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Chapter 587: The Invaded Realm

The news of the 'Resurrection' of the Moon Goddess did not surprise Lynn; in fact, it was a result he had deliberately allowed to unfold.

There were roughly three reasons for this.

First, as bait! A group of the remnants of the Church, already exposed under their watchful eyes, posed a significantly reduced threat. They could be dealt with anytime, so it was better to use them to lure out more individuals conspiring against the kingdom from the shadows.

Second, as a new power source for the propulsion system! Although they had successfully created a faster-than-light spacecraft, the energy consumption issue had always been a headache for Lynn until they captured Aila, a living Moon Goddess, which barely solved the problem.

However, after a few trips back and forth through space, the energy core, Aila, was nearly drained. Without the blessings of the divine realm, this Moon Goddess was extremely weakened.

If they didn't give her some hope, Lynn was genuinely worried that Aila might completely give up, or even choose to end her own life—currently, their spacecraft couldn't find a second core for replacement!

Third, it pertained to one of his plans, although its feasibility still depended on the cooperation of the others.

Lynn naturally wouldn't share these thoughts with Sean, not because he wasn't trustworthy, but because it wasn’t necessary.

After indicating that he was aware, Lynn quickly moved on from the topic and began discussing the upcoming new movie shooting with Sean.

If "Dave's Saga I" started with the perspective of an imperial farmer to increase the empire's citizens' empathy, experiencing similar trials to revisit the dark rule of the empire and the Church, then "Dave's Saga II" would truly reveal how the Church exploited the commoners brutally using a fabricated Bible.

However, in Sean's view, both "Dave's Saga I" and "Dave's Saga II" were merely prequels, laying the groundwork for the real counterattack saga of this legendary Star of Magic.

Sean spoke endlessly about the filming plans for the subsequent movies, listening to a script adapted from his own experiences, Lynn's expression became increasingly peculiar, especially under Sean's narrative—Lynn seemed almost omniscient and omnipotent...

Lynn thought back to the time when he had to flee to the Iyeta Harbor to avoid the Church's pursuit and secure a relatively safe research environment, almost in a wretched state, but he didn't feel the need to correct Sean.

After all, it was a movie script, and a bit of artistic embellishment was only natural, so Lynn simply provided some constructive suggestions from a scriptwriting perspective.

Although Sean was full of various ideas and eager to discuss them with Lynn, he was also aware that the movie was ultimately just a tool for entertainment propaganda. The Star of Magic probably had many more urgent matters to attend to, so he soon took his leave.

As Sean closed the door, Lynn in the room also vanished into the empty space.

Contrary to what Sean expected, the Lynn staying in the capital was merely an avatar.

At the moment, his true self was discussing new warship designs with Dennis and discussing the kingdom's future developments with Harof and others… With the massive computing power, operating multiple threads and 'dividing' his thoughts was naturally effortless for Lynn.

As for Lynn's true self, he was engaged in a particularly important task—expanding his divine realm to encompass the entire Eternal Star!

Previously, to cope with the war against the Lord of the Dead, Lynn had hurriedly performed the deification ceremony, and his divine realm only covered a continent, about one-tenth of the entire planet. The main limiting factor was magical power.

Although the Moon Goddess Diana had opened several temporal gates that sent vast amounts of magic to this world, helping him complete a large portion of the work, it was still far from enough to fully grasp the entire Eternal Star.

Fortunately, with the new magical power sources obtained from controlling the moon and other realms, Lynn had been continuously expanding his divine realm, which now covered most of the planet, with magic imbued with his will even reaching deep underground.

Unlike the material-loss, collapsing plane of the foreign realm, the Eternal Star was a true star of life, seemingly very 'young' and vibrant, containing immense potential.

If the planet were compared to a person, the thick rock layers would be its skin, the surging magma layer its blood, and the core its constantly throbbing heart.

As the integration deepened, his power also increased. Lynn estimated that once his divine realm completely covered the world and merged with the core, he would ascend from a lesser divine power to a mid-level divine power. That day shouldn't be too far away!

