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Chapter 534: Can you help us create a sun?

Outside the time-space gate, in the foreign land of Acanah, the Broken City—this was once one of the three most important cities under the rule of the Moon God Church, a holy site for worship.

But now, this once prosperous holy land has turned into ruins. Collapsed buildings are everywhere, and the once grand cathedral has been inexplicably sliced in half, its appearance completely altered. Only some transformed undead remain in the city, and the air is filled with a foul stench of decay.

This place is a forbidden land for the living and a paradise for the undead...

Great Lich Cecil floated to a huge altar built from human and beast bones, guarded by a group of skeleton reapers. His withered mouth, now only bones, leather, and teeth, moved as he spoke the awkward and hoarse language of the soul.

With a surge of magic, the bone-built altar emitted a blue fluorescence, which intensified into a beam of light shooting skyward...

At the same time, all the higher undead within tens of kilometers felt this call and began to converge towards the altar.

Armored undead knights galloping in the desolate wilderness, stitched monsters made of flesh and corpses, perpetually restless banshees, and numerous transformed undead priests and high-ranking professionals.

Soon, the endless darkness resounded with deafening roars as hundreds of ferocious skeletal dragons descended from the sky, accompanied by countless enslaved spirits...

The undead within the Broken City quickly gathered, numbering in the millions in just an hour—just a portion of the higher undead in the region.

The amassed undead army filled the entire city. Though they varied in form and appearance, what they shared was the fire of the soul burning in their eyes, continuously calling out that name, the Lord of the Undead—Danathus!

The calls merged into a form, and a powerful presence descended, overwhelming the entire city with a chilling aura.

"Great Lord of the Undead, enemy of all living beings... Cecil salutes you!" The Great Lich bowed his head, speaking in a trembling and respectful tone.

"You have done well, Cecil. Once I have complete control over this divine realm, you will receive the reward you desire!" A cold and gloomy voice echoed above the entire city, as if the wind itself was howling.

Great Lich Cecil was immediately overjoyed, though he did not show it, and hurriedly reported his findings from the past period.

"My lord, I suspect that the Moon God may have already fallen. We have nearly wiped out every city in this plane, yet we encounter no significant resistance, and the priests who worship the Moon God have all lost their ability to perform divine magic."

Previously assigned as the vanguard for invading this plane, Cecil had refused, knowing well the risks of entering the domain of a true god—even a flick of the Moon God's finger could easily crush him.

However, upon arriving in this world, Cecil was pleasantly surprised to find it was not a suicidal mission but nearly a free accolade.

The resistance was much weaker than expected. Initially worried it might be a trap, Cecil proceeded very cautiously, spending decades planning and plotting. In the end, it turned out he worried too much; the undead army swept through unopposed, and the Moon God never appeared.

"It's also possible that she voluntarily left, abandoning this plane..." The cold and gloomy voice spoke again, chaos swirling on the bone-built altar, and a vague shadow appeared.

Cecil glanced at it and felt a strong stir in his soul fire, quickly bowing his head again.

Gods are invisible, unmeasurable, unknowable...

This is the iron rule of the main world, and even though he had reached the pinnacle of legendary status, he dared not look directly at a god's body. The gap between them was still as vast as the heavens.

What surprised him even more were the words of the Lord of the Undead.

He could not imagine what circumstances would cause a god to abandon their own divine realm—this is the foundation of a god's power.

"I have sensed it; the magic of this world is dissipating, its substance is eroding..." The cold voice of the Lord of the Undead echoed in the empty void. "Diana must have found a new plane!"

When the Moon God Diana suddenly chose to detach her divine realm from the main world, it was a shock to the other gods.

Some speculated that this god was avoiding an enemy deity that had launched a divine war, thus choosing to flee hastily.

Others suspected Diana had discovered a new plane, at least a medium-sized one, for her to make such a desperate move.

Danathus believed the latter more strongly, so he spent much effort locating Diana's divine realm and exerted great energy to open the time-space gate linking the two places.

Now, suspecting that the Moon God had abandoned this divine realm, he became even more certain of his theory, even thinking

 that Diana might have found a perfect large plane, thus making a drastic move like cutting off her own tail.

Because the other's divine realm had been marked by the main world, even if detached, Diana's power could not erase this mark.

He could find his way here, and so could the other gods—it was only a matter of time.

So, Diana had only one choice: to completely abandon this divine realm, take most of her power to the other side, and then sever the connection between the two worlds.

Since there was a way to pull a plane into the main world, there was naturally a way to separate it, especially now that the plane had not yet fully merged into the main world. It was not difficult to completely sever this connection.

Once the other side successfully did this, they would find it very difficult to locate this plane's coordinates.

If there are no coordinates, precise positioning is impossible; it would be like finding a fish in a vast ocean, almost impossible.

Even if they were lucky enough to find it, Diana would probably have already completely merged the large plane and gained even more powerful strength.

"Find the portal to that new plane as quickly as possible, Cecil. I want to see results within a month!" the Lord of the Undead roared.

He had originally planned to wait until the divine realm was fully merged before searching, but now he became somewhat impatient.

Because this divine realm might just be bait thrown by the other side, a sacrificial piece to delay their pace.

