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Chapter 550: Lynn's Ascension Ceremony!

After Raphael and the others successfully returned, the council's 300,000 main forces waited for a full week at the space-time portal, but the undead army did not invade as expected.

Lynn was somewhat surprised by this, but upon considering Raphael's report, he realized that his nuclear explosion must have caused considerable trouble for the enemy.

Millions of undead were destroyed, and it would likely take some time to gather a sufficient force again.

With four to five days here equaling a month there, Lynn instructed the others to continue monitoring. After two weeks of rest, his soul had mostly recovered, and it was finally time for the ascension ceremony he had planned.

Lynn summoned Harof, Victorio, Aurora, and Anthony to discuss his plans.

"Have you really found the secret to becoming a god?" Harof and the others looked at Lynn in astonishment, their faces filled with surprise and disbelief.

They had just completed their legendary promotions a year ago, and were still trying to fully grasp that realm. Yet, Lynn had already found a way to advance beyond the legendary level.

This seemed a bit too fast!

"Do you remember Althok? He has given me quite some inspiration. I’ve also managed to extract some information from that crow, and I think there’s about a fifty percent chance!" Lynn said thoughtfully.

Hearing Lynn mention Althok, Harof and the others frowned, describing his condition as bizarre. The council had tried various methods to awaken him, even enlisting thousands of people to call upon his spirit and pray, all to no avail.

Aurora suspected it might be because these people’s faith was not devout enough, but even brainwashing wouldn’t produce so many devout followers quickly.

"Should we wait a bit longer? A fifty percent chance seems too risky," Anthony couldn’t help but suggest, trusting in Lynn, the Star of Magic, but Lynn was still a seventh-ring legendary wizard. Advancing two levels directly seemed like a tall tale.

The safest method would be to wait until he became a ninth-ring wizard before considering ascension.

"The risk is indeed significant, but this may be the only way to defeat the Lord of the Undead," Lynn sighed.

The more he researched, the more he realized the vast gap between higher and lower dimensions. If his suspicions were true, without an equivalent entity to counteract, they couldn’t even scratch the enemy!

Even if the antimatter bomb was powerful, missing the target would render it useless!

Harof and the others understood the urgency of the situation, seeing Lynn’s determination, they refrained from persuading him further, and instead, asked if anything was needed for the ascension ceremony.

"I’ve got everything prepared!" Lynn said, revealing hundreds of dark golden spheres inscribed with runes in his palm. "Just place these in the empire’s magic power bases."

"Is this...?" Victorio quickly recognized them, his mouth twitching.

"Yes, I melted all the Morning Star Medals; they’re just enough!" Lynn shrugged casually.

He had discovered the special nature of this dark golden metal during his research. Its essence was composed of gold atoms, but it also contained something he called a magic core, which could hold powerful magical and soul energies.

Like the special secret rings he had crafted before, these rune-inscribed spheres also contained a sliver of his soul, allowing him to connect all the magic power bases simultaneously.

Lynn knew he lacked two things compared to a ninth-ring wizard: computational power and magic reserves.

The former could be supplemented by smart brains, and the latter needed external help. The previously constructed magic power bases would be perfect for this.

"I’ll personally go and place them in the bases and set up the necessary protective spells," Victorio took the spheres seriously and promised.

Lynn nodded, then informed them that during the ceremony, he might need to utilize some of their computational power and hoped they could cooperate.

Now that the magic network had been disclosed, there was no need to keep it hidden; the computational power needed was not a small amount, and secretly pulling resources could easily cause severe repercussions.

Harof and the others were already aware of this.

Since the magic network could distribute computational power, it could also unite everyone’s strength.

"By the way, where exactly did you find this strange metal?" After handing over the metal spheres, Lynn curiously asked.

He had tried, but this magic gold could not be mimicked by magic, probably because its nature was linked to magic itself.

Harof was the first to explain that the metal came from another realm, discovered in the stomach of a black dragon that had come through a space-time portal to the Land of Wizards. It was unclear what the dragon had eaten before.

Now that the other realm had become a playground for the undead, sending people in to explore or mine the ore was obviously impossible.

Hearing this, Lynn could only give up, then discussed further details of the ascension with them.

Although it wasn’t

 the best time, according to Lynn’s prediction, the Lord of the Undead would not participate in the early stages of the battle.

After all, a god leaving their domain meant facing the risk of danger and demise, and it was unlikely that the enemy would rush into this world and engage in a divine battle.

Considering the difference in time flow between the two worlds, this would give him enough time to complete his ascension!

Aurora suggested that Lynn should retreat to the royal capital to avoid being affected by the war during his ascension.

"No, let's do it in the Northern City of Lordell," Lynn shook his head.

Located just fifty kilometers beyond this valley, the Northern City was one of the most heavily guarded areas. Nearly seventy percent of the council’s forces were stationed in this region. If even this area fell, it would indicate that the situation had become irretrievable.

After making the decision, Lynn discussed with them for a long time, setting the ascension ceremony for three days later.

In the days leading up to the ceremony, Harof sent Raphael and others who had been resting for a while to protect Lynn during his ascension in Lordell.

