they were not unprepared for this war!

After some debate over who to attack first, the council's discussion soon shifted to accelerating the collection of materials from the foreign realm, a dimension doomed to collapse, lacking much value for prolonged defense. If the situation turned unfavorable, evacuation was not a poor strategy.

How the main world's gods located the foreign realm was unknown to Lynn, likely related to the Moon God originating from the main world.

They definitely did not have coordinates for the Eternal Star, and even if the foreign realm fell, they might not be able to find it here.

The space in the larger universe was much more stable than on the other side, requiring greater energy for incursions, and they could also sever the connection between the two sides by closing the space-time gate.

In this way, they essentially had dual space-time shields in the foreign realm and the larger universe.

Listening to the council members' arguments and discussions, Lynn pondered another issue. With the council's current power, they were not strong enough to confront the main world and the Geometric Civilization simultaneously, let alone face these two threats at once!

Unlike Harof, Lynn would not underestimate the power of a genuine interstellar civilization. The close timing of both invasions also raised the question of whether they could exploit intelligence gaps to leverage one power against the other...


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