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Chapter 533: High-Dimensional Observers and Quantum Celestials!

As Harof recited the inscribed words on the table, those present felt a tingling on their scalps.

"It seems Lord Althok has gone madder than before…" Ignas shuddered involuntarily, muttering to himself.

Aurora and Harof also furrowed their brows, continuously pondering the meaning of these words.

Where exactly had Althok gone? "Is there a secret room or basement in this laboratory?" Aurora turned to Ignas, asking earnestly.

Since Althok's domain was here, it meant he must be nearby; surely he hadn’t just hidden himself away. Although his mind was unpredictable after his madness, it was possible he had done something outrageous, but there was only so much space he could hide in.

Ignas shook his head; he was quite sure there were no secret passages or chambers in the lab, although he couldn't be certain whether the crazed Councilor had secretly constructed one in the past half-month.

Harof looked around, using perception magic to search the area, but he too shook his head in the end.

"Is there a possibility that this domain itself is Althok?" Lynn suddenly spoke.

"What are you talking about?" Aurora looked stunned. "Althok is this domain?"

Harof was equally baffled, struggling to grasp the meaning Lynn was trying to convey.

Lynn pointed to the inscribed words on the table. “Not in any one place, yet everywhere—don’t you find this phrase somewhat familiar?”

“You mean... a quantum probability cloud?” Harof suddenly realized, exclaiming in shock.

Following Lynn’s bizarre quantum theory suggestion, Harof had also invested much effort into studying microscopic elements, especially the internal structure of atoms.

If unobserved, the electrons within an atom exist in a bewildering manner across the entire probability cloud; but once observed, they immediately localize to a specific position.

"So, you’re saying Althok wasn’t joking; he has actually become a spectral element?" Aurora's face was filled with disbelief.

"Very likely…" Lynn nodded. "I guess this probability cloud covers the entire domain! All elements inside are part of Althok."

This is both the one and the many!

Lynn paused before making another chilling conjecture. "Perhaps, we are currently inside his body…"

Hearing this, Harof gasped in shock. What in the world had Althok been researching over these decades?

Aurora took a while to come to terms with the fact that they were treading within the body of a colleague and friend. Ignas, on the other hand, was completely lost, not understanding what the Councilors were discussing.

Althok had turned into a spectral element? Was this some kind of joke?

"If this hypothesis is true, what’s happening to Althok now? Is he still alive?" Harof asked uncertainly.

"That depends on your definition of being alive, and for more specifics, observation is likely necessary," Lynn spoke thoughtfully.

He believed this elemental controller was probably still alive; otherwise, the domain would have already disintegrated, but his condition might not be good, otherwise, he wouldn’t ignore their entrance into the domain and frequent calling of his name without any response.

Aurora nodded, having watched the double-slit interference experiment, she naturally understood what observation implied—the collapse of the probability wave, the weird interplay of wave and particle transforming into a particle state that they could comprehend.

But how were they to observe?

They were currently within Althok, constantly observing each other.

"Perhaps we can try covering the entire domain with magical perception…" Harof quickly suggested.

"It’s worth a try, let me do it!" Lynn agreed, nodding. He had Harof and the others step back a bit, then closed his eyes to sense the surroundings.

Enveloping his spirit in magic, it spread in all directions like bubbles clinging to every element within the domain. This time was not a hostile battle, so Lynn did not attempt to seize control of the magical domain.

The process went very smoothly, without any attacks, which slightly relieved Lynn.

However, when his perception covered the entire domain, nothing happened.

"Still no effect?" Aurora asked.

"No, let me try again!" Lynn calmly thought to himself. ‘071, connect me to the magic network…’

In an instant, massive computing power quickly emerged in his mind, his spiritual power level jumped from seven to nine within seconds...

Harof and Aurora naturally felt the intense pressure bursting from Lynn, their expressions changed slightly, but they soon returned to calm.

They could guess this was the function of the magic network; since this device could provide computational support to grand wizards like Anthony, Lynn, as the founder of the magic network, could also call on others' computational power to enhance his own.

As Lynn had said, the magic network was a replication and improvement of the Church’s divine system—a gent

ler version, yet equally powerful.

This powerful force also made Harof somewhat worried, as Lynn, wielding the magic network, had significantly widened the gap in their combat abilities, which wasn’t conducive to maintaining a balance of power among the senior councilors.

However, given the threats their world was facing from outside their domain, every increase in combat ability was crucial.

It was also based on this that Lynn dared to display this ability openly in front of the two, and there would always be times when the magic network was needed in the future, so taking this precaution now was not a bad idea.

With the experience from last time, Lynn quickly mastered the surged power, and when he expanded his perception again, everything in front of him changed.

The elements floating in the domain ‘came to life’ under his perception.

Simultaneously observing every element, Lynn soon glimpsed a blurry figure, a ‘pieced-together’ person.

It was as if a person had been split into countless pieces, each displayed before him, and then his brain, based on the concept of a person, pieced them together to form a human image.

No, that’s not quite accurate; on a higher level, they were indeed one.

A body split yet aggregated together, which made Lynn’s brain slightly dizzy, but he still clearly saw the appearance of this elemental controller: around sixty years old, gaunt, with a rough face, radiating a mad demeanor.

