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Chapter 305

"Ying Yang probably disappeared last Friday night, and it should be in the Northern City," Chu Zhenguo said.

Zhang Jinde asked, "Northern City? What was Ying Yang doing there?"

"He said he was going to Yan'er's birthday party, but I asked Yan'er, and she knew nothing about it. Later, I also checked the surveillance footage of Ying Yang's route that day," he paused, his voice growing heavy, "Once he entered Northern City, his image disappeared from all the surveillance videos. These past few days, we've tried everything, but we can't find any trace of him."

"Isn't there a Soul Summoning Command? Can't it be tracked?" a celestial master asked.

Chu Zhenguo's expression turned particularly despondent as he shook his head, "The Soul Summoning Command is ineffective."

Although the celestial masters present all considered themselves superior on ordinary days, they became serious upon hearing Chu Zhenguo's words.

The Soul Summoning Command is a special spell used by celestial masters, utilizing the blood of direct relatives to locate people. If the Soul Summoning Command is ineffective, it indicates two possibilities: either the person's soul is no longer in this world, or someone more powerful has concealed him.

Either possibility indicated a grim fate for Chu Yingyang.

No one dared to be overconfident. The Han family had been reclusive for over a hundred years, and the Chu family was domestically recognized as the top celestial master family. Now that Chu Yingyang was missing, and even the Chu family couldn't find any trace, nobody dared to make guarantees.

Observing everyone's reaction, Chu Zhenguo turned to a bald celestial master on his left, "Brother Zeng Hai, what do you think?"

Zeng Hai, whose divination skills ranked among the top in the ranks of celestial masters, and who had never been wrong once he divined, drew everyone's attention upon being mentioned.

Touching his smooth scalp, Zeng Hai stood up, bowed to Chu Qingshan and Chu Zhenguo, and took out a divination disc from his bosom, "Honored by the predecessors and the master of the Chu family, I will first divine for Young Master Ying." After saying this, he sat down again, asked for Chu Yingyang's birth date and time, and solemnly stared at the divination disc, murmuring to himself.

Ling Chunann stared unblinkingly at the divination disc. He had never encountered the divination business before and was very interested in this man's methods, wondering if he could figure out that it was he who had killed Chu Yingyang.

Han Fenglian turned his head and saw Ling Chunann's sparkling eyes, knowing what he was thinking, and transmitted his voice, "The Han family library has many divination-related heritages. If Treasure wants to learn, I'll have Han Yang bring them over in a couple of days."

"Okay." Ling Chunann never minded having too much knowledge, "But my cultivation is different from that of a conventional celestial master, will that affect me?"

"No, divination is connected to the heavenly way; any energy can be used."

As everyone intently watched Zeng Hai's divination disc, Qi Yang was quietly observing Han Fenglian across him. He hadn't expected that Teacher Han was actually from the Han family, and even the head of the Han family!

But didn't Zhang Jinde say that the Han and Chu families didn't get along well? Why would Han Fenglian attend this gathering?

As he pondered, Qi Yang's gaze couldn't help but fall on Ling Chunann again. When he had followed Han Fenglian over, his first impression was of being remarkably striking, and then under Han Fenglian's pressure, he had averted his gaze without a detailed look.

During the meal, he had watched him for quite a while, feeling somewhat familiar, especially when he smiled.

Who could it be?

As he let his thoughts wander, Qi Yang noticed Ling Chunann and Han Fenglian exchanging a glance, and Han Fenglian's face wore an expression of tenderness he had never seen before.

It seemed that Teacher Han really liked this disciple; he had only seen such a gentle expression on his face when dealing with Cangyu.

Cangyu? Han Yu? Suddenly, a light flashed in Qi Yang's mind, and he abruptly started.

However, before Qi Yang could figure it out, he was interrupted by a noisy disturbance.

Zeng Hai suddenly spat blood onto the divination disc and fainted with his eyes closed, and at the same moment, the disc cracked.

"What's going on?"

"Senior Zeng, are you okay?"

"Why did this happen?"

Seeing this, everyone was shocked. The divination disc was Zeng Hai's life-bound magic treasure, and now that it was damaged, and Zeng Hai's life or death was unknown, those who were already uncertain became even more anxious.

Zhang Jinde furrow

ed his brows and pressed a few points on Zeng Hai, "All five organs are damaged, it's backlash."

Chu Qingshan couldn't sit still, "Are you saying someone deliberately hid Yingyang's whereabouts?"

Zhang Jinde shook his head, "Not necessarily, we'll only know the specific situation when Brother Zeng wakes up, but he needs to heal now, he probably won't wake up until tomorrow."

Under Chu Anguo's arrangement, two servants quickly took the injured Zeng Hai down for treatment.

The room fell into silence, and the unsuccessful start weighed heavily on everyone's minds.

Half a minute later, Chu Zhenguo broke the silence, looking at Han Fenglian who had been silent the whole time, "Head of the Han family, may I ask for your opinion?" Han Fenglian was invited by him knowing that the Han and Chu families had a history of grievances. Chu Qingshan had just been "getting along quite well" with him, but he could still sense the underlying tension, his father disliked and even feared Han Fenglian a bit.

