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Chapter 232: Odds

After entering the elevator with Luo and Buhara, the girl started the usual briefing.

"Starting from the first floor, up to the two hundredth floor, every ten floors represent one tier."

"This means, if you win on the fiftieth floor, you will advance to the sixtieth floor."

"Conversely, if you lose, you will be demoted to the fortieth floor. After reaching the hundredth floor, you can have a private room."

The girl spoke at a comfortable pace, probably having said this explanation thousands of times.

"Does this mean we no longer advance by ten floors once we reach the two hundredth floor?" Luo asked, noticing the elevator had reached the thirtieth floor.

The reception girl smiled and said, "Once you reach the two hundredth floor, there will be staff to explain the specifics."

Knowing he couldn't ask for more, Luo sighed.


The elevator door opened as they reached the floor.

The reception girl handed back the tickets to Luo and Buhara, smiling, "Please use this ticket to follow the signs on the wall to the counter to claim your prize money and prepare for the next match. Good luck!"

"Thank you."

After taking the ticket, Luo thanked her.

The smile on the reception girl's face remained unchanged as she closed the elevator door and returned to the ground floor.

Luo looked around, "Let's go claim our prize money first."

"How much can we get?" Buhara asked.

"Very little."

Luo casually replied, leading Buhara to the right.

"Your appetite has become terrifying. We better make a good amount of money here. At the very least, we need to save up a year’s worth of meal expenses, right?" Luo said as they walked.

"I'll try my best," Buhara chuckled.

They approached a counter that resembled those found in banks. Behind the transparent glass, another pretty girl awaited.

"Please show your tickets," she politely requested.

Luo and Buhara simultaneously presented their tickets through a slot under the window.

After verifying the tickets, the girl handed them a few coins totaling two hundred fifty-two Jeonni, roughly equivalent to a can of expensive drink, with two vending machines for drinks placed nearby specifically for contestants.

This was the prize claim area on the fiftieth floor, and everyone received the same amount.

In fact, on the first floor, whether you win or lose, you can get two hundred fifty-two Jeonni, but there’s no prize for losing in the next match, and starting from the fiftieth floor, it's a dividing line.

If you win at the fiftieth floor, the prize money skyrockets to fifty thousand Jeonni. The higher you go, the higher the prize money, reaching millions at the hundredth floor, and tens of millions at the one hundred and fifty floor, and approaching hundreds of millions near the two hundredth floor.

Luo popped the coins into a vending machine and grabbed a coffee, while Buhara chose a juice.

Drinking their beverages, they headed to the preparation rest room.

Arriving at the door, Luo tossed his empty can into a trash bin and then pushed open the door; Buhara followed behind.

Inside, around two hundred competitors were either sitting or standing.

Hearing the door, the participants looked their way, just a glance at Luo and Buhara, then went back to their own business.

The quality of contestants in the rest room was noticeably higher than on the first floor, but looking around, out of the two hundred or so people, there was not a single Nen user, only physically fit regular people.

Luo found a spot for him and Buhara to sit. The winners of the preliminary selection had another match to fight today—to ascend to the sixtieth floor or descend to the fortieth.

"I'm getting a bit hungry."

As they waited for arrangements, Buhara patted his stomach.

"You ate so much, and you're hungry again in less than two hours?" Luo glared.

Buhara shrank a little and said, "A bit."

Luo tapped his forehead, exasperated, "I really want to know what you've been doing this past year."

Buhara scratched his head, his meal portions had indeed been increasing over the year, but so had the training arranged by Dafei, as if there was a proportional increase between training volume and food intake.


A square speaker mounted on the wall in the rest room made a sound.

"Mr. Luo and Mr. Buhara, please proceed to platform b on the fifty-eighth floor."

From the second match onward, the organizers directly called the contestants by their names, adding 'Mr.' as a sign of respect.

Hearing the announcement, Luo and Buhara looked at each other.

Their second match of the day

, and they were scheduled on the same platform.

"Boss, should I forfeit?" Buhara suggested.

"No need," Luo smiled, getting up. "I was actually looking forward to testing my abilities."

Seeing Luo so determined, Buhara, though reluctant, steeled himself to go on.

They left the rest room and headed towards the fifty-eighth floor.

Above the fiftieth floor, there were individual indoor platforms, and the audience seats were always full, a stark contrast to the lower floors.

When Luo and Buhara arrived at platform b on the fifty-eighth floor, the audience was packed, waving and cheering, creating waves of noise that echoed throughout the room, as if it was a world-class fighting event.

In reality, it was just a fight on the fiftieth floor.

The spectators who came here had purchased tickets, but could witness many fights in a day, and every fight could be bet on, which was why their enthusiasm was so high.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting, please welcome Mr. Luo and Mr. Buhara to the platform."

"Both individuals, with their outstanding performance at the first level, directly advanced to the fiftieth floor. Please note, the big screen will display the footage of their previous fight!"

A young woman wearing headphones sat at the commentator's desk, directing the audience to watch the large screen on the wall.

The dark screen flickered with a signal and then displayed a scene where Luo effortlessly blocked an opponent's punch, then threw him out, followed by Buhara knocking his opponent out of the ring with a single palm strike.

The replay was to let the audience gauge Luo and Buhara's strength, and then make bets accordingly.

After the audience saw Luo and Buhara's performance in the previous fight, the commentator raised her voice excitedly, "So, are you ready to place your bets? Please press the button now!"

"Beep beep beep...!"

Having seen Luo and Buhara's prowess, the spectators took out betting handles to wager on their favored contestant.

The fiftieth floor fight wasn't qualified for global live broadcasting, which was reserved for fights above the two hundredth floor, but the fights below still stirred up the audience's enthusiasm, mostly due to the betting.

Moments later, everyone had placed their bets, and the big screen displayed the results.

"The betting results are in! Mr. Buhara is favored more!"

The odds came out, with Luo at 2.275 and Buhara at 1.300!

From the odds, Buhara had a significant advantage.

Seeing the odds, Luo wondered: Can contestants bet too?


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