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Chapter 579: Seven Hundred Hydrogen Bombs Cleanse the Land, Interstellar Fleet Strikes!

Karent recognized the temperamental dragon, Valok, who even had notable conflicts with him in the past. It was clear that Valok was one of the legendary undead who had entered the large dimensional plane with the "Great Lich" Cecil.

Now, it seemed that Valok, like Karent, had been captured and sent to this world as cannon fodder.

Despite not getting along with the "Winter Dragon" on regular days, Karent couldn't help feeling a bit of sorrow.

However, at this point, Karent was not holding back since his life was more important than others'.

But Karent soon realized something was wrong. Valok's expression was one of sheer terror, not directed at them. His skinless dragon wings flapped so fast they blurred, as if something terrifying was chasing him.

What it was? Karent soon saw—dozens of red streaks falling from the sky like meteors, carrying a destructive aura!

Aila also saw the meteors coming through the time-space rift and recognized them immediately as the alchemical device used to cast "Skyfall."

She had suffered greatly from this spell before but was not afraid now.

For a god, such an attack was trivial.

Aila raised her hand, and the entire airspace was sealed off. The electromagnetic cannon, speeding at ninety times the speed of sound, slowed visibly, as if stuck in a quagmire.

Within this divine domain, everything was under her control. Stepping into it was like entering her body!

Then, the elements in the void began to tremble, and a massive divine power instantly enveloped the fifteen electromagnetic cannons!

This was the "Material Deconstruction" spell!

With divine powers, Aila could instantly analyze and master the principles of this spell, but Lynn certainly wouldn't leave such an obvious flaw!

Just as Aila cast "Material Deconstruction," the hydrogen bombs loaded in the electromagnetic cannons were instantly detonated!

Fifteen 'suns' erupted in the sky, instantly melting hundreds of thousands of shrieking demons and undead beasts in the million-degree heat!

Even the sealed airspace shook under the massive energy impact, and Aila snorted coldly, her outstretched hand forming a giant elemental hand covering the entire area. Her fingers clenched, forcibly containing the energy of the fifteen hydrogen bombs within a kilometer radius!

The intense heat and energy impact nearly solidified mere meters in front of them, giving Karent, who had luckily not rushed too far forward, a brief respite. The high density and intensity of the energy were beyond his power to withstand...

But the next moment, just as Karent relaxed, he saw over a hundred streaks of light speeding out from the expanding temporal rift in the sky!

Karent's soul nearly fled his body, and he immediately disregarded Aila's orders, turning to run without hesitation.

All the higher undead with any semblance of rationality did the same, fleeing in the opposite direction. After all, having their souls erased or annihilated under the energy impact meant complete death!

"These numbers..." Aila, staring at the one hundred thirty-five hydrogen bombs flying at ninety times the speed of sound, looked extremely solemn.

They had to be intercepted in mid-air!

Thinking this, Aila once again intensified her blockade of the airspace. The moon's divine power attached to the invisible spatial threads, and the surging elements transformed into starfire, ready to detonate these hydrogen bombs prematurely!

However, Aila soon witnessed what's called nuclear propulsion!

The over one hundred electromagnetic railguns did not fire simultaneously but staggered in time, entering this world at different angles.

The extremely high speed, coupled with a layer of alien material enveloping the hydrogen bombs, allowed them to travel a significant distance within the high-temperature area before detonating again...

The fierce explosions pushed forward like a tsunami, each wave more intense than the last!

The divine space blocking the entire area was soon torn apart, and the elemental hand exploded!

The massive amount of undead caught within the blast radius was instantly engulfed in this wave-like explosion.

Karent managed to escape the blast radius but was unlucky enough to be pierced by an electromagnetic railgun that had passed through the nuclear zone, his huge body crashing to the ground...

Fortunately, the first wave of nuclear strikes finally ended, and despite some difficulties, Aila managed to intercept all the hydrogen explosions.

Inside the shattered city, the high priests, once full of confidence, were now terrified. This kind of battle was beyond their capability; they weren't even worth being cannon fodder.

