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Chapter 25: Instruction

Mo Hua returned to his cultivation room and sat down, as a group of disciples quickly gathered around him.

"Mo Hua, Mo Hua, what did the instructor want with you?"

"Did the instructor punish you?"

Mo Hua honestly replied, "The instructor has asked me to see him after class every day."

One disciple said, "It must be because you've been slacking off in your array formations, so he's angry and wants you to practice daily to avoid regressing."

Another disciple sympathized, "That's too harsh, having to draw arrays right under the instructor’s watchful eye every day."

"Yes, it's terrible. Just one look from the instructor makes me so nervous, let alone him watching me draw arrays..."

Mo Hua sighed as well.

Seeing this, the disciples started comforting Mo Hua.

Mo Hua sighed, not because of having to draw arrays under the instructor’s scrutiny, but because visiting the instructor daily left little time to earn spirit stones by drawing arrays for the Array Pavilion.

However, since the instructor asked Mo Hua if he wanted to become an array master, he would likely provide some guidance, which Mo Hua considered a good thing.

The next day after class, Mo Hua timely arrived at Instructor Yan's residence on Tongming Peak.

Instructor Yan got straight to the point, placing a scroll of "Basic Array Theories" in front of Mo Hua.

"The path of array mastery is long, and a solid foundation is crucial. This includes not only mastering basic array patterns and brush techniques but also strengthening one’s spiritual sense and understanding scholarly treatises on array formations."

"The so-called array treatises are the collective wisdom and theoretical summaries of numerous masters about the myriad array formations in the cultivation world, seeking the immutable principles among the ever-changing arrays."

"Some cultivators can draw arrays well, but are clueless about the treatises. Once they reach advanced levels, they find themselves lost in a fog, unable to make further progress in the art of arrays."

"I'm only one step away from becoming a first-grade array master, and most of the sect's traditions are scattered. I can't impart you the profound doctrines as those great clans and sects can, but for your current level, it should suffice."

Mo Hua sat up straighter, his expression growing more respectful, "Please instruct me, Instructor."

Instructor Yan nodded, opened the "Basic Array Theories," and said:

"This introductory text records some basic principles of array formations, like the celestial circle and terrestrial square, the Bagua positions, the generating and overcoming cycles of the Five Elements, as well as the structure of single arrays, complex arrays, and grand arrays..."

"An array is a manifestation of the natural laws, the external circle and internal square symbolizing heaven and earth, respectively. The placement of different array patterns follows the Bagua principles, and the different elemental array patterns generate and overcome each other. A single array is just that, a complex array consists of multiple single arrays, and a grand array is composed of many single and complex arrays..."

"Grand arrays are extremely powerful, often referred to as sect-protecting arrays. They contain hundreds to thousands of individual arrays, constructed by dozens or even hundreds of array masters, and only a highly accomplished master can take charge of designing and delineating a grand array..."

"To become a chief array master, designing and constructing a grand array, is the aspiration of many array masters."

Instructor Yan spoke with some emotion, then added, "But that's a distant goal. Even becoming an ordinary first-grade array master is no small feat."

Mo Hua listened, enchanted by the prospect. Even a single array was already quite mysterious, let alone a grand array once activated, what a sight it would be.

Instructor Yan hesitated a bit, then solemnly handed the "Basic Array Theories" to Mo Hua, saying:

"Take this introductory text to study carefully, remember not to disclose it to others or discuss it with anyone."

Afterwards, Instructor Yan explained some basic theories about arrays, then allowed Mo Hua to leave.

Mo Hua returned to the disciples' quarters, holding the thin volume of "Basic Array Theories," feeling its significant weight. It was the first time he truly appreciated the importance of cultivation heritage. Without instruction, these teachings were enough to puzzle over for a lifetime.

Being merely an ordinary disciple, Mo Hua felt increasingly grateful for Instructor Yan's earnestness.

Mo Hua calmed his mind and carefully read through "Basic Array Theories," noting down anything he didn't understand, preparing to ask the instructor the next day.

Before sleeping, Mo Hua also reviewed the "Gold Stone Array Diagram," memorizing the array patterns inscribed on the stele, then closed his eyes and practiced the Gold Stone Array in his sea of consciousness.

The Gold Stone Array only had four patterns, not too difficult, but it required time to familiarize with the patterns and practice them.


 to "Basic Array Theories," Mo Hua found his thought process while drawing the Gold Stone Array much clearer.

Why were the four patterns located in the west? Because the west corresponds to metal, matching the attributes of the Gold Stone Array, and the specific drawing method also involves many considerations of trigrams.

Previously, Mo Hua only knew to draw according to the diagrams, not understanding why it was done this way. Now, he had a deeper understanding.

The next day, Mo Hua went to Tongming Peak.

Instructor Yan asked Mo Hua some questions from the "Array Treatises," and Mo Hua answered them all, confirming that he had seriously finished reading "Basic Array Theories." Instructor Yan couldn't help but nod.

Afterwards, Mo Hua raised some questions he had noted down, and Instructor Yan answered each one, his expression visibly more relieved.

On the third day, Instructor Yan used specific arrays as examples to analyze for Mo Hua, helping him understand some basic theories about arrays.

Instructor Yan started with a single pattern's arrays, including the Bright Fire Array that Mo Hua had painted before, as well as several arrays Mo Hua had not learned before, followed by arrays containing two patterns, all new to Mo Hua, who listened very attentively.

Among the four-pattern arrays, the instructor first mentioned the Earth Solidification Array, which Mo Hua had previously consulted the instructor about. Although Mo Hua had already painted it quite proficiently, now listening to the instructor's explanation, he realized he had only known the surface, not the underlying principles, lacking a lot in his understanding of arrays.

After discussing the Earth Solidification Array, Instructor Yan then referred to the Gold Stone Array:

"The Gold Stone Array is similar in function to the Earth Solidification Array. Among the Five Elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, earth generates metal, so when cultivators build their dwellings, they use the Earth Solidification Array to stabilize the foundation, and the Gold Stone Array to reinforce the structures. Because of the generating relationship between earth and metal, the effectiveness of the arrays is enhanced. These two arrays can be understood in reference to each other..."

Mo Hua listened, and his understanding suddenly became clearer.

Instructor Yan lectured for an hour, then assigned several tasks for Mo Hua to find some examples of arrays generating and overcoming each other, then let Mo Hua go.

Mo Hua returned to the disciples' quarters, pondering more and more.

Many of the examples Instructor Yan used were arrays Mo Hua had helped the Array Pavilion draw.

The Bright Fire Array and the Earth Solidification Array were obvious, but the Gold Stone Array was commissioned by the plump manager. Today, the instructor had specifically explained the Gold Stone Array to him, even though it was to illustrate the generating and overcoming relationship of the Five Elements, it was still too coincidental.

"Is there some connection between the instructor and the plump manager? Could it be that the instructor already knows that those arrays at Destiny's Shop were all drawn by me?"

Mo Hua mulled over this secretly.


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