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Chapter 319

Xue Zhengyang, tall and well-proportioned with chiseled features and slightly dark skin, looked the part of a handsome man. His words carried an air of sincerity, making him seem genuinely charming. If one didn't know he was investigating a case and that he had a long-term girlfriend, one might think he had fallen for his own host, 098 mused.

In the story, Du Zian had also come to visit today. Du Xuan was at that moment engulfed in the despair of his ruined musical prospects, completely oblivious to Du Zian’s performance. Indifferent to the news of their mother and brother's disappearance, he faced public humiliation when the video went viral. Xue Zhengyang's arrival coincided with Du Zian's heartbreak and Du Xuan's cold indifference, which lessened his suspicions towards Du Zian, instead shifting his doubts towards Du Xuan.

Now, because of Ling Chunann’s actions and Du Zian's malicious maneuvers, Xue Zhengyang began to suspect Du Zian. With his keen instincts, Xue Zhengyang had taken notice.

Five days later, Ling Chunann's lung injury had significantly healed, and he was able to breathe on his own. However, the doctors seemed to have forgotten to treat his arms and legs. This matched the original story where Du Zian's demon had influenced the doctors to believe that his limbs were recovering well.

Xue Zhengyang, observing Ling Chunann's plaster-filled arms and legs, didn’t suspect anything. After asking him some questions and confirming his ignorance about the family's incidents, Xue Zhengyang hastily left the hospital. Before leaving, he wanted to arrange for two officers to protect Ling Chunann, but he declined, eager to return to duty.

Once again, the hospital room regained its rare tranquility. Ling Chunann lay back and instructed 098, "Monitor the male lead’s actions."

"Reporting back to the host, the male lead is currently shopping on the central commercial street with the female lead," 098 quickly reported, its tone slightly irritable. The host was suffering in the hospital while the male lead, responsible for his injury, casually enjoyed shopping with the girl.

Then it pondered, "He has visited Ling Chunann only once in these days, sending him into the emergency room. If he comes again, who knows if he won’t harm the host again. It's better to keep as far away as possible. This male lead is not as kind and reliable as the one from the last world."

"Keep monitoring, send me the footage every other day," Ling Chunann responded.

Half a month later, Ling Chunann was allowed to go home to recuperate. The bulky plaster was removed, but he was now confined to a wheelchair.

Xue Zhengyang came to pick up Ling Chunann. Over this half-month, his case had made no progress, but his suspicions about Du Zian's involvement grew, though he hadn’t found any evidence yet. He believed, given time, he would uncover the whole truth.

As he looked down at Ling Chunann in the wheelchair, Xue Zhengyang sighed. The youth's face was expressionless, his fringe grown out, partially covering his eyes, making it difficult to read his expression.

Remembering the videos of the vibrant young performer, who from the age of fourteen had been considered a likely successor to the violin maestro Du Angsi, it was a pity to see such talent destroyed in what was either an accident or sabotage.

Despite everything, he was determined to find the real culprit.

Ling Chunann subtly curled his lips into a faint smile, then his face returned to its usual impassiveness.

Just as they left the hospital, they encountered Du Zian heading their way. Xue Zhengyang’s eyes flickered with wariness. "Mr. Du, you said you had important matters today and couldn’t come. It’s fine for me to take the young master home."

Du Zian looked at Ling Chunann in the wheelchair. "I—I came to take my second brother home. He’s not well, and I’m worried about him living alone outside. Besides, it's just the two of us left at home now, and I want to take care of him."

During his adulthood, Du Xuan had moved out of the family home and lived alone, his social circle painfully small. Apart from family, he seemed to have no friends; his life revolved around music. Discovering this, Xue Zhengyang felt more pity than frustration, immediately followed by guilt. Such a pure person, and he had once suspected him of being involved in the disappearance of Mrs. Du and the eldest son, while the seemingly innocent young man before him might not be as clean. Hearing his words, Xue Zhengyang instinctively replied, "No... Then I'll leave it to Mr. Du."

