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Chapter 181: Infiltration and Sabotage

As the sounds of the harp strings ceased, dark Nen formed an armed, unidentified humanoid figure standing in front of a woman. Each dark figure's body quivered gently like ripples of smoke, faceless, revealing only their form.

The woman opened her eyes, not looking at the crowd, but slightly bowing her head to gaze at the stone harp.

Her behavior seemed to reflect reminiscence or emotion, but the vacant look in her shimmering blue eyes rendered her actions meaningless.

When the woman revealed those eyes, along with other distinguishing features, her identity became evident.

She was the historically renowned city lord, Stajy.

In the hall, everyone watched as Stajy summoned the dark Nen beasts. Just from the aura alone, it was clear they were formidable.

While the humanoid Nen beasts remained still, Uncle Bek sat down cross-legged, placing a conjured notebook on his lap, and coldly said to Antomu, "Using this won't end well for you."

Before he could finish, the aura around him withdrew into his body, forcing him into a state of Zetsu.

Then, he started typing on the keyboard, activating a Trojan buried within Antomu's body database, ignoring Stajy's threat and taking the initiative against Antomu.

Uncle Bek's favored right hand was injured, slowing his typing significantly and even affecting the rhythm of his left hand. He had to reduce speed and slow his rhythm to minimize mistakes.

Ruby and Aya stood by Uncle Bek’s side, knowing that while he used "The Hacker's Means," he would forcibly enter Zetsu. In this state, without aura protection, even a single punch could cause severe injury or death.

Mark also had an injury on his right arm, worse than Uncle Bek and Aya. He recognized the situation and knew that sticking with Uncle Bek was the best option.

"This is no simple feat, but the decision-making is quite irrational," observed Bisky, after watching the humanoid Nen beasts for a while and then noticing Uncle Bek’s actions. She was an outsider but could see that Uncle Bek's conjured notebook was aimed at Antomu.

She praised Uncle Bek’s ingenuity because a device like a notebook is difficult to conjure, and conjured items possess special abilities.

Stajy had summoned seven Nen beasts, perfectly matching the number of people in the room. Just from the aura of the Nen beasts, they were not to be underestimated, not to mention Stajy herself had yet to act.

In such a scenario, addressing the immediate threat was crucial, rather than weakening one's own combat capability for a moment of pride.

Bisky didn’t understand Uncle Bek’s Nen but gave her judgment based on the situation at hand. Now, she too had to deal with a Nen beast.

Luo also didn’t understand Uncle Bek’s Nen, and along with Bisky, he was considered an outsider. They wouldn’t interfere in the standoff between Uncle Bek and Antomu.

He watched the dark humanoid Nen beasts begin to act, pondering if these creatures could absorb abilities with a "white smoke" skill. Considering the potential threat, he decided it was better not to take risks lightly.

The humanoid Nen beasts dispersed and charged towards everyone.

Simultaneously, Stajy bowed her head and plucked the harp strings, creating a melody.

Antomu watched the situation unfold with a cold gaze, unaware of the capability of Uncle Bek’s notebook while the Nen beasts were active. He sat back, using everyone as fodder to learn about Stajy's abilities.

Uncle Bek endured the pain, teeth clenched as he typed. Sweat drenched his forehead.

The Trojan he had planted earlier could bypass the firewall, but infiltration still required some time because Antomu maintained a state of Ren, making his aura the only barrier.

"I'll take your arm first!"

Uncle Bek's expression was icy as he ferociously pressed the final key.

Suddenly, Antomu's brows furrowed, and the aura on his right arm retracted into his body. Although his aura nodes were open, he entered Zetsu.

Zetsu, the technique of closing aura nodes and sealing aura within the body, effectively removes one's presence and is akin to shedding one’s armor.

Antomu glanced at his right arm, now displaying incomprehensible code, then coldly looked at the smirking Uncle Bek, understanding this was his adversary's tactic to force his right arm into Zetsu.

Being unable to use aura in a favored arm wasn’t fatal, but it was a significant inconvenience. If all limbs were forced into Zetsu during combat, it could be deadly.

Realizing Uncle Bek’s troublesome ability, Antomu’s expression cooled further. The stability of his 'fishing platform' began to waver, but he was no novice. Seeing Uncle Bek with no visible aura

, he formulated a strategy.

This forced entry into Zetsu, while tricky, left the opponent vulnerable during Nen use, requiring others' protection.

With his plan set, Antomu's eyes filled with lethal intent. Losing one pawn was inconsequential if the ability was that troublesome.

"Next is your left arm, it would be faster if not for the injury!"

Uncle Bek ignored Antomu, focusing solely on sabotaging Antomu’s left arm, assured that there was enough time.

Bisky thought him irrational because she didn’t understand his Nen.

He acted based on calculated outcomes.

First, Antomu had placed a stone gate to block their way, creating a considerable distance between them. Second, Stajy was also far from them. Third, with Ruby and Aya's protection, and fourth, the pre-planted Trojan could speed up the process. He only planned to take both of Antomu's arms.

The distance was sufficient, allowing ample time.

He aimed to capitalize on the brief moment before the battle officially began to overturn Antomu’s situation and then focus on the impending crisis.

You didn’t expect this, Antomu!

Your action of blocking our way actually pushed you towards a dead end!

The sabotage of the left arm was ongoing...

Before the humanoid Nen beasts could attack, before Antomu could intervene, there was still time.

Uncle Bek thought so, enduring the pain as he typed meticulously, staying calm and not rashly speeding up, which could disrupt his rhythm.

Antomu’s right arm was odd, and both Luo and Bisky noticed, speculating about the frightening nature of such Nen.

Then, the melody of the harp strings suddenly accelerated!

The seven musical notes, played swiftly!

The humanoid Nen beasts' legs turned into light smoke, transforming into a genie-like form, soaring through the air, their speed greatly increased!

"Uncle Bek!"

Seeing the Nen beasts change form and speed up, Ruby couldn't help but warn.

Uncle Bek didn't respond, intently focusing on sabotaging Antomu’s left arm. It was going to be enough, definitely enough!


Just as the sabotage was about to complete, a giant rock flew swiftly towards Uncle Bek and the others!


Ruby, Aya, and Mark’s faces turned pale.

Mark dove to the side, while Ruby and Aya were quick enough to grab Uncle Bek, dodging the giant rock.


The rock crashed onto the ground, shattering!

The sabotage was interrupted…

Luo and Bisky frowned, glancing at the emotionless Antomu in front of the stone gate, then faced the charging Nen beasts.

Stajy’s summoned Nen beasts, either to match the number of foes or because she could only summon seven, the reason didn’t matter anymore.

Because, these seven humanoid Nen beasts didn’t employ a group attack strategy; instead, they each faced an opponent.

Inside the hall, the accelerated pace of the harp strings gradually slowed down.

Everyone began their first round of contact with the humanoid Nen beasts!


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