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Chapter 301

This old house was rented by Ling Chunann when he was preparing to go to school; after all, he had to stick to the original script, especially the details.

Ling Chunann's appearance, once concealed, was unremarkable, and now that it was getting late, although he encountered a few residents in the neighborhood, he did not attract any attention.

Outside the neighborhood was a bus stop, under a simple bus sign a few scattered passengers stood waiting, Ling Chunann moved to one side, next to him was a young girl looking like a student, engrossed in her mobile phone, her expression revealing a good mood.

A few minutes later, bus route 287 stopped steadily in front of Ling Chunann. It was getting late and not a popular route, so the bus was quite empty.

Everyone got on the bus, the girl still engrossed in her phone. Ling Chunann glanced at her and stepped onto the bus.

Ling Chunann hadn’t taken the bus much, but he swiped his card with practiced ease, found a seat in the back by the window.

The friendly driver called out to the girl still on her phone, "Miss, are you getting on or not?"

Startled as if from a dream, the girl quickly thanked the driver, rushed to the back, and pulled out her phone again.

Ling Chunann then turned his gaze outside the window.

The bus had already started moving, followed at a discreet distance by an inconspicuous black car.

098: "Host, that is Chu Lingyang’s car. His system has hacked into the bus's surveillance. Should I create a fake image to block it?"

Knowing that Chu Lingyang was a mission participant, 098 naturally wouldn’t act rashly during Ling Chunann's actions, lest it ruin the host's plans.

"No need, let him watch."

Half an hour later, it was completely dark. The bus stopped at the city center square. The girl had gotten off at the previous stop, and the black car had driven away too. Ling Chunann checked his phone; it was 7:10 PM, ten minutes from the appointed time.

As soon as he got off the bus, Chen Yue greeted him, "Cangyu, I was about to call you. Come on, it’s a few minutes walk, Yanyan must be waiting anxiously."

Ling Chunann sidestepped the hand Chen Yue reached out, "Alright, let's go."

Chen Yue's expression dimmed momentarily but quickly adjusted, "Come on, follow me."

The North City Central Hotel was one of the best in North City, its luxurious decor elevating its style further, and its prices were exorbitant for the average person.

It was now dinner time, and the hotel's entrance was filled with people in suits and flowing dresses, speaking in soft, gentle tones. Chen Yue wore a little dress, looking exceptionally youthful and beautiful, whereas Ling Chunann in his casual clothes seemed quite out of place.

Chen Yue reported their floor and private room to the greeter, then turned to an obviously embarrassed Ling Chunann, "It’s fine, everyone here is the same. Let’s go up, dinner should be starting."


Watching his host, who was completely misleading the time traveler, 098 couldn’t help but roll its eyes—his host had seen grander scenes and wouldn’t feel embarrassed over clothes; this time traveler was too easy to fool.

"Host, the mission participant is five steps behind you; he is observing the time traveler." If he had normal intelligence, he would have figured out that Chen Yue was a time traveler.

As Chen Yue and Ling Chunann talked and walked, she didn't mind Ling Chunann's cold demeanor. When they reached the elevator, it opened just in time, and Chen Yue quickly stepped forward to hold the door, "Lucky, Cangyu, come in quickly."

Ling Chunann stepped into the elevator, followed closely by another person who moved aside, Ling Chunann didn't look up.

Chen Yue, however, took a breath, immediately recognizing the newcomer. Although she was obsessed with the antagonist's good looks and devotion, she was well-researched about the famously handsome men in the original story, including Chu Lingyang.

Chu Lingyang first appeared at Xia Lingyan’s birthday party, also arriving with the Zombie King, which was why he insisted on picking up Ling Chunann. Chu Lingyang was the heir to a family of celestial masters, highly capable. Since Cangyu had just emerged from the ancient tomb and insisted on not drinking human blood, his cultivation was definitely not as high as Chu's, posing a risk if overpowered.

But... he was really handsome! Even in a suit, his good physique and attractive adam's apple were unmistakable.

Catching a glance from the woman who was openly admiring him, Chu Lingyang subtly frowned. If this woman was a mission participant, she was far

 too stupid—perhaps it was just an act?

With this thought, Chu Lingyang became a bit more cautious, expertly hiding the murderous intent in his eyes.

As for Ling Chunann next to him, after observing along the way, Chu Lingyang didn’t find anything out of the ordinary compared to the script and relaxed his vigilance slightly.

Noticing the murderous intent Chu Lingyang harbored towards Chen Yue, Ling Chunann couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, it seemed the mission participant had misunderstood something. However, wearing big glasses and with his long bangs, no one noticed his expression.

With a ding, they reached the eighteenth floor, and the three of them stepped out of the elevator, Ling Chunann walking last.

There were twenty-six people in Archaeology Class 4 of senior year, and although Xia Lingyan had only transferred recently, she was well-liked for her good looks and temperament. When she invited, nearly everyone accepted.

The private room had three large round tables, each seating ten people. Two tables were already full, and the other seated Xia Lingyan, Qi Yang, and two others who had entered the ancient tomb with Qi Yang, the short Zhang Feng and bespectacled Gu Jing.

