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Chapter 531: Antimatter Bombs, We Need a Weapon to Kill Gods!

As the autumn winds of October faded away, the weather turned increasingly colder, yet the fervor of the empire's citizens for construction remained unabated. Under the grand construction ideology proposed by the council and the hard work of millions of laborers, the occupied imperial cities underwent daily transformations.

Massive churches collapsed under the power of magic, replaced by towering magic power stations. Countless smoke-billowing workshops sprouted up, and the railways connecting various cities were rapidly and methodically constructed.

Thanks to the grand construction, most of the young labor force was tied up in factories and construction sites. Combined with the food distribution strategies, the council managed to maintain orderly control over this vast empire of twenty million people, relying on temporary officials selected from various regions.

Of course, this was also facilitated by the weekly massive distribution of newspapers for propaganda.

Lynn was acutely aware that the uneducated poor were generally not very bright, and lecturing them on grand principles was futile. Hence, he had Rolle employ another strategy—fomenting hatred! By attributing the oppression, hunger, and hardship that the lower-class poor had suffered to the brutal rule of the nobility and the Church, Lynn effectively stoked the flames of resentment—although, in a sense, this was indeed the reality.

In the midst of this rushed construction, the second Solar Furnace was also officially completed within the magic tower outside the capital city, signaling the upcoming advancement ceremony for Anthony and other sixth-circle grand wizards.

However, Lynn did not participate; instead, he devoted his energy to developing new magics. A previous battle in the Holy City against Aila revealed the shortcomings of nuclear spells. In fact, any tactics they deployed seemed incapable of harming that peculiar divinity, implying that the enemy was invincible.

Thus, they urgently needed a weapon that could truly harm a god!

The intelligence database had several such weapons. For example, the antimatter bomb! This device was hundreds of times more powerful than a nuclear bomb and vastly more efficient in energy utilization. Through the matter-antimatter annihilation effect, the mass-energy conversion could reach a perfect 100%! By deploying several antimatter bombs deep into the ground using bunker busters and then detonating them, one could literally tear apart and destroy a planet—a true apocalyptic weapon! Additionally, particle beam weapons, the main armament of federal starships, worked by confining a large amount of high-energy particles with a magnetic field and firing them at sub-light speeds—extremely effective!

Moreover, developing gravity magic might also be a pathway... Previously, through the connection to the magical network, Lynn's psychic power rating briefly jumped from the seventh circle to the eighth circle, even allowing him to 'see' space curvature—a ridiculously advanced concept.

However, considering his previous battle against Aila, the Lord of Necromancers' mastery of space was probably not inferior, so not being at a disadvantage was an accomplishment...

Lynn pondered this as a black raven in a cage beside him scratched the bottom of its cage with its foot, the sharp sound immediately interrupting his thoughts.

"Stupid native, what ludicrous thing are you pondering now?" the black raven arrogantly lifted its head, speaking with keen interest.

"To defeat the Lord of Necromancers," Lynn replied straightforwardly.

The black raven's face revealed a mocking expression, and it burst into raucous laughter, eventually even rolling around in the cage. "You actually think you can defeat a god? That's the funniest joke I've heard in my life!"

Lynn remained unphased, leaning back in his chair, watching the raven as if observing an animal performance. Noticing Lynn's indifferent gaze, the laughter in the cage gradually ceased, and the black raven stood up again, its face wearing a bored look, disdainfully scanning Lynn.

"Stupid native, I advise you to abandon this idea early. With your power, even using every means, you cannot pose a real threat to a god!"

"Only a god can defeat a god, and only a god can kill a god!" the black raven prattled on.

Lynn, uncommitted, then asked, "But didn't you say earlier that there was a way to help us defeat the Lord of Necromancers?"

"Just fend off the invasion of the undead under the Lord of Necromancers, and lure him to manifest his true form in your world; the rest you need not worry about," the black raven arrogantly said.

"True form? Does he usually come as an avatar?" Lynn continued to inquire.

"Why exactly do you need to lure him into our world?" the black raven hesitated, seemingly pondering whether to answer.

"You are asking us to make a very dangerous decision for the world, letting a god you admit we cannot handle enter this plane, potentially bringing disaster to the council and the entire world," Lynn said, raising an eyebrow


"What else do you think? Do you believe that doing nothing will prevent this world from destruction?" the black raven scoffed. "Well, let me tell you, native. It means the Lord of Necromancers will leave his divine realm, and such a situation is dangerous for a god..."

"Just like the Moon Goddess Diana?" Lynn immediately thought of the deceased moon goddess, who had also left her divine realm to come to this world, only to die mysteriously.

The black raven realized it might have said too much, and its incessant mouth suddenly closed.

"What exactly is the divine realm? Is it an expansion of the domain?" Lynn asked again.

"Forget it, that is a realm only gods can touch..." the black raven cawed chaotically, then no longer responded to Lynn's inquiries, instead repeatedly reciting the unmatched strength of gods.

Lynn understood he probably wouldn't get more out of it, but he was prepared to try something himself.

"071, how many are connected to the magical network right now?" Lynn silently inquired in his mind.

【Current user count is 35,600!】

After his promotions at the magic symposium about the magical network system, approximately seventy grand wizards, 15,000 wizards, and over 20,000 magic apprentices had joined the magical network system.