"Althok!" Lynn tried calling out, and the latter immediately turned his gaze toward him.

The two looked at each other, Lynn waited for a while, but the other showed no sign of activity, seeming to be in a dazed, almost unconscious state...

"How is it? Did you see him?" Harof, hearing Lynn’s call, quickly asked.

"You can see for yourselves!" Lynn nodded, then pulled Harof, Aurora, and Ignas into the magic network and activated the shared perception feature.

The few on the scene widened their eyes, all stunned by the bizarre sight before them—they saw a person split yet pieced together...

"What in the world has Althok become?" Aurora felt a chill run down her spine.

Harof was also immersed in immense shock, feeling intense dizziness after just looking for two or three seconds.

Ignas, like a madman, let out a sharp scream; being a great wizard, he lacked sufficient computational power to perceive and construct higher-dimensional images, so the scene before him was incredibly fragmented and chaotic, as if a stick was frantically stirring in his brain...

Lynn furrowed his brows and quickly kicked Ignas out of the magic network’s shared perception, but it was a bit too late, as Ignas had already fainted.

Now, Lynn, Harof, and Aurora were no longer concerned about Ignas, as Althok began to move.

‘Is it because the number of observers has increased?’ Lynn thought, his alertness rising to the extreme, ready for defense.

Although the elements within the magical power were surging, Althok did not attack them, but a deep, low laugh followed into everyone’s ears.

"Hehe, haha, now I too am a spectral element..."

Crap... he really is insanely mad, Lynn rolled his eyes, then withdrew the magic network’s computational enhancement, and the world returned to normal.

Harof immediately breathed a sigh of relief, the dizziness in his brain gradually easing, even though he had only looked for less than half a minute, he already felt he could barely endure it.

Aurora, after adjusting, immediately bent down to check on Ignas’s condition.

"How is Master Ignas?" Harof, massaging his swollen brain, asked with some concern.

"Probably not good, his spirit has taken a heavy hit," Aurora sighed.

"It’s my oversight," Lynn shook his head; he hadn’t expected that Ignas, a distinguished five-ring great wizard, would faint just from a glance, then suggested.

"I suggest we delete this memory from him, otherwise, we’re going to have another mad great wizard."

Aurora hesitated, feeling this wasn’t quite right, but they seemed to have no better option at the moment.

Lynn looked sympathetically at the unfortunate great wizard, then turned his gaze to the walls filled with formulas and abstract drawings, surprisingly seeing a strange beauty in them.

It was then he truly understood, the drawings on the walls were of several hypercubes, only Althok lacked the ability to draw more than two dimensions on a flat surface, yet he wanted to paint everything he saw... so he had to break down each detail and draw them one by one.

Realizing this, Lynn couldn’t help but let out a sigh. The reason why this elemental controller suddenly went mad wasn’t just because he realized the weirdness and uncertainty of the microscopic domain...

He had already understood the difference between a domain and a divine realm, and finally grasped what he was lacking.

To truly turn a domain into a divine realm, having

 atomic-level control was not enough; one must delve into the quantum domain.

This is the secret of a god being omnipresent and omniscient...

Because the entire divine realm is itself, or it could be called—a Celestial!

Completely controlling a planet or a plane of existence.

No wonder that black crow said that even if they used all means, they couldn’t really threaten the Lord of the Dead, only a god can defeat a god...

Lynn quickly shared his thoughts; he wasn’t sure about these speculations, but brainstorming could lead to more comprehensive ideas.

"So, you’re saying Althok has become a god now?" Harof said incredulously.

"We can’t judge yet; our understanding of gods is too limited," Lynn sighed.

The only certainty was that Althok was no longer the same kind of being as them, turned into a high-dimensional existence trapped in a laboratory, mad, and lacking self-awareness.

Just how had Althok transformed himself into a quantum state?

Only, this process clearly had some serious issues, Lynn felt it was likely due to a lack of divine essence and corresponding mental strength.

Just like those gods who had gone mad from the toxin of faith, forcibly elevating themselves to a realm beyond their control.

The correct approach should be, becoming a nine-ring legendary wizard to condense a divine essence, then consider absorbing followers and how to build a divine realm.

But one can’t blame the wizards for blindly upgrading their magic tree; after all, the advancement system was completely explored step by step by them, based solely on fragments from ancient texts left by the Church of the Moon and the wizards’ wild imaginations.

No one can guarantee they’re always on the right path.

Compared to discussing whether Althok had become a god or not with Lynn and Harof, Aurora directly asked the most critical question.

"What should we do now to bring him back to normal? Keep increasing the number of observers?"

Since their observation could make the unconscious Althok react, even speak, did that mean if there were enough observers, he could ‘wake’ up?

"We three plus Victorio and the recently promoted Anthony are only five people; the number is probably far from enough," Lynn shook his head, even Ignas, a five-ring great wizard, went mad from just one look, indicating only legendary beings could bear the risk of being observers.

Saying this, Lynn suddenly pointed to the drawings, formulas on the walls, and a stack of research notebooks on the table.

"I think we can start with his research... first figure out exactly how Councilor Althok quantumized himself."


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