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Chapter 231: Sanbica's Capacity

Due to her physical and Nen conditions, Sanbica has a weak physical constitution and cannot undergo high-intensity physical training. This is why Sanbica did not participate when Luo was engaging in physical training.

However, during the phase of practicing Nen abilities, Sanbica joined in, and Bisky was not stingy, putting her heart into teaching Sanbica.

Although Sanbica's Nen abilities significantly improved, her physical strength and combat experience remained her weak points.

Considering Sanbica's professional characteristics, these weaknesses aren't a big issue. However, if Sanbica continues to accompany Luo on his adventures, it's inevitable they'll encounter enemies at a higher level, like Antomu.

If they do, Luo, struggling to protect himself, won't be able to safeguard Sanbica. This could potentially turn Sanbica into Luo's vulnerability, which is detrimental for both.

Earlier in the Heavens Arena, Luo again suggested Sanbica participate in the competition, not because he worried she might become a hindrance, but hoping that it would strengthen her capabilities.

Having faced life-threatening situations twice, Luo is well aware that strong capabilities are fundamental for survival in this world. That's why he has been relentlessly training this past year, hoping to use Bisky’s help to enhance Sanbica's strengths.

Bisky brought up the issue again, though her thoughts weren't as simple as Luo's. As a Nen user who had roamed the world for many years, she too had faced dangers. In her more than forty years of life, there was a time she almost died at the hands of a much stronger opponent.

Her current enhancements are a means to evade future dangers.

Seeing Sanbica silent, Bisky looked at the clean streets ahead and said, "If you only want to be a pure doctor, then forget what I just said, but…"

Bisky suddenly stopped walking, and Sanbica, instinctively, halted too.

"If you want to continue following Luo, you need to rectify your shortcomings. You know about the incident at Stajy's mausoleum. That young man tried to defend the dignity of a corpse with his weaker strength and almost lost his life."

"Such incidents may earn you many formidable enemies in the future, which is not good for you."

After a moment of silence, Sanbica looked into Bisky's eyes and said, "Are you worried… that he might face danger because of me?"

"Why would I worry about his safety?" Bisky raised an eyebrow.

Sanbica paused, puzzled. "Then why are you telling me all this?"

"Of course, because I'm afraid you'll be dragged into danger by Luo," Bisky said seriously, hands on her hips. "With Luo’s Nen abilities, his future achievements will undoubtedly be high, but your abilities are even more crucial."

Confusion flashed in Sanbica's bright eyes.

"To put it bluntly, you're only fit to be kept in a cage…"

Having interacted with Sanbica for a year, Bisky had a clearer understanding of her abilities and believed Sanbica to be even more important than Luo.

In her view, Sanbica should be under the heavy protection of the Hunter Association, allowing her to fully pursue her interests while the Association handles the rest.

If she wants to study dangerous viruses, all she has to do is ask, and the Hunter Association would procure them. Her role is merely to create value for the human world.

"That’s not only unpleasant to hear but also quite offensive," Sanbica said calmly, though her heart felt otherwise, reminding her of something several people had told her in the past.

"I'm not going to make decisions for you, just offering advice," Bisky said lightly.

She believes Sanbica is a heavyweight scientist who needs to be fully protected, better off staying in a well-guarded lab than wandering around.

This was her own judgment and belief, but as she said, she wouldn't make decisions for Sanbica. Instead, she would prioritize Sanbica's choices, trying her best to minimize the dangers she might encounter.

Otherwise, she would have to report this to the Association for them to make appropriate arrangements for Sanbica.

Sanbica was silent for a while, then nodded. "I’ll consider it."

"Alright, let's go."

Bisky took a step forward, heading towards the towering hotel nearby.

Sanbica followed silently behind her, seriously pondering this issue.

The harsh words from Bisky reminded her of past experiences and names, questioning whether ideals and freedom could coexist without the possibility of change.

So, should she continue following Luo?

"I want to follow."

Sanbica thought silently to herself.

That's why she can’t allow herself to be too weak.

Hunting is a life-risking profession, and familiar hunters often keep in touch, cautious not to neglect any moment, fearing

 the day when a friend might suddenly perish.

The path chosen by Luo is perilous, and to walk it, one must be prepared.

Bisky fundamentally believes Sanbica shouldn't follow Luo; their professional characteristics simply don't match.

Of course, she wouldn't interfere too much, leaving everything to the parties involved, while she is merely Luo’s mentor, a reasonably qualified navigator.

"After this matter is settled, I should leave too. The original plan was to spend a year on Luo, but now it seems I'll need to spend an extra half year," Bisky thought to herself.

Side by side, they weaved through the crowd, heading towards the hotel.

Luo had never delved into Sanbica's past. He knew the futures of the Phantom Troupe, Hisoka, Buhara, and Bisky, but not Sanbica’s.

Thus, he was unaware that his presence was subtly altering Sanbica's future.

Upon reaching the hotel lobby after a 500-meter walk, Sanbica made a decision.

She would also sign up for the martial arts competition at Heavens Arena. Although she disliked it, she had to do it now for the sake of what she would enjoy more later.

At Heavens Arena.

Luo and Buhara hadn’t reached the elevator when a uniformed lady greeted them.

The staff uniforms, identical for both men and women, consisted of a black long-sleeved jumpsuit with a skirt, with trousers underneath, and a fist logo on the chest. Each wore a cap as well.

"Please, follow me."

The lady led them to a spacious lobby, where a row of elevators lined the wall.

These elevators didn’t go directly to any floor, but the one they took with Luo and Buhara could only reach up to the fiftieth floor.


The elevator doors opened.

Luo and Buhara stepped inside.


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