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Chapter 549: The Prelude to the War of Planes

The sudden oppressive aura caused the quarreling "Great Witch" Cecil and the "Winter Dragon" Valock to halt in their tracks, shivering as they prostrated themselves. Between the glowing eyes burning with the fire of the soul, a hint of terror emerged.

In an indescribable chaos, a majestic voice resonated across the mountain range. "Tell me, what exactly is happening, Cecil?!"

Millions of undead perished simultaneously, naturally attracting the attention and wrath of the Lord of Necromancy.

"Great Lord of Necromancy, it was the chief priest of the Moon Goddess who sent an avatar here, wielding a powerful artifact that devastated the land and mountains, seeking to perish with us," Cecil hurriedly explained.

Although he had not yet confirmed the identity of the other party, the mere presence of an avatar was not enough to execute such potent magic, there must be a reliance!

"So it was just an avatar of a high priest that defeated you... I must say, I'm disappointed, Cecil!" The Lord of Necromancy's tone grew colder.

A chill rose from the depths of Cecil's soul, but before he could continue to defend himself, a crushing oppressive force enveloped him.

Even as a legendary ninth-ring wizard, he had no resistance in the face of a true god. Cecil slowly levitated, his decaying face revealing a look of terror.

Cecil could feel as if an invisible giant hand was squeezing him, every bit of flesh and bone in his body seemed to be wailing before his entire body was gruesomely crushed, leaving nothing but a mist of blood dispersing in the air.

The "Winter Dragon" Valock pressed his head deeply against the ground, always disliking Cecil but now could not help but feel a sense of dread for himself, fearing he might be the next to be crushed.

However, after a few seconds, Valock breathed a sigh of relief as the blood mist in the air quickly gathered together, reforming Cecil’s form.

Under the god-like powers of the Lord of Necromancy, Cecil was restored to his lich form and then excitedly prostrated. "Thank you for your forgiveness, great Lord of Necromancy, I will soon deliver to you the world beyond the space-time gate, along with the Moon Goddess and her followers!"

Having just survived a brush with death, Cecil was profoundly frightened.

"There won't be a next time!" The Lord of Necromancy's indifferent voice echoed in the foreign skies, his crushing of Cecil's body a punishment, and his reconstruction a boon.

A ninth-ring legendary wizard still had some use, but his patience was limited, this pardon was solely in recognition of Cecil’s role as the vanguard in conquering the domain of the Moon Goddess Diana.

"Is your mission accomplished?" The Lord of Necromancy suddenly asked sternly.

"Your Excellency, Lord of Necromancy, I've sent Shado to pursue the escapees, he should be able to bring back news soon!" Cecil hurriedly replied.

"Shado is dead!" The dark, cold voice sounded again, turning the void into chaos.

Cecil's heart leapt to his throat, the flickering fire in his eyes rapidly shaking, clearly caught off guard by this news.

His body and some of his soul attached to it were completely destroyed because they were at the core of the energy impact.

Like him, the necromantic knight Kholen was unlucky, but Valock, who was further away and severely injured, survived. How could Shado, who went after the escapees, die so easily?

Cecil had many doubts but did not dare to question; since the Lord of Necromancy himself said he was dead, there was no chance of Shado’s survival.

Now the urgent matter was how to handle the Lord of Necromancy's criticism. Cecil had no doubt that if he said he couldn't find the space-time gate, the fickle god would immediately crush both his body and soul.

"I had previously set up a scouting barrier over this mountain range; those escapees must have picked up some magic traces as they passed through. I can track their movements to locate the space-time node!" Cecil said quickly, before the Lord of Necromancy grew angry, and every word was the truth.

Cecil did not dare lie in the presence of a god, though such magical traces could be shielded or erased, not entirely foolproof, which is why he had specifically instructed Shado to follow.

"I hope you understand, my patience is always limited, just like your time!" The dull voice echoed among the mountains, and after saying this, the Lord of Necromancy did not respond again.

The chaos dissipated...

Cecil slowly stood up, exhaling a breath of frosty air, his life fortunately preserved!

"Cecil, have you really found the location of the space-time node? Time is running out... The great Lord of Necromancy will not give you a second chance," Valock said mockingly to Cecil, who had narrowly escaped death.

Cecil glared somberly at Valock’s battered body and retorted, "Since you’re so eager, next time we attack, you’ll lead the charge, Valock!"

The "Winter Dragon" Valock dared not respond directly, instead making excuses that his injuries needed more time to heal, which he would personally explain to the Lord of Necromancy.

Lynn’s nuclear strike had crushed his arrogance and all his underestimation.

Not to mention the prospect of heading to the other side of the space-time gate, possibly facing the Moon Goddess herself!

Even though she had abandoned her own divine realm in disgrace, escaping to another world, the performance of this 'high priest' suggested that the power of the Moon Goddess had not diminished much.

She would not be easy to deal with!

"Once you’ve healed, I will propose to the great Lord of Necromancy again!" Cecil was not about to let Valock off easily, and the grudge between them was now set.

After issuing a threat, Cecil no longer paid attention to this "Winter Dragon" and began to cast spells to sense the magical traces lingering in the air, then he sighed in relief.

Although the magic traces here had been erased by the explosion, there were still many faint traces of magic about ten kilometers away, which meant at least his first mission was accomplished!

