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Chapter 238: Information

9 wins and 2 losses…

Luo suddenly realized that if Sundy wins against him, he would qualify for challenging the floor master with ten victories. Conversely, if he loses, it would result in a life-or-death situation with 9 wins and 3 losses.

If he loses four matches before reaching ten wins, even achieving ten victories afterward would require starting over.

"Are you fully confident you can win against me?"

Luo muttered quietly to himself. He hadn't used Nen in battles below the 200th floor, which is probably why Sundy underestimated him.

Without lingering further, he turned and left.

The lady at the window watched Luo's departing figure, a trace of pity flashing in her eyes.

Aside from the top-level floor masters, there are nearly a thousand contestants above the 200th floor with varying levels of skill. A portion of these contestants entered the realm of Nen through a "Baptism."

This so-called "Baptism" involves enduring an attack from a Nen user, forcibly opening one's Aura Nodes to grasp the ability to manipulate Nen.

However, not every ordinary person who undergoes the "Baptism" is incredibly lucky. Missing limbs or severe injuries are common, though there are also those who survive with their bodies intact.

These contestants, having become Nen users through the "Baptism," possess the merit to stay above the 200th floor. However, except for a few with exceptional talent, the rest are not very powerful.

In these mixed levels above the 200th, the disparity in contestants' abilities is as wide as the gap between the rich and poor, with Sundy being one of the affluent-level contestants, ranking among the top in strength.

To the lady at the window, a newcomer facing a top-ranking contestant is like a nightmare. Losing a match is one thing, but ending up with a permanent disability is quite unfortunate.

Luo, having left the registration area, didn't see the pity in the lady's eyes. He looked at the number on his keychain and slowly wandered the floors, trying to find his room.

During his search, Luo encountered dozens of contestants, all skilled in using Nen.

These people recognized Luo's identity by their expressions but did not rashly approach him.

 After a lengthy detour, Luo finally reached his room, number 2088.

He unlocked the door and entered a suite as luxurious as a presidential suite, vastly different from the private rooms below the 200th floor.

Luo shut the door behind him. In the middle of the living room wall hung a 50-inch display, and a book lay on the coffee table.

He glanced around the room's decorations, quickly losing interest, and walked over to the coffee table to flip through the book, which contained pictures of various luxury goods and gourmet foods, among other things…

Once above the 200th floor, contestants didn't need to worry about their living expenses. Anything they wanted could be ordered via a phone call, and the Heavens Arena would deliver it to their room with utmost efficiency.

The receptionist had mentioned that above the 200th floor, fights generally don't have monetary rewards. If it were just a life without worries about food and shelter, it wouldn't attract so many people to fight to the death.

The main reason was still money, specifically from the betting income, which was the key point.

Luo saw a simple guide on the book, flipped through it casually, then threw it back onto the coffee table.

He thought to himself, Buhara could save a lot on living expenses if he came to the 200th floor and above, as the food was included, allowing him to eat to his heart's content.

"Buhara and Sanbica will be able to register tomorrow."

Luo sat down on the plush sofa, recalling Sundy, the "Arsonist," a title he had earned in the battles of Heavens Arena, presumably related to setting fires?

At that moment, the black screen of the display suddenly flashed a signal and turned on automatically, showing a time.

"Tomorrow afternoon at three."

Luo looked at the information on the display, knowing it was the specific time for tomorrow's match, and his opponent was indeed Sundy.

He thought for a moment and then dialed a number on his phone.

After a few rings, the call connected.

"What is it?" A not-so-pleasant voice came from the other end.

"I've challenged him, tomorrow's match at three in the afternoon," Luo went straight to the point.

Biscuit on the other end suddenly fell silent for a moment, then said, "You really can't wait, huh?"

"I just ran into Antomu; he was waiting for me in the hallway on purpose," Luo explained.

"Oh?" Biscuit sounded surprised.

"I want to fight him as soon as possible," Luo stated.

"That's fine, but I have a condition," Biscuit said.

"What's the condition?"

"You must qualify with a perfect record before you can face Antomu."

"Okay," Luo agreed without hesitation.

"Who's the opponent tomorrow?" Biscuit asked.

Luo paused, then said, "Arsonist Sundy."

"Don't know him."

Luo's mouth twitched slightly. You haven't paid attention to Heavens Arena for so long; how would you know him?

"I suggest you don't look up information about your opponent before the battle. This might increase your risk during the fight, but it will also enhance your experience against the enemy," Biscuit continued.

Knowing your opponent's information means having an advantage before the battle starts, but Luo's purpose in Heavens Arena is to train. Facing unknown Nen abilities one after another would rapidly accumulate valuable experience.

"I understand," Luo said.

"Stay there today. We'll come to watch the match tomorrow. Hanging up now."

Biscuit ended the call abruptly, leaving Luo with a series of dial tones.

Luo put away his phone and then picked up the book from the coffee table again, intending to order some food.

At this time, the silver flame tattoo on the back of his hand turned into a black cat, which jumped onto Luo's shoulder, pointing its paw at the pictures of food in the book, saying, "I want this, this, and this!"

Luo rolled his eyes. Having such a gluttonous Nen beast was enough, but if not for the black cat still being useful in helping him harness the True Master, he might not let the black cat show up at will.

After ordering a pile of food, the staff delivered it in less than half an hour, incredibly efficient.

In a secluded noodle shop on the Yorbian Continent, Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga were sitting at a small table, eating noodles. A wooden rack with a small colorful TV was nailed to the wall of the shop.

Nobunaga and Machi sat on one chair, backs to the TV, while Uvogin, being larger, occupied a long bench alone, facing the two.

A stack of empty bowls piled high in front of Uvogin. The shop owner cautiously watched these three unusual patrons, especially the big guy's frightening appetite.


Uvogin slurped a large mouthful of noodles, and while eating, he looked up at the program playing on the TV.

Suddenly, as if he saw something unbelievable, his mouth opened, and the noodles he had just taken in were all sprayed onto Nobunaga's face.


Nobunaga was about to burst out swearing when he heard Uvogin shout Luo's name.


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