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Chapter 304

"I need to calculate this," Han Fenglian said, "but definitely not older than the treasure."

Detecting the amusement in the man's tone, Ling Chunann didn't mind, "I am a demon cultivator, and by the age of the demon clan, I have just reached adulthood."

"You're right," Han Fenglian immediately agreed.

"By the way, what's the grudge between the Han and Chu families all about?" Ling Chunann finally got back to the main topic.

"Let's sit down and talk slowly," Han Fenglian suggested as he pulled Ling Chunann to sit down, "Strictly speaking, the Han and Chu families can be considered one family."

A thousand years ago, the Chu family did not exist within the celestial master families; there was only the Han family, which had two boys in that generation. According to the traditions of the celestial master families, generally only one child in the same generation would have extraordinary talents, but these two boys were both exceptionally gifted.

Adhering to the principle that talents should not be buried, the Han family head at the time cultivated both of them, and before they went out to make their mark in the world, he had them swear an oath—not to use their powers to harm innocent mortals at will, and if violated, to strip them of the Han surname, deprive them of their cultivation, and expel them from the Han family.

"What happened next?" Ling Chunann felt as if a melodramatic saga was slowly unfolding before him.

"Then the war broke out," Han Fenglian touched Ling Chunann's head, "As you thought, one of them joined the war."

A celestial master, especially one from a prominent family, could decide the outcome of a war, and the sooner the war ended, the fewer casualties there would be, so although he broke the family rule, the Han family initially just warned him and did not expel him.

However, the man later became obsessed with power, continuously instigating wars between nations. By the time the Han family realized, it was too late; people were suffering, and the fires of war were everywhere.

In the end, the Han family had no choice but to send someone to bring him back, but the man was not willing to return and not only injured the people the Han family sent but also ambushed his own brother, the next head of the Han family, causing him severe injuries.

The Han family head was so furious that he went mad with rage and immediately ordered the man to be expelled from the Han family and issued a kill order, from then on, the Han family and the man were irreconcilable.

However, the man was extremely cunning and stole the Han family's ancestral treasure, disappearing without a trace. The Han family sent countless experts, but they could not find any trace of him until two hundred years later, when a family of celestial masters suddenly appeared in front of everyone, practicing spells and cultivation methods that were distinctly those of the Han family. It was clear to the Han family what had happened by then, but by that time, the Chu family had already developed the strength to contend with the Han family. To act rashly would only result in hurting both sides, so the matter was dragged on.

"So, you came here to fulfill the ancestral teachings? Also, what did the Chu family steal from the Han family back then?" More than the right and wrong of the grudge, Ling Chunann was more interested in the treasures Han Fenglian mentioned.

"I don't care about the past grudges," Han Fenglian said. "The Han family has three treasures in total: the Floating Spirit Ring, the Qiankun Plate, and the Jiu Xuan Stone."

"The Floating Spirit Ring, you already know," Han Fenglian caressed the white jade ring on Ling Chunann's left thumb, his voice gentle.

The Floating Spirit Ring was a top-tier defensive magical artifact, even rare in the cultivation world, and Ling Chunann certainly knew its worth.

The Qiankun Plate could completely hide one's soul aura and also had offensive and defensive capabilities, which was also quite rare. Now, it served as a symbol of the head of the Chu family, held by Chu Zhenguo.

As for the Jiu Xuan Stone, it could repair the soul, but most of the time, celestial masters would not let their souls get injured, let alone damaged, so it was considered somewhat useless.

However, this 'useless' item was very useful to Ling Chunann, who definitely needed the Jiu Xuan Stone to save Xia Lingyan, which was why Ling Chunann had previously asked Ji Guang to inquire about the whereabouts of the Jiu Xuan Stone.

Unsurprisingly, this item was originally from the Han family, so he felt even less guilty about taking it.

Hearing that Ling Chunann wanted the Jiu Xuan Stone, Han Fenglian naturally supported it wholeheartedly, "Are you interested in the Qiank

un Plate? We can take it back together this time."

"Not interested," Ling Chunann said.

When Ling Chunann said he wasn't interested, he really meant it. Han Fenglian didn't persuade him further, knowing he would definitely take it back anyway, and would show it to his disciple later, "I just checked, the Jiu Xuan Stone is in the valley behind the Chu family's mountain, guarded by many barriers. We'll go get it tomorrow, and the Qiankun Plate is with Chu Zhenguo, we'll take it the day after tomorrow."

Han Fenglian quickly arranged the plan, and Ling Chunann had no objections.

After entering the Chu family, although Qi Yang managed to restrain his curiosity, his gaze still betrayed him. Zhang Jinde, smiling, let him look around without revealing him.

Noticing Zhang Jinde's gaze, Qi Yang blushed and asked softly, "By the way, Grandpa Zhang, what were you saying about the Han family?"

Zhang Jinde glanced at the younger members of the Chu family leading the way and shook his head at Qi Yang, "I'll tell you later."

In circles where everyone had some connections, who didn't know about the discord between the Han and Chu families? Now that the Han family had just made their stance unclear, and the Chu family had yet to make a move, it was inconvenient for Zhang Jinde to discuss this matter in public.

