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Chapter 532: One is All, All is One, It is Everywhere, and Now I Am Everywhere Too!

What am I still missing?

Lynn thought hard but still came up with nothing.

According to Raphael and the others' elemental analysis of the other side of the space-time portal, the foreign realm is also composed of basic elements like 'hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon', only that they have been magicized.

Lynn even guessed that this was originally a magic-less plane, but after being captured, the moon god transformed it into a divine realm, hence it was filled with magic.

[A user number 33 has requested to borrow the computing power of the Magic Network, do you agree?]

A reminder sound suddenly rang in Lynn's mind, interrupting his thoughts.

User number 33 was naturally Anthony.

As one of the great wizards who personally developed the kingdom and supplemented the background of the Secret Magic Society, he joined the Magic Network quite early.

Lynn quickly recalled the reason for the request—it was for a legendary promotion ceremony! No wonder Harolf and Aurora were not in the capital just now. If it weren't for the smart brain's reminder, Lynn would have almost forgotten about it.

He had been informed by the council before.

Lynn immediately agreed to Anthony's request to use computing power, and then disconnected from the Magic Network, retracting the domain that covered the entire capital.

Once Anthony and the others pass the legendary promotion ceremony, they would become chairmen at the same level as himself, and naturally, he should go and congratulate them, otherwise, he would appear too arrogant as the Star of Magic.

The massive boost from the computing power was instantly withdrawn, as if plunging from bliss to the bottom of the valley. Even Lynn felt a twinge of regret and discomfort but still forced himself to detach from the external power, then glanced at the black raven on the table.

After thinking for a moment, he decided not to bring the raven along.

The nuclear fusion reactor and legendary promotion method were secrets of the council, and it was particularly important to keep them confidential, especially since he couldn’t be sure whether this raven was friend or foe.

However, Lynn didn't plan to leave the raven alone in the room either, just in case it had some strange divine art that could break free.

“Muto!” Lynn called out, and a blue beast shadow immediately rushed over from a distance.

That was Muto, responsible for guarding the gates at the manor.

Due to the recent large-scale uranium mining by the council to increase nuclear reserves, Muto’s size had grown significantly in a few months, from two meters tall to about three meters, and its energy level had also risen sharply, obviously because it ate to its fill every day.

To enhance its combat capabilities, Lynn had made great efforts to inscribe the spell [Endgame - Atomic Breath] in Muto’s mind. Combined with Muto's ability to devour energy for counterattacks, it was now truly a legendary combat force.

“Keep it company for now.”

Lynn patted Muto’s head, the surface of which looked like fur with plasma waves that were thousands of degrees hot. Only Lynn, also a being of energy, could afford to pet such a creature.

Muto, which had entered the door, had already noticed the raven caged inside and showed an unfriendly expression. In recent months, the two-legged beast that used to care so much about him suddenly became indifferent, calling him only a few times, and now he finally found the reason.

Muto believed it was this mysteriously appearing raven that had taken the spot that originally belonged to him. Its two front paws immediately slammed onto the table, and its beastly pupils were filled with malice.

“Get it away.” The black raven screamed loudly, flapping its wings trying to dispel the approaching Muto, but to no avail.

Seeing that the bird and beast were getting along well enough, Lynn felt reassured. With the cage between them, they couldn’t start a fight.

Of course, if the raven managed to cross the force field and electromagnetic protection he had set up and fly out, that would be a different story.

After instructing Muto to guard the house, Lynn left the manor, transforming into a streak of light flying towards the City of Fire Oil.

In recent days, although the council had also built a fusion reactor inside a magic tower outside the capital, the array for the legendary promotion had not yet been established, so the ceremony was still held in the City of Fire Oil.

Racing along the way, successive notification sounds emerged in Lynn’s mind again, all requests to use computing power, which Lynn agreed to one by one.

It seems Anthony's promotion was successful!

A smile appeared on Lynn’s face as he checked Anthony’s status through a Magic Network link—his spiritual power level had indeed changed from six to seven.

With the computing power provided by the Magic Network, the risks of the legendary

 promotion ceremony were greatly reduced, as the real challenge of the ceremony was how to build a body of magic and energy while enduring the rush of immense energy after destroying the physical body.

If the twenty or so sixth-ring great wizards in the council could successfully complete the promotion, the council's high-end power would see a massive surge!

[User 1749 has disconnected from the Magic Network…]

Just as Lynn was contemplating, a distinctly different system sound echoed in his mind, causing his brow to furrow, feeling a bit of foreboding. Shortly after, just ten minutes apart,

[User 2596 has disconnected from the Magic Network…]

Lynn looked towards the gradually emerging silhouette of the City of Fire Oil ahead, his mood becoming somewhat heavier, as these users 1749 and 2596 were the two great wizards who had just applied to use computing power, and their sudden disconnection from the Magic Network probably meant a very bad outcome.

Three minutes later, Lynn smoothly landed over the City of Fire Oil without any delay and directly entered the newly established magic tower.

Originally, this place was an imperial noble's manor, but unfortunately, the entire building complex had already been destroyed by his [Endgame - Atomic Breath], to protect the fusion reactor located underground, the council had then built the magic tower on top.

As soon as he entered the tower, Alade, who had received the news, came out and led Lynn into the underground space.

“How did this promotion ceremony go?” Lynn asked directly, without any intention of small talk.

Alade seemed hesitant, not knowing how to describe it, but fortunately, Harolf and the others had already walked over, with Aurora speaking up to explain.

“The results are not good, one success, two failures, and as for Jeffrey, we have temporarily halted his promotion ceremony.”

Lynn glanced at the several people who came out and did not see those two great wizards, immediately realizing their fate. Even Anthony, who had successfully advanced, did not look very good.