This was a relatively relaxed task, as the valley had already been secured with traps and barriers, making it unlikely for enemies to bypass them. Nevertheless, several reliable individuals were needed for protection to prevent disturbances.

While Harof and the others either monitored the space-time nodes or were occupied with other tasks, they couldn’t spare the time.

"Chairman Lynn, Lord Victorio has sent a message saying he has placed the metal spheres you gave him. Should we start the ascension ceremony now?" Raphael asked solemnly and expectantly.

"Sooner rather than later, let’s begin," Lynn nodded, standing at the center of the magic circle, and using the real-time soul entanglement effect, he began to connect with the magic power bases scattered across the continent.

Soul splitting was a strange spell; splitting part of one’s soul didn’t mean losing that part, nor could it be replenished or healed with potions or other methods.

Because the main soul and the split soul still maintained a subtle connection, always in a state of being dispersed yet united.

Once the magical incarnations containing the split souls were destroyed, without encountering resistance or attacks capable of harming the soul, these parts would return to the main body.

This connection seemed somewhat similar to quantum entanglement.

Lynn speculated that souls or consciousness might also possess this high-dimensional trait; soul splitting merely split the soul on a three-dimensional level, but their connection remained close on a higher-dimensional level.

No wonder Aila had a limited understanding of the microscopic forms of elements, yet could reach into high-dimensional realms, likely starting with the soul!

Lynn suddenly understood, but now was not the time to ponder these matters. After clearing his mind of these chaotic thoughts, he directly unfolded his domain.

Vast magical power quickly spread from each magic power base as the center, rapidly expanding outward.

Since Lynn had already informed them in advance, the wizards sensing this change did not panic or cause any commotion.

However, as the domain rapidly expanded, the consumption of magical power also grew geometrically.

Lynn quickly calculated that even with hundreds of magic power bases as reserves, expanding his domain to encompass the entire planet, or even reaching deep into the earth, was nearly impossible.

Then, he could only first assimilate this continent!

Lynn thought this, and assimilating all the elements within a continent was expected to take at least a week.

Even so, this was only the first step of the ascension!


While Lynn was conducting the ascension ceremony, the space-time node nestled in the valley was suddenly reactivated!

The nine grand wizards guarding the space-time gate immediately transmitted this news via electromagnetic waves and attempted to seal the reactivated gate again.

One after another, the locks inscribed with space-time vortex runes tightened, and under the combined effort of the nine grand wizards, they couldn’t hold for even ten minutes before bursting open.

"Retreat, there’s no need to seal it anymore!" Victorio said gravely.

He knew it was unlikely to stop the invasion of the undead, but he hadn’t expected the collapse to come so quickly.

Realizing that the enemy might far exceed their expectations, Victorio led the nine to retreat outside the valley, as the upcoming artillery barrage would not discriminate between friend and foe.

The army, having received the electromagnetic transmission, had already rapidly assembled. When Victorio returned, the first army group had already gathered.

Besides tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers who had trained for over a year to proficiently use firearms, the formation also included hundreds of grand wizards and over fifteen thousand official wizards!

Hundreds of cannons had also turned their barrels towards the valley’s space-time gate, and airships and fighter jets were ready to engage the enemy.

Looking at this mighty formation, Victorio couldn’t help but feel moved; if the Magic Kingdom had had such military power during their attack on the empire

, the church would likely have had no chance to resist.

However, the enemy they faced this time was evidently much more powerful.

As the tense and vigilant wizards watched, the diameter of the space-time vortex quickly grew to over five hundred meters and continued to rapidly expand.

A massive amount of magical power was crazily pouring into this world, causing Harof, Victorio, and the others to furrow their brows.

"What exactly are they trying to do? Swallow the whole world with a space-time gate?" Alade exclaimed in horror, his face full of worry.

He feared that at this rate, the entire world would be swallowed.

"Probably not..." Harof said with a frown, noting that the larger the space-time gate expanded, the more magical power it consumed. To encompass the entire world, how much magical power would that require?

However, recalling the words of the so-called Messenger of the Stars, that the main world had the ability to capture an entire plane, Harof became somewhat uncertain again.

Fortunately, the space-time gate’s diameter stopped expanding after reaching over two kilometers, and then a suffocating aura began to spread throughout the valley.

"They’re here!" Victorio suddenly spoke, and ripples appeared in the swirling space-time vortex.

A massive, or rather, an overwhelming number of specters, shrieking demons, and various undead flying beasts emerged from the other end of the space-time gate, nearly obscuring the entire sky.

On the ground, countless ghasts, stitched beasts, and skeleton warriors set foot on this new land. Leading the vanguard, a group of armored death knights also emerged from the gate.

Their eyes flickered with crimson light, their bodies draped in thick armor, and the skeletal warhorses they rode neighed and roared. The flaming hooves trampled the ground, and the once vibrant magical plants instantly withered and died, with death rapidly spreading.

"This number..." Sanchez, positioned at the front, swallowed hard at the sight of the endless undead pouring out of the space-time gate like a tidal wave, but still used a voice amplification spell to loudly command.


More than two thousand gunners had already loaded their cannons, and with a series of loud booms, artillery fire rained down from the sky like a deluge…

Thousands of airships and various fighter jets also took off, facing the sky-darkening swarm of shrieking demons and specters…


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