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Chapter 318

From the third world onwards, Ling Chunann could vaguely sense the presence of the man in each world. Even if he didn't know his exact location, he could clearly tell whether the man was in this world. However, this world was different; he was certain that this time, the man was not here. Furthermore, in this world, his soul power and the inherent energy abilities he should possess were both erased. In other words, he was now a powerless ordinary person—no, he was even less capable than an ordinary person.

Looking down at his lower body and left arm, which he currently couldn't move at all, Ling Chunann made a rough judgment.

At this moment, at the Du family villa.

Du Zian sat at the head of the dining table, gracefully setting down his knife and fork. "William, how is he doing?" he asked.

The tall, handsome man with a Western face standing behind him promptly handed him a napkin, replying, "Young Master, Du Zixuan has awakened, but his legs and left hand are completely disabled. With today's medical means, recovery is impossible."

"Good!" Du Zian's face was filled with satisfaction. He didn't notice the greed and pity in the eyes of the demon beside him when he mentioned Du Zixuan's name. Standing up, he said, "This time, I won't blame you for intensifying the car accident on your own initiative. Uncle Li... he deserved his death. I want to see, my dear second brother, without his hands and feet, how he can look down on me with that haughty gaze again. In a few days, you and I will go together to pick up my good brother from the hospital."

"Yes, Young Master," the demon bowed its head, concealing the crimson in its eyes.

Demons favor the most pure souls, as they bring them immense power, and Du Zixuan's soul was incredibly pure. If not for William being bound to Du Zian early on, he would have preferred to be closer to Du Zixuan.

Fortunately, Du Zian wasn't bad either; his extremely malicious and evil soul was also a delightful taste for demons. Just a few more years, and he would be ready to feast.

Two days later, Ling Chunann waited for his visitor.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy with a handsome face and large eyes, appearing clean and pure, rushed to his side. His eyes were red with panic, "Second brother, are you alright? I heard you were injured, wuu wuu wuu, mom and big brother have disappeared, I'm so scared."

Du Zian was naturally handsome, and his crying now made him look even more pitiful, causing the young nurse, who had been complaining that no one had visited Ling Chunann for two days, to be moved to tears. Such a good relationship between the brothers, Du Zian must not have seen the news of his brother's accident. At this moment, they completely ignored the news about the violin prodigy being hospitalized after a car accident that had been in the newspapers and on TV for the past two days. Even a blind person, as long as they watched TV, would probably know about it.

Ling Chunann scanned the main character crying on his left arm, and asked hoarsely, "Mom and big brother, how did they disappear?"

Ling Chunann wished he hadn't asked as Du Zian burst into even more intense tears, stuttering, "The police said, they... they probably met with a misfortune, wuu wuu wuu..."

The young nurse and other onlookers gave Ling Chunann disapproving looks, as if he were a bully harassing a child.

098 spoke, "Host, detection shows that the main character has a charm aura activated. Under the influence of this aura, he can attract the goodwill of humans from eight months to eighty years old. It is recommended to purchase an aura suppressor for one million energy points. As a premium customer, you get a 50% discount."

Since the first world, 098 had not actively marketed anything, and Ling Chunann noticed something was off. "098, why are you acting like a salesperson again?"

098 hesitated, then replied, "Host, I just observed the system regulations closely. If you purchase items during the mission, I can receive a 10% energy point commission!"

Ling Chunann: "..." How could he have such a silly system.

Not telling the overly enthusiastic 098 that this approach wouldn't sell anything, Ling Chunann tactfully refused the product being marketed and changed the subject, "Did you see that demon?"

098 scanned the area, "Host, I can't detect the presence of a demon, but the main character's charm aura activation requires a demon nearby. Please be extra cautious."

Ling Chunann and 098's exchange lasted only a few seconds. During this time, Du Zian continued to cry,

 and the onlookers' gaze towards him became increasingly unfriendly.

If he kept crying like this, it wouldn't be long before news would spread about the genius violinist being indifferent to his family's disappearance and treating his younger brother coldly.

This was not just Ling Chunann making things up; several people were at the door filming with their phones.

Just as the crowd was about to step forward to criticize Ling Chunann, he lifted the only hand he could move and gently touched Du Zian's head resting on his chest, "Don't be afraid, you still have your second brother."

At that moment, the crowd saw the sadness in his eyes.

Du Zixuan had inherited his mother's looks, and managing to marry into a wealthy family with two children, the stepmother of the Du family was undeniably beautiful. Du Zixuan usually maintained a stoic face, showing no emotion, yet no one could deny his handsomeness. Now, the usual coldness broke, displaying a sadness never seen before, touching the hearts of the onlookers even more.