Zhang Feng glanced at the door, "Qi Yang, didn’t Xiaoyue say she’d be up in a few minutes? Why has it taken so long? I’m starving."

Qi Yang said, "The appointment was for 7:20, and it's now 7:18, what’s the rush?"

Gu Jing interjected, "Cangyu is a guy, why does a girl need to fetch him? I tell you, Xiaoyue is just too nice."

Xia Lingyan also looked towards the door, "My cousin said he would come today too, he messaged me just now that he’s downstairs, they should arrive together."

Zhang Feng touched the obviously high-end tablecloth, clicking his tongue in admiration, "Say, goddess, what does your family do? I heard that eating here costs as much as a year's living expenses for an ordinary family outside."

"We run a small business," Xia Lingyan said with a smile.

A small business that could afford such a fancy hotel? Others at the table who heard this answer were also surprised, and their impression of Xia Lingyan rose several notches.

See, this is why she’s the goddess! Good looks, good family background, yet humble.

Amid the flattery of others, the door to the private room was pushed open right on time at 7:20. Chu Lingyang entered first, followed by Chen Yue and Ling Chunann.

"Cousin!" Xia Lingyan stood up to pull Chu Lingyang to sit next to her, then called Chen Yue and Ling Chunann to sit down.

Chu Lingyang softened his expression a bit, "Xiaoyan, happy birthday." He then took out a small box, "This is your gift."

"Thank you, cousin!" Xia Lingyan was beaming, not hiding her joy at all.

"Open it and see."

Xia Lingyan did, and her eyes immediately lit up, "Wow! It’s a new piece by Master Carlo! Bro, you’re the best!"

Master Carlo was an internationally renowned watchmaker who released a new design every three years, limited to a hundred pieces each, each selling at astronomical prices. Even though Xia Lingyan’s family was well-off, securing one was not guaranteed, hence her excitement.

The others present had also heard of Master Carlo’s renown, and the chance to see one of his legendary expensive watches up close sent excited looks towards Chu Lingyang.

Who doesn’t like a wealthy, handsome man?

"By the way, Cangyu, did you bring a gift for Xia Lingyan?" Gu Jing said then, "I see you often sneak looks at Xia Lingyan, you must like her, right? You didn’t forget to bring a gift, did you?"

Gu Jing's voice was not low; now that the waiters were serving dishes, almost no one else was talking, his words immediately shifted everyone’s attention to Ling Chunann.

After Chu Lingyang’s earlier stimulation, the looks now turned towards Ling Chunann carried a bit more scrutiny; his ordinary clothes couldn’t compare to Chu Lingyang’s specially designed suit, his ordinary appearance also couldn’t compare to Chu Lingyang’s handsome features.

"Forget it, what good gift could he possibly bring?"

"What? Our melancholic little prince likes Xia Lingyan?"

"You can tell he’s just a poor kid, I remember his registered address was in a dirty and chaotic neighborhood in the old city."


"Why are you people like this?!" Chen Yue slammed the table and stood up, "Gu Jing! What has Cangyu done to you to deserve this, and the rest of you!" She pointed one by one at those who had just spoken sarcastically about Ling Chunann, "Just know how to talk about others, which

 of you dare admit you don’t like Xia Lingyan? And what gifts did you bring? Show me! Stop being so sneaky, it’s disgusting."

Seeing those rebuked by Chen Yue turning red, Xia Lingyan began to smooth things over, "Alright, I’m just happy everyone could come, I don’t want us to spoil the mood over me, Xiaoyue, please sit down."

Ling Chunann maintained his interested observer facade, Chen Yue's defense was somewhat unexpected, and Chu Lingyang's behavior was even more intriguing.

Following normal mission participant reasoning, after such a commotion by Chen Yue, it should be easy to discern that Chen Yue was not a mission participant, but rather a time traveler. Yet, Chu Lingyang was different—his murderous intent towards Chen Yue deepened.

However, because of Chen Yue’s table-slamming action, Ling Chunann’s gift was not given.

Of course, Ling Chunann hadn’t planned to give a gift to Xia Lingyan in the first place, even without Chen Yue’s intervention, he would have created some accident.

In the original text, the Zombie King gave Xia Lingyan a jade pendant he had carried for thousands of years, which was a protective talisman. Once Xia Lingyan took it, it was taken by Chu Lingyang, who also recognized the Zombie King’s identity.

Now, the jade pendant had already been taken by that shameless man as a token of engagement, of course, he had given him something better. Ling Chunann touched the smooth ring on his left thumb, his gaze softened a bit.

The displeasure soon dispersed, and dinner began, ending up quite joyful for everyone.

Xia Lingyan was busy talking to Chu Lingyang throughout, aside from Chen Yue and Qi Yang who occasionally spoke to Ling Chunann, others rarely interacted with him, and no one noticed that he hadn’t eaten anything.

After dinner, the young people made a ruckus for a while, and it was almost midnight when Ling Chunann had 098 send a text message to Han Fenglian, then slowly walked out of the hotel.

"Host, Chu Lingyang is following Chen Yue."


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