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Chapter 320

After the stepmother entered the house, Du Zian's treatment at the Du family was not good. Father Du turned a blind eye, but fortunately, he never allowed anyone to disturb the room where Du's mother had lived before. The stepmother wanted to demolish that room, but each time she proposed it, the usually mild-tempered Du Zian reacted vehemently, even moving his mother's ashes and spirit tablet into the room, which made the stepmother feel it was bad luck and thus she gave up.

Thus, that room became Du Zian’s territory. He was also able to summon demons due to a mishap when he was injured and sought refuge in the room, and his blood dripped onto a summoning circle, the intense negative emotions summoning a demon with whom he then formed a pact.

According to Ling Chunann's deduction, Du's mother must also have been no ordinary character; otherwise, the summoning circle would not have been left in that room.

Ling Chunann glanced at the spirit tablet not far away on the desk. At first glance, the photo behind the half-burnt candle showed a woman with a gentle smile, as if containing boundless tenderness, but upon closer inspection, one could see her eyes were clear and devoid of any smile, as if her laughter was just for the sake of laughing, without any other factors.

Ling Chunann became somewhat interested, “098, check the cause of Du's mother’s death from back then.”

“Yes, host.”

Ling Chunann then looked again at the small summoning circle. It was clear that it had aged, and the circle seemed almost to disappear.

However, the color of the circle was such because, according to Ling Chunann's deduction, it was drawn with demon blood as a permanent summoning circle. Although there was not much demonic energy in the human world, it could still last a hundred and eighty years.

Ling Chunann probed the edge of the circle with his finger, feeling the power contained within. Just as he was about to retract his hand, a cold hand grabbed him.

The shock was beyond comprehension for 098: "!!! This is unscientific; at least three bowls of blood are needed to summon a demon. Previously, the male lead almost died from excessive blood loss, but now the host just casually touches it and pulls someone out?"

It was a tall man exuding a destructive aura, a natural-born king of slaughter. Merely standing there, one could feel the palpable, solemn killing intent.

The man's presence was stronger this time, and his possessiveness seemed stronger too. He immediately noticed 098's presence. Although he only glanced at it, 098 felt as though the man wanted to pull it out of the host's body and throw it away, making 098 shiver and decide to cling tightly to the host.

Ling Chunann soothed his own little system and then looked at the man who was earnestly staring at him. Unlike 098, who was wholly focused on the man's aura, Ling Chunann was first struck by the man’s looks. Perhaps it was due to lineage, but this man seemed even more demonic than any they had encountered in any previous world, handsome to the point of being eerily beautiful, and even the scent of the food on him was quite appealing. Ling Chunann expressed great satisfaction.

The only thing Ling Chunann was not entirely satisfied with was the man's temperature—it was too cold, like he had just crawled out of an ice cellar. They had only held hands for a moment, but his palm had already frozen stiff.

Ling Chunann, never one to suffer, moved his still-held right hand, "Can you let go first? I’m a bit cold."

Seeing Ling Chunann’s somewhat pale face, the icy aura around the demon dispersed instantly, and the temperature of his hand turned slightly warmer than Ling Chunann's, but he did not let go.

After half a minute, when Ling Chunann's body warmed up, he looked up into the man's expressionless face, "What's your name?"


After staring at each other for ten seconds, Ling Chunann spoke again, "Don’t remember? Do you remember where you came from?"


Watching the man's face turn blank, Ling Chunann lost his temper, "Then what do you remember?"

The man thought seriously for a moment, then stutteringly said, "I... want to marry you."

Ling Chunann: "..."

098: "..." Even with memory loss, this guy still thinks about marriage.

After sizing up the man again, confirming he really had lost his memory amid the increasingly anxious but blank gaze, Ling Chunann continued, "Kneel down."

The man obediently knelt, his gaze still roaming over Ling Chunann, "You... are injured."

"We’ll talk about that later." Ling Chunann looked at his still tightly grasped hand, "Let go."

The man reluctantly let go, his expression showing a pitiful look despite his lack of visible emotion.

Ling Chunann smirked slightly, "Come closer."

A few minutes later, Ling Chunann had practically checked the man from head to toe. Apart from admiring his physique, he finally found something akin to an identity token in the inner pocket of his jacket. It was a dark, material-ambiguous token engraved with elaborate and luxurious patterns, which, according to the original description, was a high-ranking demon’s identity token. The patterns were the script of demons.