The value of a large plane was crystal clear to the Lord of the Undead. Once he could make it his own divine realm, he would leap to become a great godly presence, even considering starting his own pantheon...

No god could resist such a temptation, and the Lord of the Undead was no exception. His fluctuating emotions enveloped the entire Broken City in an indescribable pressure.

Even though only cold-hearted and murderous high undead remained in the Broken City, they still trembled under such pressure, the fire in their eyes seeming to flicker out.

Cecil's forehead was sweating profusely. The Moon God's divine realm was not small at all, and although he commanded billions of undead, finding a few deliberately hidden space-time nodes within a month was not an easy task.

"If you can successfully complete this task, find the way to the new plane, and lead my warriors to take it, then this divine realm will be rewarded to you!" the Lord of the Undead tempted Cecil.

Cecil's face immediately showed ecstatic joy. Although the quality of this divine realm was severely eroded, it was still a plane, and merging it would surely allow him to break through the legendary realm and become that mysterious and great existence.

Even the weakest god, albeit a god bound by the Lord of the Undead, was still a god!

"I have already determined the direction of one of the doors; it is to your southwest. Follow the flow of magic and find it!"

The voice of the Lord of the Undead echoed through the Broken City and then faded into nothingness...

Cecil trembled slightly before raising his head again, seeing the bones on the altar had turned to dust and the Lord of the Undead's trace was gone, he breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to his colleagues gathered around the altar and commanded.

"Coleraine, you lead your undead knights and skeletal servants, starting from this Broken City, conduct a carpet search in the southwest direction, and don't miss any place."

The legendary undead knight Coleraine, wrapped in rune armor, raised his rune sword without any nonsense, leading his subordinates to carry out the task.

Then, Cecil turned his gaze to a group of corpse witches, instructing them to immediately start arranging magic arrays to sense the flow of magic, and lastly, to those massive skeletal dragons.

"Don't order me, Cecil, I will find that space-time gate before you do." The Winter Dragon Walrock let out a menacing roar, then flapped its wings, leading hundreds of skeletal dragons and countless spirits flying toward the southwest.

"Walrock..." Cecil watched the departing group of skeletal dragons, his expression very displeased, but he had no choice.

The power of the Winter Dragon Walrock was not weaker than his own; it was just that his brain was not very sharp, which is why he was subordinate to Cecil.

Cecil had to vent his inner anger on the other undead, shouting loudly.

"Get moving, all of you, get moving, there's definitely more than one space-time gate, you all go find it now, even if you have to dig up every piece of land in the divine realm, you must find it!"

Cecil's voice was filled with immense magical power, driven by the undead spell [Soul Lash], the hundreds of thousands of higher undead and countless lower undead within the Broken City immediately began the laborious task of digging three feet underground to find the gate.


A hundred kilometers

 away, in a halfling settlement.

Raphael, Yoland, Ivina, and Tiek formed a circle, watching two spheres of vastly different sizes and masses free-falling from the sky and hitting the ground at the same time in the vacuum domain.

"It seems that the law of free fall applies in foreign lands as well!" Raphael nodded in satisfaction, and Elok also expressed his surprise.

"Chairman Raphael, according to our calculations, the gravitational acceleration of this plane is about 5 meters per second, only about sixty percent of that of the Eternal Star."

Based on the gravity formula variation given by Chairman Lynn, knowing the gravitational acceleration and gravitational constant, they could deduce the relative mass of this plane.

"We can't be entirely sure yet, according to the latest intelligence from the council during the last personnel exchange, those gods are capable of completely controlling a planet or a plane, and setting up a gravity array that envelops the entire world is not impossible..."

Raphael spoke very meticulously, aiming to obtain the most accurate values. It would be best to measure this plane's circumference, volume, and other data.

Thinking this, Raphael was somewhat troubled. Without the convenient method of parallax, measuring a plane or a planet's 'body weight' was not an easy task.

As they pondered, the halflings in the settlement were also staring at the two spheres that had landed, whispering among themselves.

The simultaneous fall of two objects with such a vast difference in volume from high in the sky was a very striking visual effect.

Most importantly, this was not the first strange thing these outsiders had done. Yesterday, they had set up a rotating wheel, using a beam of light to measure how fast light in this world was.

Maka couldn't understand their reasoning and even suspected that these people were performing some bizarre divine ritual.

"Can you tell us what exactly they are doing?" Maka, the halfling, turned to Darren, unable to restrain his curiosity.

"They are calculating your world's gravitational constant and gravitational acceleration. With this data, they'll know how big and how heavy your world is!" Darren spoke proudly.

"Calculating the size of the world..." Maka's expression was odd. "Right here in this small cave?"

"What do you know?" Darren glanced disdainfully at his halfling compatriot, then pointed to a nearby pond.

"For example, to know how heavy the water in this pond is, you don't need to lift it all up to weigh it. Just scoop up a basin of water, weigh it, and then calculate the volume of the pond to accurately know how heavy all the water in the pond is."

"But... but what's the use of calculating it?" Maka persisted.

"The use is tremendous!" Darren raised his voice a few notches. "Knowledge is power! For example, Chairman Lynn, by deeply studying the elements, created a sun!"


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