An hour later, Chu Anguo knocked on the door of Lanyou Garden, which Ling Chunann opened.

Seeing Ling Chunann, although there was still a hint of distraction, Chu Anguo didn't lose his composure like last time, "Mr. Han Yu, the banquet is about to start, I am here to invite the two of you to move to the front hall."

"Okay, I'll call my master. Thank you, Mr. Chu," Ling Chunann said and then closed the door.

Three minutes later, the door opened again, Chu Anguo took a few steps forward, his face showing no displeasure from being shut out, "Master Han, please."

The dining room of the Chu family was large; at the moment, a large circular table capable of seating twenty people was almost filled, with only two seats next to the main seat remaining empty.

The main seat was occupied by Chu Qingshan, to his left was the head of the Chu family, followed by an empty seat, then several direct descendants of the Chu family, and to the right, besides two empty seats, was Zhang Jinde, followed by several celestial masters in order of seniority.

Seeing Han Fenglian arrive, everyone present stood up.

Even if they had never met Han Fenglian, they had heard his name more or less, and those who knew the secrets of the Han and Chu families were even more surprised. They hadn't expected the Chu family to invite the Han family this time; could it be that the two families were going to reconcile?

Qi Yang recognized Han Fenglian at a glance, "Master Han!"

Han Fenglian did not respond.

"Master Han, it's been a long time since we last saw you, and you're still as young as ever," Chu Qingshan then said with a smile, "Please, take a seat, why is everyone standing? Please, sit."

"You're still vigorous despite your age," Han Fenglian replied, then called to Ling Chunann, "Disciple, sit down."

Even though Ling Chunann hadn't seen it, he heard the words "vigorous despite your age" when Chu Qingshan's momentarily hidden murderous intent and the gritting of his teeth flashed by, it seems his teeth were still quite good.

However, being over a hundred years old, Chu Qingshan quickly adjusted his mood, completely concealing the brief lapse from moments ago.

As everyone took their seats, Chu Zhenguo clapped his hands to signal the servants to serve the food.

Ling Chunann didn't need to eat human food, as Han Fenglian had already fed him before they came out, so he barely touched his chopsticks.

As Han Fenglian's disciple, Ling Chunann, even without his striking appearance, was enough to draw attention. Many at the table were openly or secretly watching him, though many were still focused on Han Fenglian, who was playing verbal tai chi with Chu Qingshan. At this moment, Zhang Jinde spoke up, "Is the food not to your liking, young friend?"

"Not at all," Ling Chunann glanced at the table full of delicious food, "Thank you for your concern, elder, I'm just not hungry."

"You're still growing, young man, it's good to eat more. This rib is excellent, it's a pity if you don't try it," Zhang Jinde picked up the communal chopsticks and placed a piece of meat on Ling Chunann's plate, smiling at him.

Although the body of a zombie king could convert food into energy, Ling Chunann was

 not accustomed to eating outside food. Looking at the rib in his bowl, he picked up his chopsticks, about to dispose of it as usual, when suddenly a pair of chopsticks reached over and took it away, Han Fenglian's voice sounded, "If you don't like it, don't eat it."

This scene surprised everyone. Based on this sentence alone, they might interpret it as the Han family head not favoring this disciple, even not letting him eat dinner, but most of those present were old and wise, and they heard the doting in his tone.

Chu Qingshan broke his chopsticks on the spot, not out of anger, but shock.

Knowing that Han Fenglian was accompanied by a disciple, he was initially just surprised that the Han family head had changed his ways, finally thinking about the issue of succession. But now, it seemed not so simple.

After Han Fenglian took the meat away, he turned to Zhang Jinde, "Thank you for your concern, elder, I'm really not hungry."

"Ha ha, young friend, you're too polite, it's my fault," Zhang Jinde said.

Throughout the meal, the gazes on Ling Chunann increased, but no one dared to offer him food again. Ling Chunann calmly accepted everyone's looks. Noticing Qi Yang looking over, he gave him a big smile, which made Qi Yang blush and look away. Just when he was about to look at the next person, someone suddenly held his hand under the table—it was none other than Han Fenglian.

Qi Yang, who had just lowered his head, felt a chill run through him and couldn't help shivering.

The meal ended with everyone harboring their own thoughts. After the table was cleared, Chu Zhenguo spoke up, "Ladies and gentlemen, all of you are among the top celestial masters in the country, Chu has his respects."

"To tell you the truth, inviting you all here to my humble home was actually for the sake of my son."

"I was wondering why I hadn't seen Young Master Yang today. Master Chu, what happened to Young Master Yang?" a celestial master asked.

Chu Zhenguo sighed deeply, no longer concealing the fatigue between his brows, "My son disappeared last Friday. We have searched all over China these past few days but have not found any trace of him. It was truly a last resort to invite you all here. I hope you can lend me a hand."

"Master Chu, how can you say that? Since we have accepted your invitation, we will naturally do our best to help you find the young master," one of the guests responded.

"However, if Master Chu and the elder couldn't find him, I'm afraid we might be powerless as well, but we will do our best. May I ask, Master Chu, where was the young master last seen?"


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