Chu Zhenguo truly loved his only son, Chu Yingyang, who was the most talented of the younger generation in the Chu family. Even with the slightest hope, he wanted to find him, which was why he invited Han Fenglian despite knowing the enmity between their families.

As Chu Zhenguo's words fell, everyone turned their gaze towards Han Fenglian.

The presence of Han Fenglian and Ling Chunann was too strong; even while Zeng Hai was divining, people's attention was partly on them, naturally seeing the interaction between the two. Seeing Han Fenglian's relaxed demeanor, everyone couldn't help but feel hopeful.

Only Chu Qingshan, his gaze deep, seemed to be pondering something.

"I have a way to find out Young Master Ying's whereabouts," Han Fenglian said.

Everyone couldn't help but get excited, and Chu Zhenguo couldn't help but stand up, "May I ask Head of the Han family, what is the method?"

"We might need the master of the Chu family to prepare some things. Pen and paper, please."

Immediately, a servant brought over pen and paper.

Han Fenglian took it, wrote a few lines on the white paper, and handed it to Chu Zhenguo.

Chu Zhenguo looked at it, pondered for a while, seemingly unsure, then handed it to Chu Qingshan.

"No way!" Chu Qingshan flatly refused, causing everyone to tense up, fearing that a conflict might arise. Chu Qingshan suppressed his anger, "Thank you for your good intentions, Head of the Han family, but we'll think of another way."

"That's fine." Han Fenglian nodded, not getting angry over Chu Qingshan's refusal.

"After a long journey, everyone has worked hard today. Please go back to your rooms to rest. Let's wait until Brother Zeng wakes up tomorrow to discuss further," Chu Qingshan issued an order for everyone to leave.

Zhang Jinde advised Qi Yang to go back first but stayed behind, looking at Chu Qingshan's upset face, "Qingshan, what's going on?"

Chu Qingshan snorted coldly and placed the paper in front of Zhang Jinde.

Han Fenglian's handwriting was strong and sharp, like his personality, but Zhang Jinde wasn't focusing on that. He quickly read through the few items Han Fenglian had written, and couldn't help but gasp, "He wants the Qiankun Disc, what is he planning to do?"

"It's a list of materials needed for the Soul-Searching Formation, requiring the Qiankun Disc as the formation core," Chu Qingshan said.

"Soul-Searching Formation? What's it for?"

Chu Qingshan was silent for a while before speaking, "It's a family-transmitted formation method of the Han family. I've read about it in the records of my ancestors. I only know the materials, but not the manufacturing method. However... this formation can definitely find Yingyang's whereabouts."

"Why then..."

"But doing so will destroy the Qiankun Disc." Chu Qingshan couldn't help but feel agitated, "The Qiankun Disc is a treasured heirloom passed down through generations in my Chu family, I cannot allow it to be destroyed in my hands! And, I suspect Yingyang's disappearance has something to do with the Han family..."

"Teacher Han!"

Just as they left the dining room, Han Fenglian was called by Qi Yang.

The other celestial masters who were openly and secretly observing the two looked at Qi Yang with a bit more admiration; truly, the courage of the young is to be feared.

Han Fenglian didn't stop walking, and Ling Chunann pretended not to hear, following Han Fenglian silently.

Qi Yang quickly caught up, walking beside Ling Chunann and showing him a smiling face, "Hello, I'm Qi Yang."


Hello, I'm Han Yu." Ling Chunann returned his smile, not surprised to see him blush again.

"You, I..." Qi Yang sneakily glanced at Ling Chunann's face, his cheeks flushing as he felt his heart might burst.

"What do you need?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in Qi Yang's ear, causing his head to feel like a bucket of ice water was poured over it, turning his face from red to white as he realized Han Fenglian had turned his head around, "No, nothing, Teacher Han, I just wanted to greet you."

"Okay." Han Fenglian gave him another look, "Since there's nothing, you should go back and rest."

"Okay, good." Qi Yang stammered, turning to look again at Ling Chunann, who still had a warm smile, his face unable to help but flush again, "Goodbye."

"The male lead is really cute," Ling Chunann said smilingly, "Goodbye."

With another chill over him, Qi Yang, not daring to look at Han Fenglian, controlled his trembling legs and turned to run off, completely unaware that he had run in the wrong direction.

Seeing the person leave, Han Fenglian's expression finally softened, he reached out and ruffled Ling Chunann's hair. Although somewhat displeased that Ling Chunann's attention was always being drawn away by others, he of course couldn't vent his temper on his own treasure, "Treasure, let's go home."

"Okay." At this moment, the area around them had cleared, leaving just the two of them. Ling Chunann took Han Fenglian's hand, blinked at him, "Let's go back for a second meal."

Hearing Ling Chunann's words, Han Fenglian's face, which had been slightly aggrieved, instantly brightened. He lifted Ling Chunann in his arms and disappeared into the courtyard.

"Today the weather is really nice," thought 098.


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