Is this what a divine battle looks like?

To unleash such a powerful attack at once, even gods would need to recuperate for a while, right?

But then, the second, third, and even fourth rounds of hydrogen bomb strikes plunged the high priests into despair!

To fight this first inter-dimensional war, the council had brought out half of their nuclear arsenal, a

 total of seven hundred hydrogen bombs, for a massive cleansing!

After all, with the council soon utilizing antimatter energy, these nuclear reserves were no longer as critical, allowing them to be thrown around casually!

This time, even Aila could not stop them all, only managing to muster all her strength to protect the shattered city—Arcana!

The hydrogen bombs plummeted like meteors, quickly demonstrating their terrifying power. With each intense boom that shattered eardrums, huge mushroom clouds rose from the alien land!

The wild energy waves ravaged outside the protective barrier, the blinding light filling the entire field of vision. The priests of the Mokai felt as if their ears were deafened, their eyes nearly blinded. This world, since its inception, had probably never seen a moment brighter than now.

"Apocalypse... this is the apocalypse!" a crazed believer shrieked hysterically.

"The apocalypse has come!" "This world is going to be destroyed!" "God, please dispel this calamity!"

Panic spread like a plague. Even the most devout believers, under the successive hydrogen explosions, had completely lost their courage and will, only able to kneel and tremble on the ground.

Aila's face looked extremely grim. Although the energy impact of these hydrogen explosions could not harm her, it could still devastate the city and the believers within the shattered city...

What disturbed her even more was that such a powerful spell, once considered almost a mutual destruction tactic by the wizards, used very cautiously, had now become a regular weapon for range attacks!

Round after round of nuclear strikes continued for over two hours before finally ceasing. Despite repeatedly shrinking the protective area, the city was inevitably affected.

The previously divinely repaired walls collapsed again, and even the city's streets, houses, trees, and even the towering statues of gods were destroyed by the super earthquakes caused by the hydrogen bomb aftershocks...

The surrounding landscape was even more brutal. Everything as far as the eye could see had turned to scorched earth; hills were flattened, rivers evaporated, forests burned, and the once vast army of undead, stretching tens of kilometers, had now vanished, melted in the horrific heat.

Whether they were weak skeletal warriors or legendary undead, there was no difference under the barrage of seven hundred hydrogen bombs!

The only survivor was the "Winter Dragon" Valok, which had flown to high altitudes as soon as it emerged from the time vortex, as advised by the wizards. Only by reaching an altitude of twenty thousand meters could it avoid the most intense strikes!

Even then, Valok's speed was nearly torn apart by the nuclear aftershocks, surviving only because of a divine spell Lynn had placed on it.

This spell also enabled shared perception, as, in a sense, Valok was Lynn's eyes!

But its luck ran out there. In front of the believers, Aila released her endless rage, the elements in the void raging. Valok didn't even have time to cry for help before a hundred-meter-long elemental hand crushed its body!

The massive skeletal dragon turned into a pile of bone dust, its soul fire extinguished between its eyes...

After dealing with this spy sent by the wizards, Aila turned her attention to the gradually expanding five-kilometer-wide temporal rift.

Now that the opponent's tricks were used up, it was time for a divine battle!

Aila sensed her divine domain being invaded, but what emerged from the spacetime gate were not the expected moons, but three huge discs that obscured the sky.

What were these? A new alchemical creation by the wizards, or a moving city?

Aila didn't know and wasn't intimidated by their massive size. Instead, she vaguely sensed a familiar power, that of the moon's divine force!

"Let Diana come out!" Aila hovered above the sky, looking at the three alchemical constructs, millions of times larger than herself, and spoke with a cold laugh. "Or is she too scared to step into this world she once ruled?"

Her icy voice echoed through the alien sky, but no response came.

The absence of the Moon Goddess only bolstered Aila's confidence, suggesting that her opponent had not yet regained her full power, or she would have emerged to contest control of the divine domain.


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