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Chapter 240: Grand Event

La Xiang City, mansion on the mountain.

The depression from a year and a half ago no longer exists. The mansion, once bombed by rocket artillery, has been renovated and now looks even more luxurious.

Numerous checkpoints on the mountain road are manned until you reach the main gate of the mansion courtyard, where the security remains tight.

At last year's Yorknew auction, Elly had Kenda convert all the collectibles into funds, which then helped to strengthen their own status.

Now, the Geffel family remains a towering presence in La Xiang City, no longer relying on drugs for profit, but instead moving into the coastal transportation industry, with Kenda playing a significant role, closely linked to Elly's growth.

Inside the study, Elly sits at her desk, wearing thick black-framed glasses that seem too mature for her age, flipping through an account book.

Her face, looking only twelve or thirteen, lacks the youthful vigor of a young girl, instead exuding a mature and steady aura, her golden hair pinned up with strands hanging by her ears.

She flips through the account book with one hand, her eyes darting left and right behind the glasses, and with the other hand, she writes rapidly on the paper, leaving behind elegant yet strong strokes.

Nearly two years have fundamentally changed Elly; her youthful appearance now carries the makings of a powerful woman.

"Knock, knock."

A knock comes from the door.

"Come in."

Elly’s gaze doesn't shift, nor does she stop her actions.

The door opens, and Kenda, dressed as a butler, approaches the desk, standing before Elly.

"What is it?"

Elly sets down the account book and pen, knowing that Kenda wouldn't knock at this time unless it was something important.

"It's about Luo," Kenda says.

At this, Elly's eyes light up, and she quickly stands, eagerly asking, "Tell me."

It's only at moments like these that the young girl sheds her powerful woman façade and returns to a demeanor befitting her age.

Kenda hesitates for a moment, then says, "Luo is now a contender in Heavens Arena, above the 200th floor, and his match will be broadcast live tomorrow afternoon."

"Heavens Arena?" Elly is puzzled.

Kenda explains the time and details of Luo’s match in Heavens Arena.

"Tomorrow at three in the afternoon?"

Elly murmurs to herself; she had scheduled a business meeting at that time to finalize some terms, but now, the broadcast seems more significant.

Knowing what drives Elly's rapid transformation, Kenda still chooses to inform her, even though it conflicts with her business.

The deal tomorrow is crucial, but it seems it will have to be moved earlier, postponed, or even canceled.

"Kenda." Elly looks up at him.

Without needing to say more, Kenda understands, bows slightly, and says, "I’ll take care of it."

"Mm," Elly smiles sweetly.

As Kenda leaves, Elly is left alone in the study.

"We agreed you’d come to see me, and so much time has passed, not even a call."

Elly takes off her glasses, sets them gently on the desk, pouts, and looks aggrieved.

She pulls out the ribbon binding her hair, letting her curled golden locks cascade down, then turns to the two expensive dolls sitting on the couch.

Noticing Elly's gaze, the dolls jump off the couch and walk toward her, their mouths making a soft clicking sound, as if smiling...

The battle is heavily promoted, elevating it to the level of a contender challenging a floor master.

Luo and Sundy's fight in Heavens Arena is edited into a highlight reel and broadcast on TV and online, spreading rapidly.

The urgency of the match timing contributes to the frantic push.

Considering the fighters' backgrounds, Sundy, who has been in Heavens Arena for a long time, is favored to win, hence his odds are low, while Luo, the underdog, has high odds.

For sports journalists, the outcome is secondary; if Sundy wins, the focus will be on him challenging the floor master, but if Luo wins, he'll be portrayed as Antomu's archenemy.

This sensational news revives old scandals.

Because of the intense promotion, people worldwide, including those Luo has saved, Hunters, and those who fled with the G2 virus data fearing repercussions, are now aware of this event.

That night.

Geru also sees the news; she can't forget the night Luo completely overwhelmed her during a thunderstorm, a memory she has shared with no one.

Now seeing Luo as a contestant in Heavens Arena and knowing the match will be broadcast live tomorrow, she wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Meanwhile, in a brightly lit city, a black-haired young

 man stands on a rooftop, holding a smartphone.

Across from the rooftop, a giant screen on a mall displays a preview of tomorrow's major fight.

The flickering video lights cast the young man’s body in alternating light and shadow, reflecting Luo's figure in his dark eyes.

"Beep, beep."

His smartphone vibrates with a new message.

He looks at it, noting the mission details, then shuts the email app and continues watching the giant screen.

"Tomorrow at three in the afternoon, should I watch it?"

He mutters to himself, then reopens his email, quickly typing and sending a message.

In the vast mansion on Kukuroo Mountain, in a large room with a huge bed at the center.

A silver-haired strongman sits by the bed, Silva, Illumi's father, while a woman lies reclined on the bed, her belly swollen with pregnancy, Illumi's mother, Kikyo.

"Beep, beep."

Silva moves his hand to check his phone for a new message.

This phone is an internal line for family members.

"Illumi?" Kikyo looks at Silva.

Silva glances at the message, then puts away the phone and nods to Kikyo in response to her question.

"Is it about the mission?" Kikyo asks.

Silva shakes his head, simply stating, "A minor matter."

The message is about Luo, a person Illumi had once emphasized.

More and more people learn about the match, seemingly a warm-up for this year's Martial Olympics.

Netero, who has been following Luo for a long time, naturally wouldn't miss it.

On the day of the match, with over an hour to go before it starts, tickets are already sold out, and ticketholders arrive early at the venue.

Those who couldn’t get tickets must stay on the first floor of Heavens Arena, watching the match on numerous monitors.

In the locker room before the match, Luo looks troubled.

Who knew a simple match would turn into such a spectacle?


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