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Chapter 244: Commotion

On the day of the match, journalists were rebuffed by Luo, and shortly after the match ended, they went straight to Antomu.

However, Antomu, who had always been cooperative, refused the interview once the journalists disclosed their motives.

The journalists were rebuffed at both locations, but this only seemed to excite them more.

Antomu's reaction confirmed their previous speculations, prompting them to write their pieces.

The journalists serving the Heavens Arena are even more terrifying than Earth's entertainment journalists—they can spin black into white without any legal repercussions.

After the day's match, reports about Luo filled the air, and a pre-match interview with Sundy was also released.

From the interview, it was evident that Sundy was full of confidence, showing disdain for Luo as if he had already secured the qualifications to challenge the tower master.

The interview was not released before the match, and the outcome of the match saw Sundy knocked out. Afterwards, the journalists released the interview and lavishly praised Luo, using any favorable terms they could.

This mindless adulation was part strategy—to keep the momentum going—and part waiting for Luo's dramatic defeat to attract more viewers.

Luo paid no attention to these external affairs. In the days following the match, the arrangement of his next opponent was still silent.

His application for the challenge was marked as "anytime," the same as Buhara and Sanbica Norton, but their match date was already set for two days later.

In an opulent room, Luo lounged on a couch, lifting his index finger to form various shapes with his Nen.

If Bisky were there, she would recognize the shapes Luo formed with his Nen as the murals from Stajy's tomb.

Luo had memorized those murals long ago and could draw them anytime he wished.

Two days later, Buhara and Sanbica Norton had their debut match. It wasn't as sensational as Luo's preliminary, but the venue was packed nonetheless.

Like Luo, both Buhara and Sanbica Norton were powerful newcomers who had attracted a lot of attention from the audience from the lower-tier matches.

Both matches took place in the afternoon. Although Luo didn't pay special attention to his competitors, their records suggested they weren't strong, having lost three matches each.

It's uncertain whether the fame of the Heavens Arena or the world's love for combat sports was the bigger draw.

Luo had intended to watch the matches from the stands but was forced to retreat by enthusiastic fans, ultimately watching the broadcast outside.

Sanbica Norton's opponent, a man wielding a fang club, initially used his weapon and size advantage to dominate. However, he did not inflict any substantial damage on Sanbica.

The normal fight lasted ten minutes, and under the watchful eyes of the entire audience, the proud fang club competitor suddenly collapsed, unconscious.

There had been no direct contact between him and Sanbica Norton before his collapse, leaving even the attentive referee bewildered.

After several confirmations, the referee declared Sanbica Norton the winner of the match.

"The flaw is still too obvious," Luo frowned slightly after watching the match through the external monitor.

Sanbica Norton's ability could indeed be a trump card, but it was significantly weakened in direct confrontation. It would be better suited as a supportive ability.

For example, the competitor, who was not very strong, took so long to handle; facing a close-combat capable opponent might result in being defeated before even delivering the virus.

"And, something seems missing?" Luo pondered, stroking his chin. Would it be better with a super syringe injector?

In fact, his God's Hand ability was the perfect injector for Sanbica Norton, only fully effective when they worked together.

The competition continued... but Buhara's match was the third one.

Meanwhile, Hisoka arrived at the Heavens Arena.

Outside the registration point, a long queue still stretched, easily five hundred people deep.

"Six hundred twenty-one," Hisoka quickly counted the people in line, considering that without cutting, it would take a while to queue.

He thought for a moment, finding queuing boring, so he walked straight into the hall where the registration was and joined the line at the front.

Considering the efficiency of the registration desk, he approached the person third in line.

The man was chubby, not particularly short, and taller than Hisoka.

Hisoka tapped the chubby man's arm with his index finger. The man turned around and, without asking why, barked fiercely, "Get lost."

"Such temper isn't good," Hisoka's eyes narrowed slightly.

The chubby man's brows chilled, obviously in a bad mood which made him irritable. At that moment, he had no patience to deal with Hisoka and slapped at him.

Hisoka stood there smiling, seemingly oblivious to the slap aimed at his face.

Just as the fatty's hand was about to hit His

oka's face, it inexplicably turned and slapped the back of the head of the person in front.

Watching this, Hisoka elegantly stepped back.

The person about to register was stunned by the slap, and the girl at the registration window was also shocked, including the chubby man himself, looking at his hand in confusion.

His slap was meant for Hisoka's face, but it seemed like something had pulled it away, causing his hand to hit the back of the head of the person in front instead.

"Fatso, looking for trouble, huh?"

The person slapped by the chubby man shook his slightly dizzy head and turned around glaring furiously at him.

Knowing he was at fault, the chubby man didn't take the opportunity to explode.

At that moment, the person who had been slapped raised his hand, intending to point at the chubby man's nose and confront him, but somehow, his hand was drawn to the chubby man's nose and he ended up punching it.

The chubby man covered his nose and staggered back, pushing several people in the line behind him.

After steadying himself, the chubby man removed his hand, revealing blood, and looked up furiously at the man who had punched him, who appeared completely innocent.

However, as he was about to act, the man who had punched his nose suddenly charged at him.


The chubby man didn't react in time and was knocked backwards, causing chaos in the line.

In an instant, the commotion escalated, and somehow, a brawl broke out.

Hisoka stood aside, watching with a smile, and then walked alone to the registration window. The girl at the window, seeing the people outside brawling, was stunned.

"Mm~ sign up."

Hisoka leaned one hand on the counter, glancing sideways at the girl at the window.


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