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Chapter 221: I Don't Want It Anymore

In a poison war, one can achieve significant results at a minimal cost, which is why many favor this method.

Poisoned blades, arrows, and even the fine needles used by Geru—all it takes is a breach of the skin to determine victory or defeat.

The toxin used by Geru is not lethal, but its potent paralyzing effect can instantly end a battle.

She is a poison hunter, knowledgeable in both using and countering toxins, yet she fell into Luo's hands.

"How did he do it?"

After Geru injected herself with an antidote, her expression turned slightly grim, a natural reaction to such a setback.

When Luo reminded her to use the antidote, it undoubtedly marked her defeat.

It was bad luck for Geru. Luo's 'White Smoke Font' was outrageously effective, combined with the 'God's Hand' that counters toxins, together with the current weather conditions, gave Luo plenty to exploit.

However, Luo clearly led Geru into his rhythm. Neither was aware of the other's capabilities, but Luo, with his superior combat assessment skills, held the advantage.

"The detox will take five minutes to completely neutralize the toxins, I'll wait for you," Luo said calmly through the curtain of rain.

Hearing Luo's words, Geru's aura shifted, her face darkening with a fierce and angry emotion emanating from her.

"Are you... looking down on me?"

Before her words ended, Geru's Nen erupted, and she moved across the water, instantly closing the distance to Luo.

Her excellent resistance to toxins, along with a specially formulated antidote, meant she didn’t need to wait the full five minutes.

Her Nen field, charged with intense emotions, repelled the wind and rain hitting her body.

Her hands, wrapped in bright light, struck like lightning slashing through the night sky, aiming at Luo’s face and abdomen.

This time, Luo didn’t use the environment or retreat; he simply extended his hands and caught Geru’s oncoming hands.

After exchanging over twenty punches, he not only figured out Geru’s capabilities but also confirmed he could withstand the destructive power of her punches.

After grabbing her hands, Luo used his ability to start disintegrating the Nen on Geru’s fists.

"Shh, shh, shh!"

The light above Geru’s fists shattered into fragments and dispersed.


Geru's expression changed rapidly as she kicked toward Luo’s lower body—she was not as courteous as Biscuit. In this situation, why hold back?

But Luo just smiled. This scene was all too familiar; during training fights with Biscuit, they had encountered similar situations at least ten times. The difference was that Biscuit would target his abdomen, not his lower body.

In this situation, Luo had over five countermeasures, but the most suitable one at that moment...

Luo’s legs suddenly moved inward, trapping Geru’s kicking leg, then he abruptly turned his body to disrupt her balance, causing her to fall to one side.

When Luo swiftly trapped her leg, Geru realized she was in trouble. She exerted her maximum output to expel the toxins, but Luo’s domain effectively kept the toxins out.

Geru’s offensive failed, and she crashed to the ground, splashing water around.

Luo took advantage of the situation to pin her down, restraining her movements, and then started depleting the Nen from her body.

He chose not to release her hands nor to pull back his hands and elbow her in the chest at the moment of falling, because he held no grudge against Geru.

The motive was clear from the beginning—to have a fight with Geru and test his current level.

However, Luo was disappointed—not because Geru was too weak, but because his abilities perfectly countered hers, making the victory too easy.

"Get lost!"

At that moment, infuriated, Geru shouted as her internal energy burst forth, overturning the superiority and pushing Luo off her.

Luo leaned back, barely stabilizing his stance, retreating several steps before stopping, amazed by the power Geru unleashed in that instant.

After repelling Luo, Geru performed a kip-up, steadied herself, and while raising her hand, shot a poisoned needle towards Luo a few meters away.

Luo promptly used his domain to block, but the distance was too close, and the needle’s force was immense, stopping just a finger’s width from his face.

Then, the next needle Geru fired hit the tail of the stopped needle, pushing the first one forward, breaking through the domain’s defense.

"Such terrifying accuracy!"

The idea of tailing needles alone was extremely challenging.

Luo’s expression shifted slightly, his head jerked, narrowly avoiding the poison needle.

Geru took the opportunity to close in again, throwing a toxic punch. Luo, distracted by dodging the needle, took a punch to the


The force of the punch pushed him back over ten meters before stopping, but he remained uninjured because he used Ryu to gather Nen in his abdomen for defense, blocking Geru’s punch.

Geru’s punching power wasn’t as strong as Biscuit’s or Antomu’s. Her Nen primarily involved toxicity. With previous opponents, such exchanges would have already introduced toxins into their systems.

But Luo was like a hedgehog with nowhere to bite—several contacts had failed to introduce the toxins.

Seeing Luo unharmed, Geru gritted her teeth, unable to hide her anger, and continued her pursuit.


Suddenly, Luo sighed softly. His eagerness for battle had already halved. Meeting Geru’s charge, after a dozen or so exchanges, he found an opportunity to restrain her again, then began to deplete her Nen.

After several rounds, Geru despaired.

This was too unfair. No matter what she did, she couldn’t poison Luo. How could this be enjoyable?

As her Nen dwindled significantly, and Luo seemed to have no intention of harming her, Geru, though angry, decisively ended the fight.

"I’m done fighting. I don’t want the toad anymore!"

Geru withdrew her hands and stepped back, first creating distance before shouting angrily at Luo.

Her previously determined aura was now halved, filled with a defeated air.

After all, she was a member of the Zodiacs recognized by Chairman Netero, still young and eager to make a real impact. She never imagined encountering someone like Luo, who completely countered her Nen.

From the moment she surrendered, she secretly vowed never to engage with Luo again, preferring to face stronger enemies instead.

Seeing Geru’s straightforward surrender, Luo scratched his cheek and said, "I don’t want to fight anymore either. I don’t need the toad, so it’s yours."

"You...!" Geru’s rage had no outlet.

In the shadows, Biscuit covered her forehead, speechless. She too realized that although she had found a suitable sparring partner, Luo seemed to be Geru’s nemesis, making it impossible to demonstrate the effectiveness of the training.

She shook her head, deliberately revealing her presence, then stepped out from behind the rocks.

Almost simultaneously, both Luo and Geru turned their gaze to Biscuit.

Luo was unsurprised, but Geru’s face changed instantly, looking very unpleasant.

At the same time, many people gathered towards this place, likely attracted by the sound of Luo shattering rocks earlier.


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