Cecil then used the Soul Speak, calling the necromantic army within the foreign realm to gather here.

The millions of undead destroyed by the nuclear blast were just a small part temporarily assembled. The fact was, there were over thirty million undead regularly distributed within the foreign realm, not counting the large number of cannon fodder converted from the slain natives of this divine realm!

Such power was enough to flatten a world, but still insufficient against a god, hence they were merely the vanguard.

Simultaneously, tens of kilometers away in a valley, as supersonic jets passed by, the swirling space-time gate on the other end slowly closed.

Freed from the dark and gloomy foreign realm, under the bright sunshine, Raphael and his companions squinted uncomfortably, their bodies and spirits relaxing.

"Did we really make it back alive?!" one of the female witches in the group cried tears of joy, having prepared for sacrifice when they entered the foreign realm, never expecting to return safely.

The halfling Maca looked up at the bright sun, astonished.

Is this the sun?

He had heard from Darren that the sun was a star, a very large celestial body, millions of times bigger than a continent, capable of illuminating the entire world!

Maca had been skeptical; what kind of light could illuminate the entire world? But now, he had no choice but to believe.

Because everything as far as he could see was unbelievably bright, even painfully dazzling. Having spent over a decade in the foreign realm, Maca had never experienced such a sensation.

Soon, two airships landed in the valley, and Lydia, piloting a fighter jet, circled overhead before slowing down and landing on the runway.

As Raphael and others descended from the airship, what they saw were armored vehicles lined up on both sides, rows of soldiers in neat formation, and the menacing barrels of cannons.

Although they were aware there was no danger, the sight of thousands of cannons pointed at them made them nervous for a moment, but this was quickly replaced by thunderous applause and cheers!

Instead of cannonballs, the cannons fired ceremonial fireworks.

Raphael and the others who disembarked were met with the warmest of welcomes.

Flowers and fireworks adorned the scene, and Harof even organized an award ceremony on the spot, presenting everyone involved with a Morning Star Medal in recognition of their achievements.

Raphael and Lydia, who went on the rescue mission, were awarded the Silver Moon Medal! Raphael, as the team commander who risked his life by entering the foreign realm and strategically distracting the undead army to buy time for the council, truly deserved the Silver Moon Medal.

Lydia, equally awarded the Silver Moon Medal, was surprised yet somewhat apprehensive. After all, she had merely flown there and back, which to her was just a matter of two hours!

"No doubt, you deserve this, Lydia!" Lynn said with a smile, acknowledging that entering the foreign realm and bringing Raphael and the others back was no easy feat.

Not to mention, during the award ceremony, Raphael briefly narrated the ordeal, highlighting Lydia’s ability to delay a legendary creature and shoot it down, which was a formidable achievement!

The ceremony was traditionally hosted by Harof, who also delivered a pre-battle speech at the end, asserting that the Wizard Council would never forsake anyone who had made significant contributions, greatly boosting morale before the battle!

After the brief award ceremony, the soldiers nearby returned to battle readiness, as the enemy could invade at any time

, and even taking fifteen minutes was pushing the limit.

Lynn, Harof, Aurora, and several council members then took Raphael and his team aside to inquire about the detailed events.

Everyone eagerly contributed to the discussion, quickly recounting the entire incident.

"In the end, it seems we truly owe it to you, Chairman Lynn!" Raphael gratefully looked at Lynn. If it weren’t for his avatar breaking through a path for them, they might very well have perished by now.

"Compared to your direct venture into the foreign realm, I merely sent an avatar to assist," Lynn said, shaking his head with a smile. He had sensed that the part of his soul he had dispatched was lost, and his mental strength had temporarily weakened.

Even with the best legendary-level magic potions available in the council, it would take several days to recover. However, since it would still take some time for the council's supercomputer to fully crack the collective computation needed, it probably wouldn’t delay the promotion ceremony.

"Also, it seems you’ve brought back something special," Lynn said, eyeing Raphael and the others suddenly.

"Are you talking about Maca? Although he’s a native of the foreign realm, but..." Raphael started to defend Maca, having shared hardships with him, but Lynn shook his head.

"No, I'm talking about this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lynn made a sudden move without warning!

A fierce burst of lightning immediately enveloped the few people present.

The speed of the lightning was so fast that even Raphael couldn’t react in time.

Harof’s expression changed slightly, but he didn’t move, trusting Lynn.

Wrapped in the ferocious power of the thunder, black smoke rose from the bodies of the people in front of him, accompanied by wails of agony.

"What… what is going on?" Raphael’s voice trembled with shock, now realizing that something was wrong with their bodies.

"Fortunately, it’s just a tracking spell," Lynn said, relieved. This magic had touched on a high-dimensional domain, and if he hadn’t made some progress these days, he might not have noticed the anomaly on Raphael and his team.

The person who set up this magic was likely a ninth-ring legendary wizard!

With Lynn’s explanation, the members of the foreign realm team were shaken, not expecting that they had unknowingly carried back some strange substances. If not for the Star of Magic pointing it out, they might have continued carrying it unknowingly.

Raphael’s expression darkened, realizing that the location of the space-time node must have been exposed now.

He had thought they had shaken off their pursuers, hoping to delay a little longer.

"Alright, you can now go and rest properly!" Lynn patted their shoulders, continuing, "The battle is ours to fight now!"


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