This type of token, inherently bound to a demon’s true name, if damaged, could cause irreversible harm to the demon. In the demon world, possessing such a token was akin to holding a demon’s life.

Under 098's horrified gaze, Ling Chunann flipped the token in his hand and then said to the demon, whose body had softened everywhere but one, "Recognize the writing on this?"

"Si Yu."

It seemed he hadn’t forgotten everything. Once the name was confirmed, Ling Chunann handed the token back to Si Yu. However, the man did not take it, "You like it... you can have it."

Ling Chunann looked at the man's hopeful, gleaming eyes, his lips twitching. He seriously considered when exactly this guy had started the habit of giving love tokens, but eventually, he pocketed the token.

Seeing Ling Chunann’s action, the man's face brightened with a smile, "What... what’s your name?"

"I'm Du Zixuan, but you can call me darling." Ling Chunann responded casually.

Si Yu’s eyes lit up, "Darling."





Ling Chunann rolled his eyes, this guy was relentless, "Shut up." Seeing the man’s originally foolishly bright smile instantly wilt, Ling Chunann’s heart softened a bit, "Alright, keep calling."

Si Yu revived fully, nowhere near the sorrow from moments ago, "Darling!"

Looking at the child-like satisfied smile on the other’s face, Ling Chunann gave up resisting and decided to let him indulge.

However, ten minutes later, Ling Chunann couldn’t help but slap a hand over the man's incessantly babbling mouth, only to be greeted with another silly smile, "We should go out now."

Before leaving Du's mother’s room, Ling Chunann noticed that the summoning circle had completely disappeared.

The only possible reason for such a powerful circle to vanish prematurely was that it had received more energy than it could handle. The male lead’s contract demon coming through had not affected this circle at all, so it must have been an issue with Si Yu’s energy.

Moreover, Ling Chunann could not determine whether Si Yu had lost his memory during the transportation or if it had been long ago.

Ling Chunann had not formed a contract with Si Yu, merely having him push him back to the room and then shoving him into the bathroom, "Go take a shower." Although the man was dressed in black and it was not visible, Ling Chunann’s keen sense of smell had picked up the scent of other beings' blood on him the moment he appeared.

Watching the bathroom door close, Ling Chunann turned on his computer, typing with one hand. He had 098 transmit the investigation results of Du's mother's death to his computer.

Though it was more convenient to have the information directly uploaded into his brain, Ling Chunann preferred the more comfortable method of using his eyes when given the choice.

The report stated that Du's mother had died fourteen years ago when Du Zian was four years old. According to the circumstances then, it seemed she had been in a car that collided with a tanker truck, causing both vehicles to explode. The only occupants were the driver and her in the backseat, both burnt beyond recognition.

Quickly going through the not-too-lengthy report, Ling Chunann started examining the accident scene photos. The archive 098 had found was quite comprehensive, including photos of Du's mother before her death, her hobbies, her social connections, her post-mortem photos, and even a record of attendees at her memorial service. Ling Chunann lightly tapped on an inconspicuous small shard near the charred car frame, a thoughtful look flashing in his eyes.

"Host, what’s wrong?" 098 asked, puzzled.

"Nothing." Ling Chunann withdrew his gaze and turned his attention back to the bathroom. Fifteen minutes had passed, and based on the man's usual pace, he should be nearly done. Thinking this, he shut down the computer and wheeled himself over to the wardrobe.

Perhaps because of frequent participation in concerts and various competitions, the wardrobe was mostly filled with all sorts of custom-tailored high-end suits. Casual clothes were also mostly slim-fitting casual wear, which Si Yu obviously couldn't fit into. Finally, Ling Chunann found a new set of loose sports clothes

 in a corner of the wardrobe.

Approaching the bathroom door, Ling Chunann had not yet raised his hand to knock when the door swung open from the inside.

The man was wrapped only in a towel around his waist, his ink-black hair dripping water downwards, softening his originally too-sharp handsome features. Water droplets slid from the side of his face to his neck, trickling down his honey-toned chest muscles, and eventually disappearing into the towel wrapped around his distinct abs.

Ling Chunann blinked, very naturally placing the clothes he had intended to hand over onto his lap, freeing his hand to touch the obviously appealing abs before him.


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