“What exactly happened?” Lynn asked, quite puzzled. Even though the promotion to legendary status faced many risks, the success rate should not be so low.

In his expectations, Anthony’s promotion was the most dangerous moment because he had only been a sixth-ring great wizard for less than two years, while the other selected great wizards had been at this level for over ten years. It didn’t make sense that he alone succeeded while the others failed.

“It’s all my fault…” Anthony sighed, then began to explain.

He was the first to undergo the promotion ceremony. When his physical body was destroyed, and he was reconstructing a body of magic and energy, an accident occurred.

“I suddenly realized that the body of energy I had constructed was like water ripples, very unstable, and could disintegrate at any moment.”

Anthony spoke with great fear, fortunately, he managed to transform his energy body into a material state of magic in time, which prevented his form from disintegrating. So, after completing the promotion, he specifically reminded Jeffrey and the others to pay extra attention to this.

However... these words seemed to have the opposite effect. The two great wizards who promoted after him undoubtedly took his words to heart, and then died even faster, not even managing to fully consolidate their bodies of magic.

Jeffrey, having witnessed the fates of his colleagues, was scared enough to give up on the promotion altogether, and Harolf hurriedly halted the ceremony.

“I think it has something to do with their fear of the microscopic domain,” Aurora said heavily. She had also lost the ability to convert between magic and energy bodies, so she could very much understand that feeling.

Hearing this, the wizards present looked at Lynn with strange eyes.

Because this Star of Magic was the ‘culprit’ who proposed the theory of quantum probability.

Well, so it's all my fault...

Lynn was momentarily speechless, not expecting his quantum theory to have such a significant impact on the promotion to legendary status.

“It seems that before we have a complete conclusion on the theory of microscopic elements, it’s better to postpone the promotion to legendary status,” Harolf said helplessly.

This promotion accident couldn’t be blamed on anyone. Anthony’s intention to remind the others was well-meaning, and its backfiring was completely unexpected.

As for Lynn’s publicizing his research on the microscopic domain in magic, there was also nothing wrong with it. It’s just that the two great wizards were indeed rather unlucky.

It seems I need to publish the theory of relativity earlier... Lynn shook his head. He had previously felt there was no rush, as the derivation of magical theories should be gradual. Not all theories should be derived by himself alone, as this would only discourage other wizards from actively researching magic.

But now, it seems that unless the quantum cloud hanging over the mansion of magic is resolved, their mass promotion to legendary status plan might just go down the drain.

“By the way, I heard that [Master of Elements] Althok, the chairman, seems

 to have done a lot of research on the microscopic domain?” Lynn suddenly remembered this, curiously asking.

He remembered that before his promotion, the council had five chairmen, [Power of the Dragon] Faiz had been schemed to death by the dark wizard Merck. As for this [Master of Elements] Althok, he had never met him.

“Althok is quite mad, and it might be difficult to communicate with him,” Harolf said hesitantly.

After Lynn proposed the quantum theory, he had sent the compiled related theories over, hoping to cure this old friend’s madness.

But from what he heard back, it seemed that Althok had gone even madder.

Aurora also sighed, this 'quantum ghost' was indeed terrifying. In a sense, Althok was just walking further and further ahead on the path of magic than they were.

“Althok is probably still in the Land of Wizards, if you want to find him, we might go together,” Harolf said seriously.

Althok was the one among them who had delved the deepest into the microscopic domain in recent years. Although he was not very sane, he had never given up on his research and exploration of the microscopic domain. There might be some progress.

In the evening, in the Land of Wizards—Greeneral, Lynn, Harolf, and Aurora arrived here together, making the grand wizard Ignas, who stayed here, very happy.

Since the council had decided to leave this island and go to the continent to fight the church, this former capital of wizards, the core city of the council, had become much more desolate.

If possible, no one would not long for a more vast land. Now, only some civilians who reminisced about their homeland and did not want to leave and the wizards responsible for guarding the space-time gate and the guards remained on the island.

“How has Althok been recently? Is his condition any better?” Aurora asked with concern.

“Chairman Lord has locked himself in the laboratory for nearly half a month. He drove us all out, saying he wanted to stay with the elemental ghosts, and forbade anyone else from entering,” Ignas said helplessly and exasperatedly, clearly very troubled by this mentally unstable chairman.

Not only was the opponent of high status, his strength far surpassed his own, and he occasionally came up with some strange ideas, and he had no ability to stop him, so he could only let the other party mess around.

Harolf’s face twitched, patting Ignas on the shoulder. It was indeed not easy to take care of such a mentally ill patient.

As for Althok’s orders, Harolf didn’t take them to heart, but he was somewhat curious about what the other party was up to, that he hadn’t come out for a whole half month.

Lynn stepped forward and pushed open the door of the laboratory that had been closed for half a month. He could feel a strong magical force inside, but when he finally saw the scene inside, his face showed a somewhat surprised expression.

The entire laboratory covered about seven hundred square meters, and one could see to the end at a glance. Many unknown instruments were piled up inside, and the walls were filled with various formulas and sloppy drawings.

Those drawings looked very bizarre and abstract, as if a naive child was trying to use a pen to describe a world beyond cognition.

“Strange, where is Althok?” Harolf scanned the laboratory, seeing no one inside, but they all sensed the presence of a magic field, the person who released this field could only be this Master of Elements.

“Harolf, Chairman Lynn, come and look at this,” Aurora said solemnly as she looked at the laboratory’s table.

On the table, a line was crudely engraved.

Harolf glanced at it and felt a chill run down his spine, involuntarily reading it out loud.

[One is All, All is One, I am going to merge with them... It is everywhere, heh, now I am everywhere too...]


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