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Chapter 578: War Erupts and Nuclear Cleansing!

Two months quietly passed in intense preparations for war. As scheduled, two galaxy-class warships were completed, taking only a year and a half from design to final construction—a nearly unthinkable speed. Though not as vast as the captured spacecraft, these newly built warships had diameters exceeding one kilometer.

Even the most advanced manufacturing plants in the Federation could not build an interstellar warship capable of reaching half the speed of light in such a short time!

This was undoubtedly thanks to the wizards' incredible atomic-level control abilities.

The Grand Wizards and legendary wizards, each akin to a high-precision manufacturing plant, utilized magic mimicry akin to 3D printing technology—only far more sophisticated.

Because legendary wizards could almost manufacture, mimic, and control any element, arranging them in specific ways, their productivity in high-end domains was terrifyingly efficient.

Now, their biggest obstacle turned out to be magic energy reserves! Previously, wizards thought magic was inexhaustible. Althok, the 【Element Controller】, even developed a theory of magic circulation—suggesting that wizards don't actually consume magic when casting spells, but rather return it to the void.

Through Lynn's recent research, this system of magical circulation was indeed real, but so was the issue of magical loss.

Moreover, the circulation premise required that all magic be confined within the planet, which wouldn't return if used for interstellar travel or dimensional expeditions.

And with the establishment of the Magic Net, the number of wizards had surged, leading to significant annual losses of magic energy.

The discovery of a divine body on the moon greatly alleviated the shortage of magic reserves. Still, according to Lynn's calculations, it wouldn’t suffice for the needs of several light-speed spacecraft.

As for 'manufacturing' magic, Lynn had some ideas—matter, energy, and magic could inevitably be transformed into each other, and the medium was undoubtedly the soul. However, Lynn clearly did not intend to acquire magic through slaughter. The slow cycle of natural death made raiding foreign realms the better option.

On the first day of September, two hundred thousand of the kingdom's most elite troops assembled in the Land of Death, ready to step through a kilometers-wide temporal gate onto the moon.

Upon stepping onto the moon, Old York immediately felt a curious change; his body felt light, almost as if he could fly with a high jump.

"Is this the moon?" Old York gazed around curiously. Beyond the towering watchtower in front, everything was vast desert.

There were no trees or vegetation, not even the sound of insects.

"It’s even more desolate than the northern reaches of the kingdom…"

He heard that the wizards planned to build farms here, but could anything grow in such a barren place? Old York pondered to himself as a small-looking soldier beside him suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky, shouting excitedly.

"The Eternal Star, it's the Eternal Star!"

Old York looked up curiously and then saw a sight he would never forget—a massive, awe-inspiring star suspended directly above them, nearly filling a quarter of the sky!

It was an indescribable shock, a planet so large and suspended in the sky, chilling yet irresistibly immersive in its vast and beautiful vista.

"Alright, snap out of it. It's nothing extraordinary, just the planet we live on every day," said the leading Grand Wizard Ignar, hurrying to scold the troops who had stopped, forgetting how astonished he had been himself when he first saw the Eternal Star from a spaceship.

However, his words seemed to work; years of discipline reminded the troops newly arrived on the moon of their purpose—to face a cross-dimensional war!

Unlike before, they were no longer on the defensive but were about to invade a foreign realm, aiming to nip the threat in the bud.

Everyone was filled with confidence; their past experiences had shown that no matter how strong the enemy, the council would always emerge victorious.

"Is it about time, Chairman Lynn?" Alade checked the atomic clock he carried.

The three interstellar warships were floating, ready for battle.

Rows of solar flare cannons stood before the lunar fortress, and this time, their big weapon—150 electromagnetic cannons ready to launch nuclear weapons!

After several rounds of upgrades using advanced alien materials, the metal projectiles launched at ninety times the speed of sound, surpassing the third cosmic velocity!

