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Chapter 335

At this point, Helian Feng paused, glancing at Ling Chunann with a tender expression.

Ling Chunann immediately understood his implication, tilting his head slightly, "Does it have something to do with me?"

Logically speaking, if he had a past life, he should have received those memories when he accepted the divine inheritance just now. However, Ling Chunann received no such information, indicating... his previous existence might not have been human, perhaps something that hadn’t even developed self-awareness.

Helian Feng nodded slightly, "It's you, yet it’s not you. When the chief god sent down the ninety-nine annihilating divine thunders, intending to execute me, I barely withstood the first eighty thunders. The last strike, however, was beyond my capability to withstand. Just then, a trace of pure qi appeared amidst the thunder, helping me block that final bolt."

Indeed, not human, Ling Chunann’s brow twitched, signaling him to continue.

Helian Feng affectionately touched Ling Chunann’s hair and, taking advantage of his distraction, kissed him lightly and pulled him into his embrace, continuing with satisfaction, "That bolt of thunder was blocked by the pure qi, and I was able to break through that minor world, entering the vast universe beyond. Later, I discovered that it was the only trace of pure qi between heaven and earth. My darling, aren’t we fated? To meet like this, destiny must have intended for us to be together forever."

Despite each world's men having slightly different characters, Ling Chunann hadn’t expected this man's true nature to be so cheesy. Yet, it was quite interesting to listen to.

Seeing that Ling Chunann did not argue, Helian Feng’s smile brightened, "I was inferior to the chief god, and my original world had been exposed, so I temporarily found a similar world to hide."

Perhaps thinking he was dead, and with Helian Feng choosing a similar world for concealment, he managed to avoid a direct confrontation with the chief god for nearly two thousand years. Not only did he fully absorb the divine thunder's power bestowed by the chief god, but he also ascended to a higher realm. His original minor world was no longer a constraint for him, although he still wasn't a match for the chief god.

Just then, Helian Feng discovered that the trace of pure qi that saved him was about to dissipate.

He naturally could not let it disappear; that pure qi had not yet developed self-awareness, and even though he was a god beyond this world, he couldn’t restore it.

"If it weren’t for that divine thunder, it might have developed a spirit consciousness soon," Helian Feng continued, unable to resist kissing Ling Chunann’s forehead, then his nose, and was about to kiss his lips when Ling Chunann pushed him away with a slap, "Continue."

Helian Feng could not let his savior vanish. Since his energy was insufficient, he then set his sights on the chief god.

Perhaps having eliminated a major threat, the chief god fell into a deep slumber. Helian Feng spent hundreds of years locating the chief god. By the time he found him, the trace of pure qi was at its end, almost completely dissipating. Helian Feng had no time to waste and launched an attack as soon as he discovered the chief god.

However, Helian Feng’s first attack did not kill him. At a critical moment, the chief god awakened.

"He had been in that position for too long and had lost his vigilance, so I eventually won," Helian Feng stated nonchalantly, though a battle between two supreme gods would never be simple.

"Was that when Yin Fu appeared?" Ling Chunann asked.

"Smart, my darling," praised Helian Feng, seizing the chance to plant a firm kiss on Ling Chunann’s lips and holding him tighter, "Back then, although I had attained divinity, I was severely injured and couldn’t integrate it immediately. Yin Fu appeared exactly for that reason."

Moreover, Yin Fu was even more ruthless; he actually stole the mysterious jade Helian Feng was using to store the pure qi, using it to threaten Helian Feng.

Helian Feng was not someone who could be easily coerced. While entangled with him, Helian Feng searched through the divine inheritance memories for a solution. Yin Fu at that time was stronger than the current Yin Fu, and even though Helian Feng had acquired some divine power, he could only manage a draw.

However, he searched through the inheritance and found no way to replenish the energy of an unconscious being.

But he wasn’t without gain.

"I discovered in the inheritance that the power to split the divinity was incredibly potent," Helian Feng smiled, "So, I split it into two."

