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Chapter 239: Destination

Television programs have always been a perennial source of spiritual entertainment in human society. However, whether they are dramas or variety shows, none can maintain popularity indefinitely, except for one program.

That is... the live broadcast of the fighting matches at Heaven's Arena!

Just one match can trigger unimaginable chains of interest. Legal betting involves the whole world, and one doesn’t even need to be there in person as bets can be placed online. Even related news holds more value than entertainment news.

Through various channels, including online betting, viewers can only get some important information through news related to Heaven's Arena.

With a huge viewer base, the sales of these newspapers are truly astonishing.

Months ago, journalists vigorously reported various 'selves' inside Antomu’s mind, crafting numerous versions, then there was silence. But now, it has flared up again!

To get first-hand news, journalists' methods are not to be underestimated. They don't need to directly interview Antomu; they can create eye-catching news from bits of gossip.

Today, Antomu deliberately blocked Luo at the corridor entrance. It didn’t take long for journalists to get hold of this, plus Luo's challenge and the scheduled match time, suddenly whipping the news-making journalists into a frenzy!

In less than an hour, various reports were baked, flooding in, and even battle previews started being pushed to advertisements.

Luo, the rising dark horse newcomer, seems to be connected to Antomu.

Antomu, the floor master of the 230th level, despite having lost three fingers a year ago, still holds onto his floor.

Sundy, a strong contestant, hopeful of challenging for the floor master's title.

Binding Luo, Antomu, and Sundy together, then stirring up the heat to draw the audience’s attention, making this match tomorrow’s blockbuster!

The obvious benefits laid out, even Heaven's Arena started promoting it.

So, while Luo finished his challenge, far across the ocean on another continent, a small noodle shop started displaying the advertisements for tomorrow’s battle.

A deep male voice came from the small colorful TV, with edited clips flashing by at one-second intervals, accompanied by exciting background music, captivating anyone who watched.

As the explosive exciting clips ended, two photos appeared on the TV, one of Luo and one of Sundy on either side, with a flaming ‘vs’ in the middle!

At the same time, the deep male voice concluded its speech.

"The dark horse newcomer suspected of taking three of floor master Antomu's fingers, Luo, his debut battle, will be against Sundy the Arsonist, who is just one step away from the floor master’s throne!"

"The match will start tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock, please look forward to it!"

Uvogin watched the lengthy advertisement on TV without closing his mouth, only snapping back to reality when it ended.

Nobunaga's face was covered in noodles, but he didn't have time to clean up as he turned his head to look at the TV, his neck appearing stiff.

"Heaven's Arena..."

Machi's eyes shimmered with an indescribable emotion, as she played with wooden chopsticks in her hand, twirling them around her fingers like a pen, only to have the chopsticks suddenly split into over a dozen pieces falling on the table.

At that moment, there were only the three of them, Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga, as customers in the shop, while the owner watched from behind the counter. When the chopsticks inexplicably split into more than a dozen pieces, he was suddenly struck silent.

After breaking the chopsticks, Machi pursed her lips, covered the remnants with her hand, and hummed lowly.

Uvogin buried his head and scooped up the remaining noodles into his mouth, swallowing them without chewing much, then said, "Shall we go?"

He was referring, naturally, to Heaven's Arena.

Ten days ago, after spending over a year training, the troupe dabbled in robbing a famous museum's exhibit.

The troupe’s mission was theft, but Uvogin, not knowing what finesse meant, clumsily alerted the museum's security staff, and a battle ensued, resulting in the powerful security personnel all dying at the hands of the Phantom Troupe.

Afterward, Chrollo went to scout new members, letting the other members roam free as if nothing was amiss.

They would have each gone their separate ways after this meal, but then the advertisement about Luo suddenly played on the TV, a preview of the battle at Heaven's Arena.

"Of course, we're going." Nobunaga pulled off the noodles hanging on his face and casually threw them at Uvogin, who easily dodged.

"Let’s go," said Machi.

"Heaven's Arena, looks interesting, I’m joining, what about you

?" Uvogin cracked his knuckles, chuckling.

Right now, they were in a state of free activity, and the troupe wasn't likely to issue any instructions soon, perfect for a bit of fun with Luo.

"I'm not joining," said Machi quietly.

"With Luo there, I definitely want to join," Nobunaga stated.

"Then let’s find a place to watch the match first," Machi suggested.


Uvogin nodded, then stood up and slapped a stack of bills on the table.

Nobunaga and Machi also got up, and the three of them headed straight for the shop door.

The owner waited until they were out of the shop before daring to come to the table to collect the money, only to find that Uvogin had paid far more than the meal cost.

"Wait, guests, I need to give you change!"

Shocked, the owner grabbed the money and hurried out of the shop, looking down the long road in both directions, but there was no sign of Uvogin and the others.


The owner swallowed his saliva, the road was so long, and those three customers had left just seconds ago, how could they have disappeared?

In an office building, the scent of fresh blood quietly spread.

The desks were chaotically arranged, with remnants of empty bento boxes and a dark handgun and a sharp watermelon knife visible.

On the floor, several men in black suits lay without a sound, roughly estimated to be at least a hundred, all silent, with a lot of fresh blood flowing beneath them.

In the room, only the sound from the TV continued.

A tall, red-haired man sat on a corpse, facing the TV, blood spreading under his feet, flowing over his shoes, but he didn’t seem to care at all.

This man was none other than Hisoka.

Hisoka, sitting on the corpse, played with several playing cards in his hand, his fingers dancing, making the cards flutter like butterflies.


Watching a photo appear on the TV, Hisoka made an indistinct humming sound.

His narrowed eyes slowly relaxed, the excitement previously uncontrollable in his eyes gradually calming down.

"Hmm~ the omnipotent magician, huh..."

Hisoka's dancing fingers paused, then he flicked them towards the TV, sending the playing cards straight into the photo displayed on the screen, with a few hissing sounds, the cards deeply embedded in the monitor.


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