Almost everyone immediately switched sides to Ling Chunann, their looks filled with sympathy. It turned out he wasn't unemotional; he had always been pretending to be strong. Such a good child, he had just come of age, how could they have thought him so cold? Moreover, the former violin prince now had his left hand ruined. Without his left hand, how could he play the violin? His future was destroyed, and his family was gone; it was truly pitiable.

Feeling the change in the touches on his head and the attitude of the people around, Du Zian suddenly stiffened, but quickly recovered, raising his head to see the unfeigned sadness on Ling Chunann's face, feeling a rush of pleasure, but his expression showed none of it, his tear-filled eyes widening again with moved emotion, "Second brother! I'm glad you're okay!"

Ling Chunann had noticed where Du Zian had pounced—right where his two broken ribs were, which hadn't healed properly. This forceful pounce would definitely worsen the injury, perhaps fatally—this young man's heart was truly dark.

After being treated with medicinal water, Ling Chunann was no longer in pain. With his agility, dodging this pounce wouldn't have been an issue, but seeing the man who had just come in, he decided against moving.

"Ugh." Ling Chunann grunted as he was pounced on, then as Du Zian looked up, he fiercely spat a mouthful of blood in his face.

Xue Zhengyang, the top detective in Qingcheng City Police Department, was thirty years old and had cracked numerous odd cases in his eight years on the job. This time, however, he faced a bizarre case: a wealthy wife and her eldest son had disappeared consecutively. They had not left the city, nor appeared on any surveillance footage, mysteriously vanishing as if evaporated from the world.

With years of experience in solving cases, Xue Zhengyang had a premonition that this would be the most challenging murder case he had ever encountered.

But he was currently unable to determine where the mother and son had disappeared from, or even where to begin the investigation. He had visited the Du family several times, only to see the Du family's timid young master, who had not even come of age yet. He appeared so innocent and pure, not at all like someone capable of killing two people, while the second young master of the Du family had been abroad competing, lacking the opportunity to commit the crime.

He had been pondering this case even while traveling for work, but after several days of deep thought, he had yet to make any progress. Just back from a trip, Xue Zhengyang had heard the news of the Du family's second son's accident upon returning to the country. He immediately suspected a connection between the accident and the disappearances of the Du family's wife and elder son. Without even changing out of the uniform he had worn for several days, he rushed to the hospital, pushing through the crowd into the hospital room, just in time to see the third young master of the Du family pouncing on the bedridden young man.

From Xue Zhengyang's professional perspective, he immediately noticed the well-concealed malice in Du Zian's eyes. Before he could intervene, he saw the young man on the bed suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xue Zhengyang looked at Du Zian, who appeared innocently panicked, and furrowed his brows deeply. Had he been mistaken before?

"My God, how could you touch his chest? His ribs were broken and hadn't been repaired yet!" a nurse rushed forward, pushing Du Zian away while pressing an alarm button, and put a breathing mask on him. "Doctor Chen, quick! Room 26, high ward, the patient has a pulmonary hemorrhage! Immediate emergency treatment needed!"

Seconds later

, a stern middle-aged doctor arrived, "Unrelated personnel, leave the room immediately!"

"Host, are you okay?" 098 asked worriedly as they headed to the emergency room.

"It's a good opportunity to correct the ribs." Ling Chunann replied, "Now, Officer Xue might start suspecting the male lead."

"..." Faced with such a devoted host, 098 wasn't sure whether to be happy or moved.

"Don't be too moved, it's mainly because I have two rib bones stuck in my lungs, and the sound when I breathe is too horrible. Now is a good time to correct them." Moreover, a small part of the healing power from the medicinal water still remained, so this secondary injury wouldn't pose a life-threatening danger, which is why Ling Chunann dared to let the male lead pounce on him.

Thinking the host was comforting it, 098 was even more moved.

When Ling Chunann woke up again from the hospital room a day later, Du Zian had already left. However, Officer Xue Zhengyang was sitting in front of the hospital bed with a laptop. Seeing Ling Chunann awaken, he immediately closed the lid, "You're awake, I'll call the doctor." Saying this, he pressed the call bell.

Ling Chunann, wearing an oxygen mask, with his lungs spasming in pain, looked at Xue Zhengyang and blinked, showing a trace of gratitude.

Xue Zhengyang's ears reddened; he had never seen such clean eyes before and uncomfortably shifted his gaze. "Your lungs are injured, you can't take off the oxygen mask right now. Whatever you have to say can wait a few days. I'll be here to... look after you."


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