At that time, this force destroyed many minor worlds, including Helian Feng's original world. Helian Feng took the opportunity to wrest the mysterious jade from Yin Fu, although somehow Yin

 Fu managed to escape.

But at that time, Helian Feng couldn’t pursue him. He cleansed one half of the divinity and sealed it into the mysterious jade, using it to wrap the pure qi, hoping to nurture it into developing spirit consciousness.

What followed was easily guessed; Helian Feng created a system, using it to control taskers to draw energy from each world, providing energy to the mysterious jade while repairing the divinity.

During this period, Helian Feng had considered completely removing the divinity from his body. But having risked everything to split the divinity while severely injured, he couldn’t withstand the pressure of removing it again and chose to repair it instead. However, repairing divinity was not so simple, and even when the pure qi in the mysterious jade was about to develop spirit consciousness, the divinity's repair was less than a third complete.

Just then, Yin Fu reappeared with more potent power than before.

Even though Helian Feng was a chief god, he couldn’t help but be hindered by the damaged divinity, barely holding up against a returning foe of equal strength.

Fortunately, Helian Feng was not reckless; otherwise, he wouldn’t have endured so many years before facing the chief god.

So he planned to enter a minor world with the pure qi that had just developed a hint of spirit consciousness.

However, he was discovered by Yin Fu en route. He chose a peaceful world to cast the pure qi into a life destined to be smooth before confronting Yin Fu.

"There is a certain time difference between the major and minor worlds. By the time I repelled Yin Fu, I found you..." He had not expected Ling Chunann to possess part of the divinity, existing outside the fate line. At this, Helian Feng’s voice brimmed with guilt and tenderness, "I’m sorry, my darling."

"It’s not your fault." Ling Chunann didn’t blame the man; after all, even gods can’t foresee some things, much less human hearts. Hadn’t he also not expected the agent who had followed him for ten years to suddenly turn against him? "Is 098 the system you made specifically for me?"

Helian Feng’s eyes brightened, "Yes, darling, do you find it convenient?"

"Very cute, I really like it." Ling Chunann praised, then saw the man’s face darken—sure enough, no matter what form he took, his jealousy remained unchanged. "By the way, chief gods are not allowed to enter minor worlds, are you using an incarnation?"

"That’s one way to put it." Helian Feng responded, "When I first compressed my main consciousness and cast it into the edge of the world line, I just wanted to see if your mental state was suitable for completing tasks to accumulate soul power. But you might not believe it, darling, I fell in love with you at first sight."

"I had no memory at the time, but I still remember what I was thinking then. I wondered how there could be such an adorable person in the world, and I wanted to be with him forever, never to part even in death."

Helian Feng’s eyes were filled with blazing love, causing Ling Chunann to blush slightly. He coughed lightly and averted his gaze, "And yet you still ended up dying before me."

"I’m sorry, my darling," the man sincerely apologized.

Ling Chunann had long since stopped caring about that, especially since he hadn’t loved him then, so he couldn’t say it was too heart-breaking. But afterward, it was almost always the man who watched him leave first. By that count, the one who should say sorry was actually him. However, Ling Chunann naturally wouldn’t say it; instead, he pinched the man’s solid arm muscles, prompting the man to instinctively roll up his sleeve and ask, "Darling, are you hungry?"

Ling Chunann: "..."

By now, Ling Chunann had already figured it out. Previously, he could only eat his own flesh or the man’s flesh, which wasn’t due to the mental illness he initially thought, but to replenish energy.

He was never truly a normal human; his body contained extremely pure and clear qi, protected by divinity, allowing him to survive under such conditions for two months. Eating his own flesh was akin to breaking a seal.

A body of pure qi must always maintain sufficient energy to function normally, but Ling Chunann obviously didn’t know that, so he mistook this need for energy as hunger, leading to those misunderstandings and causing a significant psychological shadow on 098.

Even Helian Feng didn’t know this, but fortunately, with his ample energy supply, Ling Chunann had managed to persevere until now. Otherwise, with the initial fervor, he wouldn’t have lasted more than two worlds before biting himself to death.

