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Chapter 222: Unwelcome Guests

After a fight with Luo, Geru was far from crying, but she was not only left fuming but also deeply frustrated.

At that moment, seeing Bisky appear, she immediately realized that it was indeed Bisky who had orchestrated Luo's visit.

A flash of anger crossed Geru's face. She didn't immediately voice her questions but instead pondered when she had ever crossed Bisky.

Why would Bisky go out of her way to find someone whose Nen could counter hers unless there was some grudge or resentment? Upon reflection, she couldn't remember ever offending Bisky, which made her wonder why Bisky would do such a thing.

Geru believed that Luo was specifically arranged by Bisky to target her, no wonder Luo could easily expose her usual toxins and trump cards.

Considering all aspects, Geru could never have guessed that Bisky simply saw her as a worthy sparring partner and Luo's rapid understanding of her abilities was mainly due to his capabilities.

“Bisky, we have no grudges, right?”

Geru ignored the slowly encroaching crowd and stared at Bisky who was approaching, starting with a direct question.

Seeing Geru address Bisky directly, Luo realized that there was some familiarity between Geru and Bisky.

"Of course not." Bisky, arriving in front of them, shook her head.

Geru pointed at Luo and asked through clenched teeth, "Then why did you specifically send him to deal with me?"

Bisky knew what Geru meant and immediately feigned innocence, saying, "Is that so?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Geru frowned.

"It has nothing to do with me." Bisky spread her hands in disavowal, then added, "This guy just likes to approach women; he must have pressed you down several times just now, obviously taking advantage."

Lies came easily to her, not only did she immediately clear herself of any involvement, but she also shifted the blame to Luo.

Hearing Bisky's words, Luo was stunned, thinking to himself that her shifting of blame was pretty lame.

"Do you think I would believe that?" Geru said coldly.

Bisky shrugged. The sparring effect was too poor, and she didn't plan to continue this affair with Geru, pointing at the dead toad and saying, "Well, it's yours now, let’s consider this matter closed."

With that, she turned to Luo, continuing, "Let's go back."

"Okay." Luo nodded.

Seeing Bisky so readily disavow the matter, Geru would have exploded if not for the fact that she couldn't beat either Luo or Bisky.

"Let it be, I came here for the Misfortune Toad anyway."

With no other choice, Geru had to console herself with the Misfortune Toad.

Just then, a voice came through the rainy night.


The voice called out Luo's name.

Luo and Bisky immediately stopped and looked in the direction of the voice.

Amidst the shadows, a middle-aged man in a raincoat hurried over.

Illuminated by the flashing lightning, Luo and Bisky could see the man's face clearly: thick eyebrows with a notch missing, a square nose and large mouth, no beard despite his age, looking oddly familiar.

Seeing this middle-aged man, Luo felt a vague sense of recognition, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Bisky turned her head to Luo, asking, "Do you know him?"

"It looks familiar, but I can't remember." Luo shook his head slightly.

"Then shall we stay or go?" Bisky glanced at the restless crowd around them, feeling that staying any longer would be pointless.

"Let's go." Luo replied.

Ignoring the middle-aged man, they walked in another direction.

"Benefactor, wait!"

The middle-aged man, having confirmed Luo's identity, changed his address and seeing Luo walking away without turning back, he became anxious and hurriedly sprinted toward Luo, surprisingly fast.

Meanwhile, those eyeing the toad corpse could no longer hold back, revealing themselves and moving toward Geru. On closer inspection, there were quite a few, about two hundred.

Geru's energy had been greatly reduced by Luo, leaving less than twenty percent, but it was still enough to handle these greedy folk.

"Perfect timing."

Geru was just bursting with anger and had nowhere to vent, just as these people walked into her line of fire.

The approaching people failed to realize how dangerous Geru was; their eyes were only on the toad corpse soaked in the rainwater. Although dead, with proper handling, it could still fetch tens of millions of Jenny.

They were met with fine needles dipped in black scorpion venom, one for each person, no more than that.

Bang bang...

Ten seconds later, the approaching people began to collapse one after another, and those not yet taken care of were confused because the poison needles silently pierced their bodies.

Luo and Bisky stopped and turned to look back at the scene, the middle-aged man coming closer while those targeting the Misfortune Toad had already fallen over twenty, and the number was still increasing rapidly.

"How many needles is that woman hiding..." Luo muttered to himself, amazed at how Geru had managed to knock down seventy to eighty people in less than a minute.

The middle-aged man finally noticed the situation around him, startled.

"These people are pitiful enough, just right for Geru to vent her anger." Bisky's eyes narrowed slightly.

Luo glanced at her, wondering what sort of person Geru really was.

The three of them stood in the rain, watching Geru take down all those coveting the Misfortune Toad, over two hundred people, meaning Geru had thrown out over two hundred poison needles.

At such a moment, even if the thrown projectiles were silver darts, Geru wouldn't hold back, even golden darts would be used to vent her frustration.

The middle-aged man just stood there, stunned, watching the people fall in the rain. If he hadn't come to find Luo, he most likely would have been one of them, just not knowing what method that woman used to silently take down so many people.

"Do you need something from me?" Luo looked at the dazed middle-aged man, trying to figure out where he had seen him before.

Coming back to his senses, the middle-aged man, guessing that Luo had probably forgotten him, hesitantly reminded him, "Last time, thanks to the benefactor's help, I managed to escape from the Rot Spiders; I haven't had the chance to formally thank you."

Mentioning the Rot Spiders, Luo suddenly remembered, waving his hand, "It was nothing, and besides, just call me Luo."

The middle-aged man first cautiously glanced at the people lying in the rain, then asked, "Luo, you're here to solve the toxicity principle of the Happiness Mushroom and Misfortune Toad, right?"

Luo was startled, about to deny it, when the middle-aged man continued the conversation.

"If, I mean if, is there any honor in helping you with that? Although I'm not highly skilled in this area, I should be able to lend a small hand."

Saying this, the middle-aged man looked at Luo with hopeful eyes.

"You're mistaken, I'm here..." Luo was denying it, but before he could finish, a muffled sound interrupted him, it was the sound of Geru throwing the Misfortune Toad nearby.

Luo, Bisky, and the middle-aged man immediately looked toward Geru.

Facing the trio's gaze, Geru calmly said, "Much better."

The two hundred-plus unlucky ones, paralyzed but conscious, probably didn't hear Geru's remark.

"..." The middle-aged man unconsciously stepped back a pace or two.

Half an hour later, in the stone house.

In a corner by the window was a circular back stone chair, where Sanbica Norton sat hugging her knees.

In the flickering candlelight, she quietly watched the two unexpected guests, three if you included the toad corpse lying by the door.

Sanbica, being a newcomer who had recently obtained her Hunter License, did not recognize Geru, who was active in the Hunter Association.

"Is she a member of the Zodiacs?"

Hearing Bisky's introduction, Luo looked surprised, almost visibly displaying the thought, "She doesn't look strong at all."

Seeing Luo's provoking demeanor, Geru really wanted to give him a good beating.


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