With a maximum range exceeding ten thousand kilometers, as long as the aim and trajectory were calculated correctly, a single shot could span from the eastern to the western continent, piercing through the entire magical kingdom!

Ninety times the speed of sound might not compare to light-speed starships, but inside the atmosphere, the terrifying speed could pulverize anyone in its path into shreds!

Lynn didn't delay; once the kingdom's troops were assembled, he took out a phantom bottle and tossed it into the void.

It was a Klein bottle, or what could be called a four-dimensional cage, sealing the remnant

 soul of the moon goddess Diana!

Seemingly sensing the impending danger, the remnant soul inside began to struggle fiercely, and faint cracks appeared on the phantom Klein bottle.

Lynn did not increase the magic to repair it; instead, two spheres suddenly appeared in his palm.

These were uranium and its antimatter!

Uranium is the heaviest natural element, 238 times heavier than hydrogen, and heavier elements generally require artificial synthesis.

This time, Lynn intended to test whether, using the annihilation power generated from antimatter uranium, he could open a portal between two universes using the remnant soul of Diana as a coordinate.

The two palm-sized spheres sped towards each other and collided fiercely!

At that moment, all the wizards present felt a deep, soul-penetrating fear.

As the internal and external forces collided, the phantom Klein bottle finally burst, but the terrifying annihilation energy didn't spread outward; instead, it suddenly collapsed inward, twisting the surrounding flat space into itself…

Just as Lynn had predicted, the portal to another realm was opened!

"Your turn, go ahead, Valroc!" Lynn turned to the skeletal dragon beside him, instructing it.

The dragon, the size of a small hill and resembling a soon-to-be-abandoned pet dog, looked pitifully at the fierce wizards, hoping they would choose another 'person' for this task.

Only when Lynn's face showed slight impatience did the 【Winter Dragon】 Valroc shiver, sadly flapping its wings and speeding into the temporal gate.

Its speed increased because the faster it flew, the less likely it was to be caught by attacks!

About ten seconds after the 【Winter Dragon】 Valroc entered the temporal gate, Lynn received a transmission; with his current power, he could now extend the divine realm into another dimension while the portal was open.

"Then let's begin!"

At Lynn's command, the 150 electromagnetic cannons immediately aimed at the wide-open temporal vortex. After a few seconds of gathering energy, a hundred red streaks of light tore through the sky and entered the swirling temporal node.

One minute earlier, in another realm, the Broken City—Arcana!

Aila, who had received a divine warning, was already prepared for war. Millions of drafted undead amassed before the Broken City, forming a vast and imposing formation.

The spreading death aura made the newly converted clergy swallow hard, well aware of how terrifying this undead army was.

Seventy years ago, this endless tide of undead had turned this holy land into a realm of death!

Fortunately, these undead were now enslaved by the great moon goddess, becoming the vanguard against the demons of other planes.

The sudden shift from formidable enemies to allies brought some reassurance to the high priests.

"Here they come!" Aila suddenly looked up.

Above the boundless sky, a crack violently opened, and endless magic and matter emerged, pulling and expanding the rift…

"It's time for you to act," Aila lightly tapped, sending a message to every high-ranking undead's mind, giving the order to move.

Hundreds of millions of aerial forces, mixed with banshees and various undead magical beasts, immediately flew towards the wide-open temporal gate.

This included five commanding legendary undead, 【Executioner】 Calrente being one of them.

If possible, it would never choose to be cannon fodder on the front lines, depleting the enemy's strength, but its soul was in Aila's grasp, and a single thought could determine its life or death!

No intelligent being is without fear of death, not even Calrente, who had already died once.

Moreover, its previous death wasn't just a disadvantage—it was also a kind of eternal 'blessing'!

Calrente's only hope was to win this war outright; perhaps the new moon goddess, seeing some use in them, might spare their lives.

As Calrente lamented, it saw a huge figure emerge from the temporal gate, and its heart tightened, but its expression soon became incredibly strange.

Wasn't that the 【Winter Dragon】 Valroc?


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