Thinking this, Ling Chunann felt somewhat relieved.

Now that Ling Chunann had acquired complete divinity, he no longer needed to replenish energy.

 In the man’s regretful gaze, he refused his feeding, "Has your divinity recovered?"

"It recovered three worlds ago, thanks to our dual cultivation, my darling. You really are my lucky star." Helian Feng lowered his sleeve, embraced Ling Chunann’s waist, and kissed his forehead.

"You deliberately lured Yin Fu out." Ling Chunann, not minding the man’s gesture, half-squinted at his handsome profile, using a definitive tone.

"Smart, my darling." Helian Feng beamed with praise, "Over the years, he has accumulated a lot of power, which was just enough to fully replenish that part of the divinity in your body. So, now we have two chief gods."

Swatting away the man’s increasingly bold hand, Ling Chunann stood up, "I don’t seem to have agreed to be with you yet." Saying so, he disappeared from the space.

"Wait for me, darling!" Watching the direction Ling Chunann vanished, Helian Feng quickly chased after him.

Due to the birth of the second chief god, the constraints of the rules were no longer so clear to them. Suppressing his power, Ling Chunann followed the world he had just left, found his original host body, and merged back into it.

Just as he regained his senses, a round, soft ball pounced on him, followed by 098’s wailing, "Host! Host, where did you go just now? Why did your soul disappear! Wuu wuu, I thought you didn’t want 098 anymore."

Scratching the little round ball’s fluffy ears, Ling Chunann’s voice was gentle, "098, how could I not want you?"

"I knew host was the best." 098’s ears reddened with emotion.

At this moment, only ten minutes had passed since Ling Chunann was dragged into space by Yin Fu. The police officer Xue Zhengyang, who Ling Chunann had tied up and thrown aside, just woke up. At the moment of Yin Fu’s death, the controlling power over him completely vanished, and his eyes returned to normal. Seeing Ling Chunann come in, his expression was complicated.

Ling Chunann approached and untied his ropes, "Officer Xue, you can leave."

Xue Zhengyang staggered to his feet, his expression somewhat desolate and guilty, "Thank you, and... I’m sorry."

"You’re welcome."

Xue Zhengyang took a few steps towards the door, then paused, looking at Ling Chunann with hopeful eyes, "Do you still remember..."

"I have a good memory." Ling Chunann smiled, "Yuan Chengyue." His third world’s minor male character, he remembered that when he left, he hadn’t married yet. He hadn’t expected him to follow Yin Fu and become a rule-breaker.

Xue Zhengyang, or rather Yuan Chengyue, hearing Ling Chunann’s words, suddenly smiled, his eyes filled with contentment, "Thank you." Thank you for still remembering me. Then he saw the man who had hurried over, although completely unrecognizable, still only had eyes for this person, and sighed softly, unclear whether it was loss or lamentation, "I wish you happiness, and goodbye."

Ling Chunann simply replied, "Hmm, goodbye."

Reverting to the guise of Si Yu, Helian Feng affectionately embraced Ling Chunann, watching Yuan Chengyue’s retreating figure, his expression slightly dangerous, "Darling, who is he?"

Ling Chunann slapped the man’s forehead, "Go fix the house."

Previously, Si Yu and Shu Yuanfeng had fought in midair, not causing damage to the city’s buildings. Later, Yin Fu and Helian Feng fought in a different space, not harming this isolated minor world, so currently, only Ling Chunann’s house had collapsed, looking particularly tragic. Fortunately, there weren’t many people living nearby, and no one had yet reported it.

Helian Feng, touching his forehead, was still somewhat reluctant to let go of Yuan Chengyue, especially since his darling had actually smiled at that guy just now, "But darling..."

Ling Chunann lightly swept him a glance, "If it’s not fixed today, you’re not getting in bed for the next half month."

Helian Feng, hearing this, immediately threw that rival out of his mind, "Yes! I’ll make sure it’s fixed right away!"


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YEAH!! The main story may be over, but I'm very happy! Thank you so much for your hard work and for allowing me to read it!