Before he could finish, his thoughts suddenly muddled. Handing over the wheelchair to Du Zian, he came to his senses just as Ling Chunann was being helped into the Du family car, disappearing around the corner.

"Host, it seems the male lead's demon just rattled Xue Zhengyang, causing his thoughts to become confused. However, this should recover shortly," 098 explained. Demons cannot directly change human thoughts, but they can cause confusion and lead to contrary actions. This demon must be a high-ranking one, and currently, it's invisible, which frustrates 098.

Ling Chunann casually acknowledged, pleased with the male lead's efficient and decisive actions, hitting right where he wanted. Based on Ling Chunann's analysis of Du Zian, he harbored deep resentment towards this older brother who had always ignored him and turned a blind eye to his suffering. Yet, he wouldn't go as far as taking his life.

He preferred to see him fall from grace, utterly defeated and living a life worse than death, which would suit his twisted desire for revenge.

Regarding the previous car accident, Ling Chunann deemed it an accident, or perhaps the whims of a disobedient demon.

In no time, Ling Chunann had thoroughly deduced the male lead and demon's intentions. Sitting in the backseat, he closed his eyes; from Du Zian's expression, it seemed the demon was seated right next to him.

However, Ling Chunann was not alarmed. Even though the soul within his current body was a massive temptation to demons accustomed to the dark world, with Du Zian, the summoner, nearby, the demon would not act.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the Du estate. Several servants hurried out, clumsily assisting Ling Chunann into a wheelchair and into the bedroom.

There were no surveillance cameras in the bedroom. The demon followed the male lead, giving Ling Chunann a moment of freedom. He first went to the bathroom to clean himself, then changed clothes, before wheeling over to the bed.

Unable to climb onto the bed with just one functional hand, he frowned. He needed to regain the use of his limbs quickly.

Although Du Xuan had moved out, it hadn't been for long, and he had planned to return; hence, his belongings were still there. Ling Chunann found a stack of sheet music at the desk, his own compositions, each a rare gem.

Du Xuan’s music was full of spirit and varied in style. Given time, he could truly surpass Du Angsi—not just as a saying but as an indisputable fact.

What a pity his path was destroyed by a lunatic.

Ling Chunann neatly placed the sheet music back in the drawer. Three hours had passed, lunchtime had long gone, and yet no one had brought him food or called him to eat.

"Host, the male lead instructed the servants not to serve you meals. He intends to starve you!" 098 reported.

Other than food prepared by a particular person, Ling Chunann disliked eating meals prepared by others. Since arriving in this world, he had mostly relied on nutrient solutions to sustain himself and had little appetite now. Unlike 098, he wasn't upset about it. He had returned to the Du residence for another purpose. "Where is the male lead now?"

"The female lead just called again. The male lead has gone out, and he took the demon with him," 098 reported, noting this time that the male lead had made it clear when leaving, as during the contract period, the demon cannot act against the summoner's orders.

Ling Chunann nodded slightly, then began wheeling his chair towards the room at the end of the second floor.

In the original story, Du Xuan's despair and pure soul power had attracted the devil. Ling Chunann didn't have such emotions, so he had to find the summoning circle.

That was why he had 098 monitor Du Zian for the past half-month.

The summoning circle was set up in Du Zian's mother’s room, a deduction Ling Chunann made easily from the original text, though he did not know the exact location of the circle, so he had to rely on Du Zian's eyes to find it.

Mrs. Du's room was locked but not bolted. Ling Chunann took a hairpin and inserted it into the lock.

With a click, the door opened.

The room was maintained as it had been over a decade ago. Although dust-free, the decor was somewhat dated, the floor made of solid wood, uncarpeted.

Ling Chunann wheeled inside, then shut the door behind him, heading straight for the corner behind the wardrobe.

"Host, what are you planning to do?" 098 grew increasingly anxious.

Ling Chunann stared at the inconspicuous small magic circle in the corner and naturally replied, "Of course, to summon my own exclusive demon."


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