However, things were not always smooth sailing. While busily increasing his power level and dealing with kingdom affairs, Lynn soon noticed some issues in the foreign realm.

After capturing Aila and taking control of the foreign realm, he had further expanded the temporal gates linking the two

 places, achieving communication between them through the expansion of his divine realm.

However, this communication had some delays, and only when magical power was transmitted from the other side could he be informed of the events occurring in the foreign realm.

To completely eliminate this delay and seamlessly control both worlds, the only solution was to align the flow of time between the two places.

This undoubtedly required a rather long waiting period, and now, with a sudden alarm from the foreign realm, Lynn was somewhat concerned that this might be the work of the gods from the main world meddling in the shadows.

Thinking this, Lynn descended his true form, as the avatar left in the foreign realm was unlikely to resolve the issue alone.

A crystal that existed between reality and illusion appeared out of thin air, followed by elements furiously converging to construct internal organs, a brain, bones, and finally, muscles and skin.

In just three seconds, the body was fully formed, and then Lynn stepped across the temporal rift.


Foreign Realm, Broken City—Arcana!

This city, true to its name, had weathered many storms, being repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt during several cross-dimensional wars, now serving as a hub for material storage and transportation.

Given its proximity to where they opened the temporal rift, even though it was severely damaged, Lynn had taken some effort to repair it.

Not only that, to facilitate the emergency recovery of foreign realm materials and prevent the construction teams from having to grope in the dark, they had built a gigantic fusion reactor in the central part of the continent, restrained a hundred kilometers above the planet, shining light and heat like the sun, illuminating tens of thousands of miles of land as bright as daylight.

Indeed, they had artificially created a new sun! While nowhere near as massive as a true star, its effect was the same.

Every person who arrived in the foreign realm from the Eternal Star, upon looking up at this artificial sun, couldn't help but marvel at the greatness of magic!

Of course, even with the light, the desolation of the foreign realm couldn't be concealed, and the surroundings of the Broken City were particularly so. After hundreds of hydrogen bomb detonations, the area was littered with huge craters, and restoring them would consume a significant amount of divine power, so Lynn left these craters there, only using magic to create a bridge that could be crossed…

Upon stepping into the foreign realm, Lynn immediately sensed the problem. On the surface, this world seemed very calm because the invasion came from a higher-dimensional spatial layer.

Lynn extended his perception gradually, his will-imbued magic clinging to the invisible spatial curves, and then clearly sensed the space of this plane being torn apart!

The most severe tearing was happening about three hundred kilometers away, above a canyon. Fortunately, a real cross-dimensional portal had not yet formed.

"Is it because they don't have accurate coordinates for positioning?" Lynn wondered to himself.

Both the invasion by the Lord of the Dead on the Eternal Star and their invasion of the foreign realm had almost instantly created a spatial node connecting the two realms.

This time, however, the invader had taken such a long time and still hadn't broken through the spatial barrier.

Lynn suspected that the invader did not possess the accurate coordinates, likely using a more vague positioning method relative to coordinates… This might be why the Moon Goddess, despite fleeing the main world with her divine realm, was still tracked down by the Lord of the Dead.

This meant there was still a chance to rectify the situation. Lynn immediately began directing more power to the area of the forming rift, starting to reinforce and repair it.

Two powerful but distinct forces used space as their battlefield, clashing against each other.

If the spatial area could be likened to a pane of tempered glass, then the opposite side was relentlessly hammering at it with a hammer, while Lynn was reinforcing it with tape and wooden boards.

But Lynn soon discovered similar rifts appearing in other areas of the foreign realm, even within mountains, rivers, and seas.

This made the task of repairing space particularly challenging, like a game of whack-a-mole—no sooner had one been dealt with than another would appear, causing immense frustration.

What made Lynn even more uneasy was that the force tearing space was not the same, indicating very unfavorable news: the entity trying to break through the spatial channel on the other side... was not just one god!


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