It wasn't that he didn't want to include more people, but the magic power stations situated in various locations were not yet fully established. The technique he had developed to connect to the magical network was not instantaneous.

Its principle was like a computer connecting to WIFI, but in reverse—it sends out a signal that is received by the brain to complete the connection.

The speed of the signal is the speed of light, that is, 300,000 kilometers per second.

This speed is undoubtedly fast within a planet, so fast that even legendary wizards can hardly react to it, but just like electromagnetic waves, it tends to dissipate with distance.

Or rather, it is essentially an electromagnetic wave carrying magic and soul information, so it is necessary to establish magic power stations in various places to enhance the received signals and resend them.

In addition, there is a stubborn faction of wizards who vehemently oppose the implementation of the magical network, deeming the act of casting spells through this external aid as a desecration of magic, even proposing a new term to distinguish those who rely on the magical network.

Lynn didn't bother with these die-hards; once they see other wizards experiencing the conveniences of the magical network, they would naturally become eager and change on their own.

"Connect to the magical network," Lynn thought silently.

The combined computing power of twenty thousand magic apprentices, fifteen thousand wizards, and several grand wizards, bolstered by three legendary wizards, was undoubtedly terrifying, representing nearly ninety percent of the council's power all focused on him! While the magical network couldn't utilize all of these people's computing power, even a fraction was enough to elevate Lynn's psychic power to another level.

The brain's psychic power rating quickly jumped from seventh circle to eighth circle, and then to the ninth...

The caged raven jolted, jumping up, staring at Lynn with a look of shock and disbelief as his aura soared, but it soon lay back down, the black pupils rolling around, pondering something.

"Faith ascension is indeed fast; no wonder so many psychic wizards go mad over it..." Feeling the surge in psychic power, a thought flashed through Lynn's mind.

In the next moment, the world before him changed, with dense and orderly 'lines' of space appearing before him, although compared to last time, he saw more.

These 'lines' were all slightly bent, showing mild curvature.

Is this the influence of gravity on spacetime? Lynn focused 'his gaze' on these 'lines', soon feeling a dizzying sensation at the soul level.

This curvature seemed not limited to three dimensions but involved higher dimensions, exuding a strange, incomprehensible madness, even transforming elements into another peculiar form before his eyes.

Lynn touched his slightly swollen head, temporarily giving up on exploring further, and instead began to guide the arrival of his domain.

A vast amount of magic surged from him, the magic infecting the elements in the void like a tide swallowing a beach, enveloping every grain of sand.

This is a technique every wizard must learn, a prerequisite for many magic releases.

For a grand wizard, this can go a step further, using ample psychic and magic power to construct a domain around oneself.

And what legends can do is obviously more, like Lynn now preparing to cover an entire city with his domain!

Magic radiated from Lynn as the center, quickly spreading in all directions, enveloping an entire manor in 0.0001 seconds, then rapidly expanding to the entire capital city! In this moment, all the grand wizards in the capital immediately sensed it.

Dennis, conducting wind tunnel tests, inadvertently jerked his hand, increasing the test power from twenty percent to one

 hundred percent. The rapid jet of tail flames emitted two conspicuous sonic rings, the terrifying recoil instantly causing the test machine to break free from its restraints and crash directly into the newly built wind tunnel.

But Dennis had no time to feel sorry; he rushed out of the laboratory in a hurry.

Sanchez, on duty for the capital's defense today, was also frightened, immediately jumping up from his chair and hastily ordering the activation of all the capital's defensive magic.

Even the few third-circle wizards with keen senses sensed something was amiss, all looking up at the sky.

Having completed the domain coverage, Lynn naturally saw everyone's reactions, and with a thought, the elements in the domain surged, and a voice soon resounded everywhere in the capital.

"Do not worry, it's me experimenting with the application of magical domains..."

Lynn's voice was undoubtedly distinctive, immediately calming the nervous Sanchez and others. In this brief moment, they also realized that this powerful magic was emanating from the estate of the Star of Magic.

After resolving this false alarm, Lynn then focused all his attention on the city covered by his domain.

It was an incredibly magical feeling; every person in the capital, even the plants and trees, was within his perception.

He could see several soot-covered laborers hiding behind newly built earth walls slacking off, gossiping about the council and wizards; he could also see the movement caused by the wind blowing through the leaves...

He even saw several loaves of bread, eroded by his magic, being devoured by a child.

Lynn's face showed a peculiar expression; this atomic-level control-based perception was very strange and immensely powerful, no wonder the council had been unable to send spies into the Holy City...

Because Aila could monitor everyone and everything that entered the city at any time.

However, Lynn also discovered that as his domain expanded, his absolute control over the elements gradually weakened, which was why he only covered one capital city and did not experiment with expanding the range further.

Moreover, he couldn't monitor the movements of those grand wizards in real time because they also had domains, capable of shielding his control and perception of elements within their surrounding area.

Of course, if he wished, he could directly break through these people's domain defenses.

Is this what a divine realm is?

Theoretically, his current state was very similar to Aila's back then, possessing the psychic power of a ninth-circle grand wizard and the aid of a divine brain (smart brain).

Lynn thought this, but soon shook his head in denial; the divine realm must be more than this, he felt he was close to understanding something essential, but something critical was missing...


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